• ベストアンサー




僕は正直自信はないので、答えられる範囲で答えさせてもらいます。 (1)「It was rainy today.」は単純に「rainy」でよろしいのではないでしょうか。 (2)「a lot of time」は「more time」にするべきですね。  比較級を使われないと、後ろの「than」や、比較の意がありませんので。 (3)「I couldn't have finished ~.」は、「At last I couldn't finish it.」でかまいません。 (4)「a good old memory」は、多分「a」は妥当ではないと思いますので、  「good old memories」じゃないでしょうか。(思いでは1つではないはずなので) 未熟な回答でで失礼します。



ありがとうございました(^^)とっても参考になりました。これからもよければ添削お願いしますm(_ _)m


  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)   

    英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^) 3日分ありますので、簡単な添削で結構です。 Sunday March 13, 2006    It started snowy, but it was sunny later. My son, who will be 3 years old this April, tease me to read many picture books lately. He brought about 10 books to me before sleeping on his usual way tonight, so I had to read them for him. It was tough to read all of them at night, buy I think it is important to develop his mind. I will do my best for him. Tuesday, March 14, 2006 It was cloudy today. I had my hair dye and cut today. Although my son noticed my change, yet my husband didn’t notice it at all. (noticeが2回目なので違う表現がしたいのですが...)I wondered if once a man married a woman, he lose interest to his wife! Wednesday, March 15, 2006 We had fine weather today. I went out having lunch with my friends of three. (友達は友達でも、「ママとも」と表現したいのですが...)We drank two glasses of wine and ate spaghetti. They were very delicious and we chatted for a long time drinking wine. I spent pleasant time so I felt my stress of daily chores went off.

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)      

    またまた昨日にひき続き英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)  一応、最後に私の表現したい内容を日本語で表記しておきます Sunday, March 5, 2006    It started cloudy, but the sky was clearing later. Hello, dearest Candy. My husband and I went to my son’s nursery school for visiting the exhibition this afternoon. The paper clay which was made in the shape of my son’s hand was exhibited there. There is an album as well in which his growth for 1 year was collected. I was moved by these works. These are sure to become our eternal remembrance of my son’s two-year-old age. I think you can see my feeling. Until next time. See you soon, my dearest Candy. (日本語) 夫と私は今日の午後、息子の保育園の制作展を見に行ったの。紙粘土に息子の手を形どったものが展示してあったわ。彼の1年間の成長を集めた写真集も置いてあったの。これらの展示品を見てわたしとっても感動しちゃった。これらはきっと息子の2歳時代の永遠の記念品になると思うわ。私の気持ち分かるでしょ?じゃ、またね。

  • 次の英文について

    次の表現は時制の面で正しいか教えてください。 (1)After a while, my headache has gone and I felt beter.(しばらくして、頭痛は治まり、気分はよくなりました。) (2)I edited some video tapes on which I have been recording my son.(息子を記録しているビデオテープを編集しました。) ※関係詞の中の時制は主文に一致させなくていいのでしたっけ?

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)   

    英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)   Friday, March 10, 2006 It was sunny today. I had a bad headache in this morning, so I did nothing at all what I was going to do today. There wasn't a medicine for a headache so I went out buying it and drank it in the evening. A little time later, the medicine cured my headache and I became to feel rather good. I thought that I should have drunk it earlier!!

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)  

    またまた英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)  一応、最後に私の表現したい内容を日本語で表記しておきます。 Do you know “Mochifumi”, a Japanese tradition of stepping some rice cake to celebrate becoming 1 year old? Yesterday my son’s cousin became 1 year old so we her relatives gathered and celebrated her. I recalled having done my son’s “Mochifumi” of 2 years ago. At that time we hoped our son’s healthy growth as yesterday we did for his cousin. (日本語)  「餅踏み」って知ってる?日本の伝統で1歳になったことを祝って餅を踏む儀式です。昨日息子のいとこが1歳になったので、私たち親戚は集まって彼女を祝いました。2年前の息子の餅ふみを思い出しました。そのとき昨日いとこにしたように息子の健やかな成長を祈ったなあ。

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 October 16th ‘10 I was busy today. As soon as I got up morning, I went to do rice-cake making. As a mallet of today was bigger than I had used ones of past, my arm パンパンになった。 And it was fine, I was tired a lot. After rice-cake making, I had to put a TV board together. But I had just bought some parts for that. When I got a call from the shop buying the TV, I was not easy a little. But I had a promise with my friends to go out to drink, I gave up it and did it. We met in grilled meet restaurant. We bought a 50percent off ticket of this restaurant with an internet. It was great and we would be full. As the TV will come to my house yester morning, I had better go to sleep early. It is almost 2 o’clock.

  • 英文日記の添削お願いいたします。

    A young couple was chav in appearance asked me to take them to a place in a car during driving in the middle of midnight. I listened to them through the window at first. However eventually opened the window and get them to hailed taxi despited I decided never to open the window and door. I talked a driver and handed them some papers. (cos they said that they had not enough money and it seemed true) They thanked me very much repeatedly. I found I felt regret for both my acts what I gave cold shoulder and what I opened the window when I saw that attitude. Such situations that force with a rang of choices often turn up in life. Wondering if my judgment was decent somewhat. 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文法(時制の一致について)を教えてください。

    次の表現は時制の面で正しいか教えてください。 (1)After a while, my headache has gone and I felt beter.(しばらくして、頭痛は治まり、気分はよくなりました。) (2)I edited some video tapes on which I have been recording my son.(息子を記録しているビデオテープを編集しました。) ※関係詞の中の時制は主文に一致させなくていいのでしたっけ?

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^) 

    またまた短いですが、英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)  一応、最後に私の表現したい内容を日本語で表記しておきます。 This morning my mother- in-law called me and said that she wanted me to take care of her one-year-old grandchild tomorrow. I have a schedule tomorrow already, so I thought I didn’t want to be upset my schedule. However I reconsidered that I would take on that task because she sometimes take care of my son.  (日本語) 今朝姑から電話があって、明日孫の世話をしてほしいと言われたの。私は明日予定があるからその予定を狂わせたくなかった。だけど姑はときどき私の息子の世話をしてくれるからやっぱり引き受けることにしたわ。

  • 英文日記の添削をしていただけませんか(^^)

    また英文日記を書いてみました。文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)ネイティブならこんな表現をするなど、指摘してくださると,なおうれしいです(^^) Last week , my husband went to Hokkaido reading students for a school excursion for 4 days, so I had to take care of my two-year son alone. It was hard task than I had thought. I thought that single-mothers in the world are very tough then. By the way, I and my husband want to build a detached house, so we are looking for the land recently. We can't find the proper land which we both satisfy, however. It's very difficult to decide where to live. I think we need big power to find the proper land where we live in the future.