
  • アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。購入ページに下記の注意書きがありました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?これってブロガー用の宣伝ページでしょうか?
  • Thank you for your work. We look forward seeing your growth. Regarding paid advertising, all countries differ, but the normal increase should be USD 0= 0 like. So if you spend $0, you should be getting 0 likes. I feel your figure is little low but not to low. But again, every country is different. As long as your agency is trustworthy, it's OK. Thank you. Well noted in AAA.
  • One thing I want to emphasize is the bloggers are more powerful to increase your likes and followers. Please hire Fashion bloggers to promote the brand. In USA, we give free AAA and some money (for top tier bloggers $200/month). Bloggers us cheaper and faster way to increase your likes and followers. But when you post, besides our official hashtag(#), use many other hashtag, too, that describes your posting such as: #AAA #AAA #AAAA, #tAAA, etc. Please ask someone that knows about hashtag of its purpose. Also, please use 'repost' when you use pictures other than corporate's one. This gives credit to the original creator of posting. Please tag the blogger from that you are using so blogger's fans will follow you. All of the above can be explained to you if you ask someone that is knowledgeable about AAA.
  • ベストアンサー


アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。購入ページに下記の注意書きがありました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?これってブロガー用の宣伝ページでしょうか? Thank you for your work. We look forward seeing your growth. Regarding paid advertising, all countries differ, but the normal increase should be USD 0= 0 like. So if you spend $0, you should be getting 0 likes. I feel your figure is little low but not to low. But again, every country is different. As long as your agency is trustworthy, it's OK. Thank you. Well noted in AAA. One thing I want to emphasize is the bloggers are more powerful to increase your likes and followers. Please hire Fashion bloggers to promote the brand. In USA, we give free AAA and some money (for top tier bloggers $200/month). Bloggers us cheaper and faster way to increase your likes and followers. 1. But when you post, besides our official hashtag(#), use many other hashtag, too, that describes your posting such as: #AAA #AAA #AAAA, #tAAA, etc. Please ask someone that knows about hashtag of its purpose. 2. Also, please use "repost" when you use pictures other than corporate's one. This gives credit to the original creator of posting 3. Please tag the blogger from that you are using so blogger's fans will follow you. All of the above can be explained to you if you ask someone that is knowledgeable about AAA

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 お仕事ありがとうございます。ご成長をたのしみにしております。  有料広告の件、国々でみんな違います。が、通常の増加は、アメリカドル0=0で、0ドル払えば0ドルの価値を得ます。あなたの額は低めですが、低すぎることはないと思います。その国で違います。信用できる代理店なら大丈夫です。ありがとうございます。AAA、よくわかりました。  一つ強調しておきたいことは、ブロガーは、以前にも増して顧客やフォロワーを増やす力があるということです。御社のブランド広告のためブロガーを雇うことをお勧めします。アメリカでは無料の AAA を渡し(トップのブロガーには月200ドルも)金を払っています。あなたの顧客やフォロワーを増やす方法として、ブロガーは安くて早い方法です。 1。しかし我々公式のハッシタグ(#)以外で掲示なさる場合は、 #AAA, #tAAAA、 #AAA #AAA, などの説明のために多くのハッシタグを使ってください。使い方は、ハッシタグに詳しい人に聞いてください。 2。また会社以外の写真を使う場合は「リポースト(再掲載)」を使ってください。そうすれば創作者がまず掲載したものというクレジットを明記することになります。 3。ブロガーのファンやフォロワーがあなたについてくるようにあなたが依頼してブロガーに書かせていることを明記してください。  以上の全てはAAA について知識のある人に説明を聞いてください。

その他の回答 (1)

  • 16530
  • ベストアンサー率47% (260/542)

これは宣伝ページではなく、誰かからの問い合わせに対しての返事のようです。予め用意されたFAQのようにも見えず、QAのページに紛れ込んでしまったか、ショップサイトが何らかのミスでご掲載したとしか思えません。 と言うことで、購入には関係ないので、回答はここまでで良いと思いますが、一応内容をさくっと説明するとどうもこう言う背景がありそうです。 質問者A サービスまたは商品の販売をやっていると思われる。 Agency おそらくAの宣伝活動を請け負っている 回答者B 文を書いた人 Aはオンライン広告にお金を払っているのにLike 👍 (Aの商品・サービスの評価。あるいは拡散力。)がなかなか上がらないので質問しているような感じ。それに対して、BはAが払ったお金に対してLikeの上がり方は低いものの、国ごとに状況が違うので一概には言えないし、低すぎると言うわけでもないと言っています。Agencyと言っているのはおそらくオンライン広告をどこに掲載するかを割り振っているようなオンラインサービス(googleのAdWordsみたいな)。 そっから先は、どうやったらLikeを効果的にあげられるかと言う簡単な指南が書いてあってその中に、影響力のあるブロガーを使えと言うことも出てきます。


  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    下記の英文の意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 How is your new years? Hope you had wonderful day. From this is year I became a ecommerce supervisor and AAA went to sales as VP of sales. I just wanted to inform you with couple of things. 1st our price will go up starting from February 1st. 2nd we would like to see more activities on Facebook page to increase facebook likes. Please let us know what can we help you to increase facebook likes.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい

    英語圏の取引先から下記のようなメールが来ました。相手とはフェイスブックのアカウントとホームページの件で話し合いをしていました。フェイスブックとホームページの作成の事だと思います。なんとなくはわかりましたがすみませんが詳しい方教えて下さい。お願いします。 First please like this facebook page and we will add you as an admin. http://facebook.com/00000japan From my understanding point you are free to add or update any contents (anything about 会社名) on your facebook and you are also free to translate our facebook pages and use it. Second here is your FTP access information. Url: 222222 Id: 111111 Pass: 0000 Third I understand that making a web site takes time and a lot of money, but nowadays there is a lot of free solution that you can use to build. Here I’ll list some of them but if you can find anything that’s better for you please use them. https://wordpress.com/ http://www.weebly.com/ http://www.squarespace.com/ At last you mentioned “Is it possible to share the website as well as stock?” Can you please explain more about this? Hope to hear it from you soon. Thank you

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップでレゴみたいなパーツを沢山購入予定です。相手に注文をしたのですがその事で返事が来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願い致します。 I have done the estimate for you and I was able to keep the 5% off retail, the AAA in the chart below are ready to ship, but the other AAA will take about 15 days (maybe sooner) as we need to order them from our factory. The shipping price is based off of one shipment in about 2 or less days from payment. If you want to break them up we can do that as well, just let me know, the shipping costs will be higher. Can you please confirm the 2 points below about the lift off AAA and the BBB. There is one AAA that we need to reorder but they no long do the CCC just the all black , here is the a photo below. The only AAA that we need to reorder that we can’t do your 3 pieces is the lift off DDD, the minimum order quantity is 10 pcs, but I can give you a good price of $8 which is 5% off retail plus shipping, if you are interested let me know and I can adjust the invoice.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    フェイスブックフレンドから下記のようなメールがきました。なんとなくはわかりましたがすみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Hi AAA. All ok? Happy new year. What is your mobile #? Also try to increase your Facebook likes

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入する予定です。そこはライセンスなどが必要なお店でその事で質問をしていました。返事がきたんですがちょっと意味がわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 We apologize for the previous email response; however, request to use AAA and Divisional logos for resale for private use must be addressed by AAA Equity Management. We apologize, but there is not a direct email address for this department, please call 000-000-000 for further assistance. The correct email address is http://www.com this is to locate dealerships within the United States. They are unable to assist with your request.

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しようとしていますが、なぜかログインできません。エラー画面になります。そのことを相手に伝えてたら4つの返信が来ました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。 that is so strange, I just ran through it and it seemed fine. Can you please resubmit it, there may be a chance you need to re-register on the site under a new email, sorry about this, I’m not quite sure what happened but I assure you this is not normal, I am so sorry but I can’t get the order together without the office and the shipping department, I am so sorry but ordering online should be the fastest I think you may need to sing up as a regular customer with the below link, you may need to use a different email, but you can use 00050 and get 50% off your entire order. Can you prepare this for me and confirm it is in stock. I went ahead and sent you the invoice I applied the 50% off and the invoice, the office will close in a few hours so if you can pay now that would be great if not there may be a week wait. But if you pay first we can reserve the AAA as many of these AAA are very popular. Thank you again! Please confirm your shipping address and phone number once you have submitted payment.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    仕事の出張で英語圏の国に先週行ってきました。相手のウェブサイトを聞き忘れたので先ほどメールで伝えました。返事が来たんですがいまいち意味がわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Very good to hear that your stay was wonderful and educational as we have learned little bit more about your business as well as the market and culture in Japan. As discussed our meetings will have benefits and opportunity to learn about each other and collaborate even more to increase our Japan presence and business. I will be addressing all of what we had discussed in the next couple of weeks but meanwhile for the website, what platform will you be using. Here at AAA, we use Magento platform, if you use the same platform it will be easier to transfer the contents from ours so you might want to consult with your website professional. Once again, thank you for visiting us and hoping the best for our new beginning.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。届いたら不良品で返金か交換のお願いをしていました。その件で返事が来たのですがすみませんが意味を教えて下さい。 thank you for your patience and understanding, please know you can email me about any issues, I will personally follow your account. As for the 3 damaged AAA they are older so I am sorry we should of checked them before we ship them out to you. If there are any imperfections we will email you first for approval. Most of our AAA are new and we have some AAA that are older but for the most part this should not happen again. I can offer you several options, please let me know and if you can think of a better solution. - We refund you $BBBB USD for the bags and you can keep them and discount them. You can send it back ( we will refund you back the cost for economy shipping ) we credit you back the amount for the AAA and shipping and you can choose other AAA and we will give you 3 free CCC of your choice

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。発送完了のメールがきましたがいまいち意味がわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I am so sorry about the delay you experienced with your order. your order has been shipped via FedEx and the tracking is AAAA, you should be able to track it shortly. Also we have shipped to you a アイテム名(0000 value) with your order. We hope that you enjoy your purchase and you will come back soon. Thank you for your support and please let us know if you have any additional questions, thanks. Hi I priced it at $AAA aアイテム名 I think that should be fine, I’ll let you know if any problems, thanks again!

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    仕事関係で英語圏からメールが来ました。普段は日本人スタッフがいるんですが急なメールでったみたいで英語で来ました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Sorry for the late reply… I was caught up with follow ups after the 〇○week(〇〇 show) and here is answer for your questions. 1. I already talked to our IT company to made you a admin on facebook.com/0000japan but I did not get the confirmation yet. (I’ll make this happen by tomorrow) And yes we’ll give you full support on this. 2. If you have any problems just let us know. 3. It is ok to dedicated homepage for 会社名 in a similar style (http://0000/index.html) But before you do any purchase on domain please let us know which domain is available to use and after that we will give you full support on it. I think it is ok to link third shops on your sites to maximize your sales as far as advertising it. I’ll update more information tomorrow and some of Style XXX Show pictures.