How should homework be, according to the author?

  • Good teachers must love the subject which they teach, like their students, and have clear goals for lively and interesting lessons.
  • Teachers should come to class on time, use the time fully, and assign stimulating but not overly long homework.
  • They should also promptly take, mark, and return homework, and keep up with developments in their field to avoid outdated teaching methods.
  • ベストアンサー


How should homework be, according to the author?という質問にどのように答えればいいのでしょうか?下に書いてあるのは本文です。(これが、すべての文です。) Good teachers must love the subject which they teach,and they must like the people whom they teach.A part from that,teachers need to have clear goals for the students so that they can prepare lively and interesting lessons. Teachers should come to class on time and use all the time to the full. Homework should be a stimulus and not too long. Teachers should take, mark and give back homework promptly. They need to keep up with developments in their field. so their teaching does not become old-fash-ioned.Above all.teachers should remember that goal is for students to learn. After all. a student without a teacher might be possible. but a teacher with no students can only talk to an empty room.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • taked4700
  • ベストアンサー率37% (777/2050)

まず、A part ではなく、Apart というひとつの単語です。同様に、old-fash-ioned と分節するのは、その部分が行の端にかかっている時だけですから、ここでは、old-fashioned でいいと思います。 問は、 >How should homework be, according to the author? ということですから、「著者によると宿題はどうあるべきか」ということでしょうから、それに関連のある文章は、 >Homework should be a stimulus and not too long. Teachers should take, mark and give back homework promptly. これをそのまま答えるのか、または、自分の文章にするのか、こちらでは分かりません。または、日本語で答えるのか。 そこまでこちらでやると、丸投げになるので、削除対象になるようですから、ご自分でやるといいと思いますよ。



そうですか。でも、答えに関わるところが、やっぱり「Homework should be a stimulus and not too long. Teachers should take, mark and give back homework promptly. 」と確信できたので、それだけで十分です。ありがとうございました。


  • 和訳お願いします

    What is Michael Wesch's main idea in the second paragraph? Most teachers today do not teach literacy. Today's students no longer need to learn how to read and write. Today's students need to learn more than just reading and writing. Schools should teach digital literacy and not reading and writing.

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします!

    大学受験を控えた受験生です。 志望大で自由英作文が課されるので対策をしているのですがなかなかうまく書けません。出題が200語程度なので全体で35分(日本語でメモ10~15分)で書く練習はしているのですが。。。 構成の作っている段階でネタ不足になってしまったり、メモが難しくなってしまい英文として表現する際に手がとまってしまいます。 添削とアドバイス(役に立つ表現や字数稼ぎのポイント、構成の立て方、自分だったらどうゆう内容で書くかなど)をいただけると非常にありがたいです。 問題 良い教師がどのようにあるべきかあなたの意見を200語程度の英文で書きなさい。     I think that a good teacher has to have three points. First of all,It is imporatnt for a good teacher to be friendly to his students.Of course,he should sometimes scold them when they make mistakes or play a trick too far.However,If student think their is so obstinate or stern that they won't speak to him,he can't understand what his students think and worry about. socondly,It is also important not to give answers ofsome questions to his students quickly.In my experiences,my teacher who I think is the best teacher didn't give me asolution of my trouble.However,he gave me a hint,and he have me think more seriously.So he teach me how important to solve the troubles by myself. Thirdly,he should improve his teaching skills.For example,It is important to think how to teach a difficult question to his students understandably,to consult with senior teacher about his students or class.If the teaching skills of the teacher is improve,his students can learn interestingly. So teachers should have above three points to be a good teacher.

  • It is desirable that の後の節にはshouldがつきますか

    またお世話になりますm(_ _"m) にある But the Emperor responded, "It is desirable that (teachers and students) not be forced" to do so, they said. という文なんですが、desirable の後のthat節は主語が()内でその後shouldが省略されている、と考えていいですか。desirableが「提案・要求のshould」を取る仲間だということは今まで、聞いたことがないので確信がもてません。 それから、to do so,のところに本来はクオテーションマークの終わりが来るんですよね。印刷ミスでしょうか。でもそうだとしたら、they said. は文頭の the Emperor responded とどうつながるのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語から英語へ

    In the future, I would like to become a teacher, and teach as much as I can to people. The reasons are, firstly, because I like to teach people. But still, it is difficult to teach in any case. So I want to be a teacher that can tell what I want to tell clearly. Secondly, this occupation is a job that gives us a chance to communicate with all sorts of people from all sorts of countries, and know about them. This can be the reason of why I want to work for this occupation. And now, to make my dreams come true, I need to study. Studying is important, and I would continue to put effort to become a teacher. Thank you very much. と、いう文章を日本語へ翻訳していただきたいのですが、よろしければお願いします。

  • to不定詞の所の問題です。お願いします。

    次の英文を( )内の意味にして、全文を書き換えなさい。 という問題です。 They want teachers. (なりたがっている) これを、They want to become teachers. としたのですが。 解答では They want to be a teacher. となっていました。 この場合 become ではダメなのでしょうか。それとteachers と複数形だと変なのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 文の転換問題について

    She is a very kind and gentle teacher. All the students are fond of her. これを2つ繋げる問題で、答えは She is such a kind and gentle teacher that all the students are fond of her. になるようですが、thatがくるところがなぜwhoでは駄目なのかがわかりません。 thatが来る場合は、最上級や序数the only,the sameやallなどが来る場合と参考書に書かれていますが、suchもそれらに含まれると言うことでしょうか? もしくは関係代名詞と考えては駄目でしょうか? これらをうまく判断できる方法があればご伝授お願いいたします。

  • このthatはhowの代用では?

    某参考書の例題です。 There are a few general principles that apply to all the kinds of teaching. The first principle is that the teacher should be clear. Whatever you are teaching, teach clearly. Discover what your students do not know and then try to explain it to them in a way that everyone will understand. Use many examples and illustrations. Allow enough time for discussion. A good pupil is seldom silent. Patience is the second principle. Nothing worth learning can be learned quickly. Real teaching is not just giving information. It involves a conversion, an actual change in the pupil's mind, and this does not happen quickly. Lessons should be carefully planned and plenty of time allowed for repetition and review. Emotion should be controlled. Whenever we become too emotional as teachers, we are forgetting that conscious reason is what makes us men and not animals. The third principle is responsibility. Anyone who teaches should realize that it is a serious matter to guide another person's life. この第二パラグラフの Discover what your students do not know and then try to explain it to them in a way that everyone will understand. ですが、私はthatを関係副詞howの代用と考えたのですが、参考書の説明では thatはunderstandの目的語になる関係代名詞。「学生が何を知らないかを発見し、次にそれを誰にでも分かる方法で説明するようにつとめなさい」 とありました。 しかし、和訳を見る限りではthatを関係副詞としてみているようにしか思えません。 私の解釈のどこが間違っているのでしょうか?

  • 添削お願いします

    久しぶりですが添削をお願いします。 問題 「日本の学校教育をよりよくするために、あなたはどのような提案をしたいか」(70語程度) 回答 [We should reduce the number of students in every classroom by half. Now there are about forty students in one class, but it is difficult for one teacher to be charged with all the students. If the class size became smaller, there would be great benefits for students and teachers. Each pupil would get more individualized attention, and the relationship between students and teachers would be closer. I believe we could even put a stop to bullying.] 訳 「私たちはクラスごとの生徒の人数を半分に減らすべきである。現在、クラスの生徒数は約40人である。しかし1人の先生にすべての生徒がゆだねられるのは困難である。もしクラスの規模がもっと小さくなったら、先生と生徒に大きな利益があるだろう。それぞれの生徒がより個々な注意が向けられて、先生と生徒の関係がより近く近くなるだろう。私はいじめをやめさせることさえできると信じている。」 おねがいします。

  • 会話問題について

    A:"I suppose they could try teaching very simple conversation." B:"That's all I'm suggesting.I don't think they need to teach reading." 2つ質問なんですが、Aの会話はどういう意味ですか?また、That's~suggesting.とはおかしくないですか??

  • 名詞節のthatか関係代名詞のthatか

    ビジュアル英文解釈P97より Discover what your students do not know and then try to explain it to them in a way that everyone will understand. このthatは、名詞節のthatかなと思うのですがどうでしょうか?伊藤和夫は、このthatは関係代名詞のthat「学生が何を知らないかを発見し、次にそれを誰にでも分かる方法で説明するようにつとめなさい」だと言っていますが、その場合、元となるのが、understand a wayとなり方法を理解するというのが基礎となってしまい、本文の趣旨とずれると思います。 すると、a wayの内容を説明する名詞節のthatととらえたほうが良いのかなと思います。 また、いちおう高校で教鞭をとっているので、初歩的な説明(完全文とか不完全文とか)は省略して頂いても構いません。手間になってしまうと思いますので。 There are a few general principles that apply to all the kinds of teaching. The first principle is that the teacher should be clear. Whatever you are teaching, teach clearly. Discover what your students do not know and then try to explain it to them in a way that everyone will understand. Use many examples and illustrations. Allow enough time for discussion. A good pupil is seldom silent. Patience is the second principle. Nothing worth learning can be learned quickly. Real teaching is not just giving information. It involves a conversion, an actual change in the pupil's mind, and this does not happen quickly. Lessons should be carefully planned and plenty of time allowed for repetition and review. Emotion should be controlled. Whenever we become too emotional as teachers, we are forgetting that conscious reason is what makes us men and not animals. The third principle is responsibility. Anyone who teaches should realize that it is a serious matter to guide another person's life.