• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

1についてですが、 「作文でいろんなところで多くのミスをおかしている」という文脈から、「注意する量を増やしいろんな所に目を向けなさい」ととるのが自然なので、much attentionとして、attentionを修飾する形容詞扱いがよいと思われます。 pay attention as much as possible であれば、muchが副詞扱いでpayという行為を強めるものとなるので、「注意量を増やす」というより、「注意するという行為を強める」となり、文脈に沿いにくいものとなると思われます。



詳しい説明ありがおうごさいます。 よくわかりました。


  • 添削お願いします

    久しぶりですが添削をお願いします。 問題 「日本の学校教育をよりよくするために、あなたはどのような提案をしたいか」(70語程度) 回答 [We should reduce the number of students in every classroom by half. Now there are about forty students in one class, but it is difficult for one teacher to be charged with all the students. If the class size became smaller, there would be great benefits for students and teachers. Each pupil would get more individualized attention, and the relationship between students and teachers would be closer. I believe we could even put a stop to bullying.] 訳 「私たちはクラスごとの生徒の人数を半分に減らすべきである。現在、クラスの生徒数は約40人である。しかし1人の先生にすべての生徒がゆだねられるのは困難である。もしクラスの規模がもっと小さくなったら、先生と生徒に大きな利益があるだろう。それぞれの生徒がより個々な注意が向けられて、先生と生徒の関係がより近く近くなるだろう。私はいじめをやめさせることさえできると信じている。」 おねがいします。

  • 英訳アドバイスと訂正おねがいいたします!!;)

    英語がちゃんと話せなくてごめんなさい。 もっとちゃんとあなたと話せるようになりたいです。 私が○○にいくときまでには、きっともっと上達しているようにするから、どうか根気よく(辛抱強く)私をまっててくださいね。 英語の勉強がんばるよ!! というようなニュアンスで伝えたいです。訂正とアドバイスぜひぜひおねがいいたします!!! sorry that I wasn't speak english well.   (I wasn't able to speak ~のほうが良いでしょうか?) I wanna be able to talk with you more. I'll improve my english by the time when I get to ○○. (~by the time when we meet in ○○の方がよいでしょうか?) please wait in patience for me as you can as possible. I'll try my best to study english. むずかしぃー!!

  • この英文の訳を教えて頂きたいのですが・・・

    They are involved in the students' behavioral, social, and academic development, helping the students develop emotionally, feel comfortable in social situations, and be aware of socially acceptable behavior. この英文の訳をどなたか教えていただけませんか(>д<;)

  • 長文の問題

    How should homework be, according to the author?という質問にどのように答えればいいのでしょうか?下に書いてあるのは本文です。(これが、すべての文です。) Good teachers must love the subject which they teach,and they must like the people whom they teach.A part from that,teachers need to have clear goals for the students so that they can prepare lively and interesting lessons. Teachers should come to class on time and use all the time to the full. Homework should be a stimulus and not too long. Teachers should take, mark and give back homework promptly. They need to keep up with developments in their field. so their teaching does not become old-fash-ioned.Above all.teachers should remember that goal is for students to learn. After all. a student without a teacher might be possible. but a teacher with no students can only talk to an empty room.

  • フランス革命に関する英文の和訳

    ジャン=ポール・マラーの英語紹介文です。 He was in part responsible for the more radical course the Revolution had taken through his role as a politician and journalist. の和訳を教えてください。 "be in part responsible for~" は「~を担当する」でしょうか。 " the more radical course the Revolution" はフランス革命に詳しくないと訳しにくくて悩んでます。その後に続く "had taken through his role as a politician and journalist" は「政治家及びジャーナリストとしての役職を通じて得た」と属する派閥を修飾しているのでしょうか。

  • 英語問題

    2つの文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように、比較級をつかって英文を完成させる。 1My mother isn't as tall as I am. →I[              ] 2The other dentist isn't as good as vou. →You[             ] 3I don't know as many English idioms as you do. →You[             ] 4Tom can't swim as fast as Jim. →Jim[             ] 英語になおす 1カオリはアヤカと同じくらいピアノが上手です。 2私は姉よりたくさんのCDを持っています。 3もっと早く歩かないと、私達は学校に遅刻しますよ。 (~に遅刻する be late for~) 4もう少しコーヒーをいかがですか。 (もう少し~ some more ~) 英文完成 僕は大都会がいぃ。都会の生活のほうが刺激的だから I like living in a city [ ] because city life is [ ] exciting. 私は田舎。都会よりも星をたくさん見ることができるから I like living in the country [ ]. The reason is that we can see [ ] stars in the country [ ] in the city. 都会がいい。たくさんの人に会える機会が多いから I'm [ ] interested in city life [ ] in country life. There are [ ] opportunities to meet many people in the city.

  • 英語:準動詞の問題をご教示いただけませんでしょうか

    急ぎのお願いで申し訳ありませんが、ご教示いただけませんでしょうか。 なぜその答えになるのか、簡単でよいので理由も書いていただけると大変助かります。 <穴埋めです> 1.We'll take the freeway to the airport ( ) to avoid the heavy traffic in the town center. (1)in case(2)so that(3)in order(4)as 2.( )a note on a piece of paper,Eric quickly handed it to the person next to him. (1)Write(2)Writing(3)Wrote(4)Written 3.I'll be glad ( ) whenever you need me. (1)helping you(2)of helping you(3)to helping you(4)to help you 4.( )his money,John was not able to pay for lunch. (1)Have lost(2)Having lost(3)He lost(4)Lost 5.We felt the earth ( ) under our feet. (1)shakes(2)shake(3)shaked(4)shook 6.Much to our surprise,he felt ( ) with the concert that evening. (1)bore(2)boring(3)bored(4)boringly 7.Fireworks are said to ( ) in the 13th century. (1)invent(2)be invented(3)have invented(4)have been invented 8.My teacher ( ) us to finish up the paper by next week. (1)made(2)had(3)told(4)let 9.The football game on TV made me so ( ) that I could not remain seated. (1)excite(2)exciting(3)excited(4)to excite 10.She believes ( ) innocent. (1)for him to be(2)him to be(3)who he is(4)if he were <並べかえです> 1.これをするにあたっては、きわめて注意深くせねばならない You must (careful/doing/be/in/most)this. 2.学生が何人かその建物から出てくるのが見えた I (students/some/out of/saw/walking)the building. 3.彼のお父さんは金持ちだったようです (appears/been/his father/have/rich/to) 4.アメリカで勉強させてくださいと母に頼みました(1語不要) I asked my (study/to/allow/me/let/mother)in the United States. 5.Do (a final decision/more information/you/to make/need)? お手数おかけしますが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 誤りの箇所の番号を答えよ。という問題です。

    He is (1)( as able), (2) (if not abler than), I, so I really think he should also (3) (be asked) to participate (4) (in) the project. この問題の解答は(1)で、その説明が、「本来 He is as able as I. とすべきところに if not abler than I が挿入された形。したがって、able の次に as を補 うべき」とありますが、He is as able, で普通日常は 通じますよね。皆さんはどうお考えになりますか?な お able 「有能な」は abler も more able もどちら も有りです(G大より)。

  • 和訳

     和訳をお願いします。 良く分からなかった箇所や上手く訳せていなかった部分がありました。( )内も、間違ったものを選択して訳した場合もあるので、お願いします。 スペルには気を付けましたが、もしございましたらすみません。    Shown a photograph, North American students of European background paid more attention to the object in the foreground of a scene, (A) students from China spent more time studying the background and talking in the whole scene, according to researchers at the University of Michigan.  Researchers led by Hannah-Faye Chua and Richard Nisbett tracked the eye movements of the studentsー25 European Americans and 27 native Chineseーto determine where they looked in a picture and how long they focused on a particular area.  “They literally are seeing the world differently,” said Nisbett, with Westerners focusing on objects and Asians talking in more context to view a scene as a whole. He believes the differences are cultural.  “Asians live in more socially complicated world than we do,” he said in an interview. “They have to pay more attention to others than we do. We are individualists.” The key thing in Chinese culture is harmony, Nisbett said, while in the west the sky is finding ways to get things done, (B).  And that, he said, goes back to the ecology and economy of thousands of years ago. In ancient China, farmers developed a system of irrigated agriculture, Nisbett said, in which farmers had to get along (C) each other to share water and make sure no one cheated. This is especially the case in rice farming, he said.  Western attitudes, (D), developed in ancient Greece where more smallholders ran individual farms, operating like individual businessmen. Thus, differences in perception go back at least 2000 years, he said.  He illustrated this by asking Japanese and Americans to look at pictures of underwater scenes and report what they saw.  The Americans would go straight for the brightest or most rapidly moving object, he said, such as three trout swimming. The Japanese were more likely to say they saw a stream, the water was green, there were rocks on bottom and then mention the fish.  The Japanese gave 60 percent more information on the background than the Americans and twice as much about the background-foreground object relationships. (A) 1because 2while 3since 4after (C) 1at 2to 3with 4in (D) 1after all 2once in a while 3on the other hand 4as a whole (B) 1paying much attention to others 2focusing on group welfare rather than their own welfare 3paying less attention to others 4focusing on harmony

  • 和訳をお願いします

    この文の和訳はどうなりますか。よろしくお願いします。 If I am ever free, I will be more than happy to take part and helping out where ever.