
  • フランス革命に関連する英文の和訳を教えてください。
  • ジャン=ポール・マラーの英語紹介文の和訳をお願いします。
  • マラーは政治家やジャーナリストとしての役割を通じて、革命がより過激な方向を取った一因を担っていました。
  • ベストアンサー


ジャン=ポール・マラーの英語紹介文です。 He was in part responsible for the more radical course the Revolution had taken through his role as a politician and journalist. の和訳を教えてください。 "be in part responsible for~" は「~を担当する」でしょうか。 " the more radical course the Revolution" はフランス革命に詳しくないと訳しにくくて悩んでます。その後に続く "had taken through his role as a politician and journalist" は「政治家及びジャーナリストとしての役職を通じて得た」と属する派閥を修飾しているのでしょうか。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

「彼は政治家として、そしてジャーナリストとしての彼の役割を通してフランス革命がたどったより過激な道筋対し部分的な責任をおっていた。」 > "be in part responsible for~" は「~を担当する」でしょうか。 in partは副詞的に「一部分、部分的に~する」 responsibleはこの文脈だと担当すると言うよりは責任を負っている。 > " the more radical course the Revolution" はフランス革命に詳しくないと訳しにくくて悩んでます。 フランス革命は王政を倒してからも過激な理想を追い求める派閥が引っ張って革命を深めていきました。当然その中には対立者間の暗殺、処刑などが行われていました。 > その後に続く "had taken through his role as a politician and journalist" は「政治家及びジャーナリストとしての役職を通じて得をより過激なた」と属する派閥を修飾しているのでしょうか。 was in part responsible through his role as a politician and journalist で彼がどう言う形で責任を負ったのか。 through ~ で ~を通して 何に対しての責任かと言うと responsible for the more radical course (which) the Revolution had taken 文の切れ目にご注意





  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    he was worried because all of his life he had believed in communication through letters and books, conversation and teaching, and now his world had become divided on issues such as religion governance and even scholarship - so divided that any discourse seemed impossible. 構文が取れず訳すことができません。all of his life の部分にあたるvは何でしょうか

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 内容的にまだ続いてる感じだと思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Yet he had a fairly happy family life and childhood. Background and family history are important to him. He may have had a strong attachment or respect for his father, who was affluent and a sense of family pride. He may have missed out on parental love in his childhood. He would have grown reserved and cautious. May have had some health weakness or weakens of constitution. His interest would have centered on the family. He wanted to shine out. Make his family proud of him, and he would have helped other family members out and taken an interest in their lives and affairs.

  • 和訳お願いします!

    On the other hand, these negative implications are balanced against the fact that politics is also seen as the means through which injustice and domination can be challenged . Marx, for instance ,predicted that class exploitation would be overthrown by a proletarian revolution , and radical feminists proclaim the need for gender relations to be reordered thorough a sexual revolution. However, it is also clear that when is portrayed as power and domination it need not be seen as an inevitable feature of social existence.

  • 英文和訳

    英文 he bases his belief on more than 100 interviews, often involving hypnosis, with men and women who remember having been taken aboard spacecraft for bizarre sexual experiments,involving sperm taking, artificial insemination. 質問部分 who remember having been taken aboard spacecraft の部分がわかりません。 who節はrememberまででしょうか。つまりwith以下は付帯状況だとかんがえていいのでしょか。

  • この英文を訳していただきたいです

    A: you bring new aspects to her. and with movie it's like... B: She doesn't bring nuances. it was perfect. Let me just say that we have had a lot of her love today. okey? So i'd glod to get some. A: And then we see her evolving into his leadership role. But we also see you evolving more and more as we see you onscreen... B: Well...Do we?

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 定型文となります。 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 But remember each detail, the shape of his nose, the subtle color tones in his skin and hair, the fleeting expression in his eyes, is drawn from YOUR chart, and that sometimes in trying to describe someone I may have to exaggerate or emphasize a certain feature that is distinctive, in order to define the person from being just any face in the crowd. Words are not as subtle as an image, or a photograph. I capture his likeness for you, the reality of his face, features and colors are likely to be blended together more delicately.

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    In particular, his model accurately describes how energy in the form of radiation can be propagated through space as vibrating electric and magnetic fields. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    以下の文章です。 It is, of course, true that the emancipation of Asia and Africa and the development of the European crisis went hand in hand. Among the factors which facilitated the rise of independence movements in Asia and Africa, we must include the weakening of the grip of the European powers, Iargely as a consequence of their own discords and rivalries and of the wastage of resources in which their wars resulted. From the time of the First World War the incipient nationalist movements in the non-European world profited and the sudden collapse of the European empires after 1947 was to a large extent a consequence of external pressures and of the impact of world politics. In Asia neither the British nor the French nor the Dutch ever recovered from the blows inflicted by japan between 1941 and 1945; while in Africa and the Middle East they were checked and forced into retreat by pressures from the United States-acting directly and through the United Nations-which had a strong anti-colonial tradition of its own and was unwilling to stand aside while colonialism drove the peoples of Asia and Africa over to the side of the Soviet Union. Nationalism came to Asia a century later than it came to Europe and to black Africa fifty years later than to Asia. Two external events in the early years of the twentieth century were a powerful stimulus in its rise. The first was the victory of Japan over Russia in the war of 1904-5ー a victory hailed by dependent peoples everywhere as a blow to European ascendancy and proof that European arms were not invincible. Its impact was redoubled when, ten years later,the Japanese defeated the Germans in Shantung; and the successful campaigns of Kemal Ataturk against France in 1920 and Greece in 1922 were greeted in the same way as Asian victories over western military power. The second event was the Russian revolution of 1905ーa revolution which produced scarcely an echo in Europe but which, seen as a struggle for liberation from despotism, had an electrifying effect throughout Asia. The wave of unrest extended as far as Vietnam, and its impact, in sparking off the Persian revolution of 1906, the Turkish revolution of 1908 and the Chinese revolution of 1911, and in the new impetus it gave to the Indian Congress movement in 1907, was such that its consequences in Asia have been compared with those of the French revolution of 1789 in Europe.

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    On May 6, the Russian advance began through the Tortum Valley towards Erzurum. The Ottoman 29th and 30th Divisions managed to stop this assault. The Ottoman X Corps counter-attacked the Russian forces. But on the southern part of this advance, Ottoman forces were not as successful as they have been in the north. On May 11 the town of Manzikert had fallen. On May 17, Russian forces entered the town of Van. Ottoman forces continued to be pushed back. Supply lines were being cut, as the Armenian rebellions were causing additional difficulties behind Ottoman lines. The region south of Lake Van was extremely vulnerable. The Turks had to defend a line of more than 600 kilometers with only 50,000 men and 130 pieces of artillery. They were clearly outnumbered by the Russians. The region was mountainous, thus difficult to defend.

  • この英文の和訳お願いします。

    翻訳サイトではわかりづらかったので質問しました。 almoner? がこちらのプリントのミスなのか辞書でもでてきませんでした。 誤字はないと思います。 For most of his life he had worked as a commercial artist. "I did a bit of tickling" delicate lettering and design for advertising blocks. In his late sixties he experienced long spells of illness. When he was able to work he went as bottlewasher to a dairy. He was obliged to gibe up work finally because of ill-health and growing infirmity at the age of seventy-two. Since the death of his wife his social activities had contracted. He did not get up for long and rarely went out, except at week-ends for his pension and his shopping. Even his visits to an infirm brother living some miles away had fallen off. "I used to go over and see him every Tuesday night last year up to that fog we had in November. Then I just lay on my bed coughing my and coughing. Coughing all day and night, thinking my time had come. But it wasn't to be." He regretted not having children, especially a daughter, who "might have stood by me when I got old", and he had no nephews or nieces living in London. The neighbours saw little of him. Next door was "Mrs Lipstick and Powder, that's what I calls her, always going out." On the other side was "Mrs Fly-by-night. She rushes past me on the stairs now, like some of the others, without asking how I am. Not that I mind. But they used to do it and since I came out of hospital and go around just like a decrepit old man decrepit, yes - I suppose they don't like to ask how I am in case they feel they should do something. But there - life's like that, isn't it?" He had lost touch with all his friends and did not approve of old people's clubs. "They're all clicks of decrepit old people." His opinion of national assistance officials, doctors, almoners, and nurses was favourable, except that sometimes they "kept you in the dark" or "treated you like a little child". He had refused offers of a home help, mainly, it appeared, from a sense of privacy, shame of his home, misunderstanding about payment, and suspicion of the sort of woman who would come. His memories of contacts with doctors and hospitals were extremely vivid and he recalled at length some of his experiences. He talked about an almoner who was "a lovely looking party", about his new dentures, "I don't wear the top, it's more comfortable', and with pride about his one perfect faculty, his eyesight. On occasions when he could scarcely walk it never occurred to him to ask his doctor to visit him; he preferred to make painful journeys to the surgery.