• ベストアンサー




Cross your heart はどちらかといえば 「命にかけて」かも



ありがとうございます 参考URLは私には分かりませんでしたが、 質問の答えは分かりました。 ありがとうございます。


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    こんにちは。 英語力が乏しいため、どなたかアドバイスをお願いします。 Enjoy your own lives as long as you breathe. この文だと、 「あなたが息できる限り、あなた自身の人生をエンジョイしろ」 という意味で通じますでしょうか?

  • 和訳して頂けませんか?

    「I do my love!!!!! I have no idea about your money & all I want & care about is you!!!!!! Your family is mine, as mine is yours & they have opened their arms & heart to you as well.」宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳:気絶させる?

    何を言われているのかさっぱりです。 手助けお願いします。 is the flowers you love breath taking. or are you your self as breath taking. i say you are more stunning then both breath taking=息を引き取る? どなたかお願いします..

  • 英文の和訳をお願い致します!

    下記英文を日本語にして頂けますでしょうか? They like "a", however they like the addition of more colour (the heart) in "b". If you would like to add a little bit more red / colour similar to this in "a" please go ahead - just as long as it is not a heart shape which they did not like. 特に最後の 「just as long as it is not a heart shape which they did not like.」 の部分が難しくて困っておりました。 どなたかご教授お願い致します!

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 A mysterious mystifying feeling will draw you towards him and in that moment your life will become changed, your future will become set. You and he are not only soul mates, but he is a kind of spiritual twin. Never will you have a relationship quite as deep and magical as this, for you and he are meant for each other, and both of you have been unconsciously waiting, both lonely to meet.

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    But if you already have previous engagements with your friends that you need to go to ... I understand if you need to go to them. Or maybe we can go together? As long as I can be with you I'm happy. Oh ... there should also be a gym in the hotel. If you're working I will go to the gym or go running. You can want you can also go to the gym ... I think they have a steam room as well :) But now it has gone down a lot ... since now you have taken a big place in my heart.

  • 和訳お願い致します!

    英語が得意な方、どなたか和訳お願いします。 I am Sadden to hear this. I am also Sorry for  Jr.'s behaviour and Hope he has a change of Heart. I know he does have feelings for you. He told me so.  Jr. does not have a fiancee that I know of. You are Welcome and your kindness is also accepted graciously.  お手数おかけしますが宜しくお願い致します

  • 和訳をしてくれませんか?

    I do have affection for you. Sleep well sweetheart. We will soon be together, and these arms will hold you as long as you want... よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    I have a funny feeling that we have not seen the last of each other. これはどうゆう訳になるのでしょうか? 一応 前後の文も書いておきます。 I know how it can be when you are visiting friends that you have not seen for a long time. It seems like you never have enough time to fit everyone in! I have a funny feeling that we have not seen the last of each other. よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    下記の和訳をお願い致します。 You should not take any irreversible action such as selling property, purchasing airline tickets or leaving your employment in anticipation of being granted a visa. This office cannot assume responsibilities for meeting deadlines imposed by any proposed travel or employment arrangements that you may have made.