• ベストアンサー



  • kochory
  • ベストアンサー率45% (167/370)

"six and a half inches long,three-quarter inches high and three and a quarter inches wide" がひとまとまりで、 「長さ6.5インチ、高さ3.25インチ、幅3.25インチ」 ということです。 このようなサイズの木箱だった、ということを言っているのです。


  • 最上級の問題で疑問があるのですが

    最上級の問題で疑問があるのですが 中学レベルの問題なのですが。参考書に、 これらのカメラの中でどれがいちばん軽いですか。の英訳が Which is the lightest of these cameras ? となっているのですが。 これを「これらの中でいちばん軽いカメラはどれですか」と英訳する場合、 Which is the lightest camera of these ? とするのでしょうか。解らないのでよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    At some point in the war, the main deck six-inch guns of the Devonshire-class ships were moved to the upper deck and given gun shields. Their casemates were plated over to improve seakeeping and the four 3-pounder guns displaced by the transfer were landed. The ship's waterline armour belt had a maximum thickness of six inches (152 mm) and was closed off by five-inch (127 mm) transverse bulkheads. The armour of the gun turrets was also five inches thick whilst that of their barbettes was six inches thick. The protective deck armour ranged in thickness from .75–2 inches (19–51 mm) and the conning tower was protected by twelve inches (305 mm) of armour.

  • この文章の和訳をよろしくお願いします。

    3. Examples of orbital calculations To find efficient numerical procedures for obtaining <P(e ,i)>, we have made detailed orbital calculations for two typical cases, (e, i)=(0, 0) and (1, 0.5). The former is the simplest case with a single parameter b, and corresponds to that studied by Giuli (1968), Nishida (1983) and Petit and Hénon (1986). In the latter, the orbit changes with three parameters b, τ, and ω in a complicated manner. From this example, we can see the characteristic features of orbits in the three-dimensional case. In the present examples, it is supposed that a protoplanet with a mean mass density 3gcm^-3, orbits in the Earth’s region. Furthermore, we adopt 1% as the limiting accuracy criterion for use of the two-body approximation. These give 0.005 and 0.03 for the radius of the protoplanet and that of the two-body sphere, respectively (see Eqs. (12) and (13)). よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記2文の和訳が分かりません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか。 A landlord’s ability to deal with the wide array of new lease issues is highly dependent on the characteristics of the tenant. Not all technology tenants are the same, and for the purposes of lease negotiation, they sometimes can be divided into three somewhat overlapping categories—startup, emerging, and mature—based on business maturity and financial strength. 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Because of the steep up-front investments that they have so far required and the high cost per unit of power generated, renewable energy technologies have not been a popular option for producing potable water, in the Gulf or anywhere else. But advances in the technology and a steady decline in manufacturing costs for solar generating plants may be about to change that picture.

  • 和訳お願いします

    What is the main purpose of the passage? to describe the three most dangerous sea predators of all time todescribe three ancient sea animals with unusual characteristics to explain how and when the fossils of three sea animals were discovered to explain the main stages for creating a model of an ancient sea creature

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Even in a partially excavated state, the dry section of the canal was still a serious obstacle. The canal was approximately 40 yd (37 m) wide, with a western bank that was between 10 and 15 ft (3.0 and 4.6 m) high and an eastern bank about 5 ft (1.5 m) high. The British First Army (General Henry Horne) was forced to stop its offensive until a route was secured across the ca The British assault on the Drocourt-Quéant Line on 2 September 1918 resulted in the Germans being overrun along a 7,000 yd (4.0 mi; 6.4 km) front. Several formations in the German forward line quickly yielded to the British advance but then the British met more resolute opposition from regiments of the German 1st Guards Reserve Division, 2nd Guards Reserve Division and the 3rd Reserve Division. To gain observation of all bridges over the Sensée River and the Canal du Nord, the British attack was supposed to continue the following day but the Germans forestalled the British by withdrawing along a wide front. Oberste Heeresleitung (OHL, the German army high command) had ordered the 17th Army to retreat behind the Sensée River and the Canal du Nord on the night of 2 September and the 2nd Army to withdraw to the Hindenburg Line the following night. Further to the south, the 18th and 9th Armies were to follow in succession, resulting in the abandonment of the salient gained during the Spring Offensive by 9 September. In the north the 4th and 6th Armies retreated between Lens and Ypres, abandoning the Lys salient and the gains made during the Battle of the Lys. British air patrols on the morning of 3 September reported seeing no Germans between the Dury Ridge and the Canal du Nord. The Third Army was able to occupy the towns of Quéant and Pronville unopposed and saw that the Germans were withdrawing on a wide front. As the British advanced to the new German front line they reported that the east bank of the Canal du Nord was strongly held and that the canal crossings had been destroyed except at Palluel, where the Germans held a bridgehead on the western side of the canal. On 3 September Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies Généralissime Ferdinand Foch outlined the future course of the Allied offensive campaign along the Western Front. To avoid the risk of having extensive German reserves massed against a single Allied attack, Foch devised a plan for a general offensive between Verdun and the Belgian coast. The plan called for Allied attacks at four separate points in the German line, to be launched on four successive days.

  • 英文中の単語の働き及び和訳

    Okinawans were also found to be at an extremely low risk of hormone-dependent cancers, They suffer less than a quarter of the level of breast and prostate cancer as Westerners, and half the rate of colon cancer. This is believed to be mostly due to the low-calorie diet that is high in fruit and vegetables. 上記二番目の英文の、as Westernersのasはどんな役目(品詞と働き)をし、二番目の文の全体の訳を教えてください。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Total isolation results in high rates of depression and mental illness. (“Rate” means the number of times something happens, or the number of examples of something within a certain period.)

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    A well-known literaly critic has pointed out that the capital difficulty of verse consists “in saying ordinary unemotional things, and in bridging the flat intervals between high moments,” without losing the reader's interest. All haiku worthy of the name are records of high moments ― higher, at least, than the surrounding plain. And in the hands of a master a haiku can be the concentrated essence of pure poetry. 上記の英文の和訳が自力では出来ませんでした。 どなたか教えて頂けませんでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。