• ベストアンサー




違ってたらごめんなさい。ええと、be drawn on= depend onと考えていいと思うので、そうすると動詞の訳は「主語は目的語に基づく」となりますよね。でこの場合はnotで否定されているので、whether節の「~どうか」には基づかない、つまりシューマッハがドットとともにいるかどうかは関係ないと言っていると思います。 butはこの部分の訳には影響しないんじゃないんですか。 littelですがこれはa littleならば肯定の意味で少しシューマッハについて言及したとなり、今回はaがついてないので、ほとんど言及しなかったとなります。 ちなみに本文のwantsはwantedのような気がするんですけど。違ってたらすいません。


  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。購入ページに下記の注意書きがありました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?これってブロガー用の宣伝ページでしょうか? Thank you for your work. We look forward seeing your growth. Regarding paid advertising, all countries differ, but the normal increase should be USD 0= 0 like. So if you spend $0, you should be getting 0 likes. I feel your figure is little low but not to low. But again, every country is different. As long as your agency is trustworthy, it's OK. Thank you. Well noted in AAA. One thing I want to emphasize is the bloggers are more powerful to increase your likes and followers. Please hire Fashion bloggers to promote the brand. In USA, we give free AAA and some money (for top tier bloggers $200/month). Bloggers us cheaper and faster way to increase your likes and followers. 1. But when you post, besides our official hashtag(#), use many other hashtag, too, that describes your posting such as: #AAA #AAA #AAAA, #tAAA, etc. Please ask someone that knows about hashtag of its purpose. 2. Also, please use "repost" when you use pictures other than corporate's one. This gives credit to the original creator of posting 3. Please tag the blogger from that you are using so blogger's fans will follow you. All of the above can be explained to you if you ask someone that is knowledgeable about AAA

  • F1についての英文:訳が・・・

    4月末のF1サンマリノGPで、 ミハエル・シューマッハがアイルトン・セナを破って 通算ポールポジション獲得最多記録を打ち立てたときの 英文記事なのですが、 F1の知識が足りないためかわからない部分があります。 ミハエル・シューマッハが、アイルトンセナ・セナの記録を破って通算66回のポールポジション獲得最多記録を打ち立てた、という文章に続いて、 「Shumacher's Bridgestone-shod 248 F1 looked especially well hooked up as he stopped the clocks with a 1:22:795s,nearly two-tenths clear of the field.」 という文章になるのですが。。。 特に後方の、「nearly two-tenths clear of the field」 という部分が何のことなのかさっぱりわからないので全体の意味がつかめず、困っています。 F1の知識もあって、英語訳に強い方、どうか教えてください! よろしくお願いします!

  • 英文チェックお願いします!!

    英語の文章を考えたのですが、どうも文法がおかしいところがあるような気がします。まだ途中なのですが、チェックをお願いします。 My favorite sport is basketball. I have played basketball for seven years. I learned many things of basketball. At first I learned “an effort and don’t give up mind” When I started playing basketball, I was not fast run other player. But I was effort little by little at elementary school. I became early than before now to run. I know that an effort and don’t give up were very important. Next, I learned by leadership. I was a captain by basketball club in junior high school. When I became a captain, there was worried. And I knew difficulty that awareness as a leader of a team gathered up a sprouting team while I practiced it. The basketball club was strong team work. Try hard serious basketball. And I played basketball well. I understood that very important with a leader “I must move at first!” When I knew it, I decide to move positively and build a relationship of mutual trust with a friend and thank that I was able to cooperate. As a result, it was able to be collected in a team. I was able to learn the leadership through club activities. I learned to cooperation as team. And I understood that it can’t only one.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    Austria's army had since then longed to achieve these strategic prizes and force Italy into an armistice. Straußenburg's army group commanders, Conrad von Hötzendorf (the former Austrian Chief of Staff) and Svetozar Boroević von Bojna, both wished to make a decisive assault against the Italians, but could not agree about the location of the attack. Conrad wanted an attack from the South Tyrolean Alps towards the Asiago Plateau and Vicenza. Boroević first favored a defensive action, but then when pressed preferred a frontal attack along the Piave River. Straußenburg himself was in favour of an attack on the western part of the front (the "Giudicarie" sector) leading to Brescia. Conrad and Boroević had a dislike for each other, and Straußenburg and the emperor, unable to decide between these two strong personalities, divided the army equally between them, reserving only a small part of the forces for a diversionary action on the Giudicarie sector. The preparation of the offensive began in February 1918, after a meeting in Bolzano between the Austrian and German high commands. It was strongly recommended by the Germans, as Ludendorff hoped that it could force the increasing American forces in France to be diverted to the Italian front, so Straußenburg modeled the attack after Erich Ludendorff's offensive on the Western Front. The Austro-Hungarians, differently from their previous success at Caporetto and from the subsequent attempts to breakthrough on Monte Grappa, did not prepare the attack as a pinpoint one, but as an all-out frontal attack, employing the entire residual strength of their army all along the front. The Austro-Hungarian formations were trained to employ the tactics developed by the Germans on the Western Front for Operation Michael, as Austrian officers returning from the Eastern Front were extensively trained alongside their German counterparts. There were also innovations on the Italian side. Analyzing the defeat of Caporetto, the staff of Armando Diaz concluded that the main tactical causes of it were the lack of mobility of Italian units, caught in a too rigid defensive scheme, the too centralized command and control system, and the lack of depth of Italian defences, where too many soldiers were simply stuck on the frontline. The new schemes prepared for the battle led to the abolition of the continuous entrenchment and in the development of a highly mobile defence system, in which even the smaller units were allowed to freely move between previously recognized strongpoints, independently decide to retreat or counterattack, or directly call the support of the artillery.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Weiland also discussed Grunge, “People called it Grunge, but it wasn't Grunge…it was going on everywhere.” Weiland seemed to be talking about how Seattle gets the most attention when it comes to the Grunge era. chloesdad said on BelowEmpty.com regarding Weiland's rants, “Definitely went on rants that made little to no sense.” ※ 『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

  • 英文記事の訳の続き

    お世話になっております。 昨日の英文記事についてですが、下記の英文内の"so that..."以降をうまく訳したいのですが、どう訳せばよいでしょうか。 ご回答よろしくお願いいたします。 There needs to be a breakthrough to the battery technology so that the EV becomes a viable alternative to existing vehicles.

  • 英文記事の訳の確認

    お世話になっておりますm(__)m 次の三菱の電気自動車に関する英文記事を訳したのですが、表現や用語選択などが適切かどうかどなたかご確認いただけますでしょうか? 下手なところや、分かりづらいところなどございましたら、厳しく指導してやってください(;^^) 原文 As Japan's top automakers, Toyota and Honda, battle it out for supremacy in the hybrid car market, Japan's smaller car companies are taking a different eco-car road. Mitsubishi Motors on June 5 presented its zero-emissions i-MiEV ― Japan's first fully electric vehicle (EV) for the global market. Production of the egg-shaped vehicle, which has a range of 99 miles (160 km) on a single charge, kicked off this week; fleet sales will start in Japan next month and the car is expected to reach U.S. buyers by the end of next year. Tooting its own horn, Mitsubishi is calling the new i-MiEV "a pioneer to open the door to the next 100 years." 訳文 日本の自動車大手、トヨタとホンダが、ハイブリッド自動車市場で覇権争いをしている中で、日本の中小自動車会社はそれとは異なるエコカーの開発を進めている。三菱自動車は、6 月 5 に、日本初の完全電気自動車(EV)となるゼロエミッション車 i-MiEV を世界市場向けに発表した。この卵型の電気自動車は、1 回の充電で 99マイル(160 km)の走行が可能。今週量産が始まり、日本での一斉販売は来月を予定している。また、来年度末には米国での販売が開始される予定。三菱自動車は、この新型の i-MiEV を「次の100年の扉を開くパイオニアになる。」と自負している。

  • 【かなり急いでおります】ビジネス英文メールのご添削

    一個前の質問の続きなのですが、 英文メール(1)に対する返信として(2)の英文メールを考えたのですが、おかしな箇所や丁寧にした方が良い部分がありましたら訂正をお願いいたしますm(_ _)m ※(1)は弊社から人材を派遣している企業からきた英文メールです。 (1)We are thinking to give TANAKA JPY10,000yen worth of spot award in near future. He led one of our big project early this year and worked hard to lead my team to complete the tasks. As a result, we want to give him spot award and recognize his great work. Is it possible to give him its amount via your paycheck and charge through invoice to us? We want to make sure He receives exact amount in his pocket, without your commission fee. (It is ok to charge your fee to us, but not to him please) (I will let you know when spot award will be available) 我々は田中君に特別な賞与として近日中に1万円支払いたい。 彼は今年初めにビックプロジェクトを牽引しチームが業務を遂行するために大変良く働いてくれた。 この成果に対し彼に特別賞与を与え、偉大な仕事ぶりを賞賛したい。 そこで、御社から給与を通じて彼に総額を支払っていただき,請求書を通じて我々にその分を請求してもらうことは可能か? 我々は諸経費を差し引くこと無く,彼に総額一万円を渡したい。(彼には諸経費を請求せず,経費については私どもに請求してほしい) (賞与の準備が整ったら改めてお知らせする) (2) Thank you for your patronage. We appreciate that you have appraued our staff Tanaka. Regarding the spot award, I have understand . Also, regarding your question, it is possible that you give him amount via our paycheck and charge through invoice to you. We will charge our fee to only you. We are hearing from you again when spot award will be available. Best regards,

  • be yet to be p.p. = is not yet p.p. とは同じ意味?

    研究者 Lighthouseのyetの見出しで次の例文がありました。 The time is yet to come. ・・・その時はまだ来ていない。 (株)アイシーピー発行のDuo 3.0の例文で We exchanged frank opinions in the meeting, but consensus is yet to be reached regarding this matter. ・・・~~この件に関してはまだ全体の意見がまとまらない。 そこでbe yet toに関して質問ですが,is not yet p.p.とは意味がどの様に違うでしょうか? 例えば; The part is yet to be broken.--(a) The part is not yet broken. ---(b) 私の今の理解では,この部品は現時点では壊れておらず,今後壊れるかもしれない。 と言うように捕らえるのですが,実際には(a)と(b)ではどの様に違うのでしょうか? また使い分けがあればご教示お願いします。

  • 英文の添削をお願い致します。

    Spooks: The Greater Good あまり情報がなかったのですが、少しやってみてMI5 CIAの絡むスパイ映画です。重要な囚人を護送してる時に襲われます。それを本部と現場の護衛チームが 守るという設定のようです。 1 - Air Traffic Control to Police 251,divert to new coordinates. 5-1-7-7-7-9-4. こちら航空管制 警察251へ 新しい座標に迂回する  5-1-7-7-7-9-4 3 - I spy with my little eye something beginning with R. Rで始まるものを見つけないと... 6 - London Control, the package was s'posed to be in CIA custody ... - ロンドン支部 小包はCIAが保護したと装ったもよう... 9 - Good job our guest's not in a hurry. 我々の客が急いでなくって良かった 10 - Traffic Tower says they'll be moving within 8 minutes. 交通タワーは8分以内に動きだすと言ってる 11 - The Home Office cupboards are bare. - ホームオフィスの棚はむき出しです 12 - Perhaps we can put on a telethon - 恐らくテレソンに連れて行ける .- Claws away. - 廃止された 15 - By a police emergency. - 警察の緊急事態で - You can overrule, but you'll need to issue an executive countermand. - 却下できるが行政府の公表を撤回しないと 16 - Do it. - やれ - How soon before we get it back? - どのくらい早く取り戻せる? 17 - Under 10 minutes. - 10分未満 - Something's gotta be done. - 何とか終わらせるんだ 18 - At the moment it's just not viable.And the Americans know it too. 今のところ実行可能とは思えないアメリカ人も知ってる