• ベストアンサー


「it was typical of her that her first thought was , how unpleasant it would be for her friends to know she had overheard .」 という英文を和訳する問題で、 「ふと話を聞いてしまったことを知ることが彼女の友人にとってどれだけ不満かというのを、彼女がまず考えるのはよくあることであった。」 と和訳しました。 この訳ではどこがまずいでしょうか?ご指摘願います。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • Bird1979
  • ベストアンサー率48% (114/236)

訳はもっと日常的な言葉に代えた方がいいと思います。(直訳調で硬い、と思います) it was typikal of he  彼女らしかった her first thought was  まず(最初に)思ったことは unpleasant  不愉快に思う いい気持がしない to know she had overheard 立ち聞きしたことがわかったら her friends は、文脈上、彼女の友人、ということが分かるならば、あえて訳す必要はないと思います。またhow以下は、friendsを主語にして訳したらどうでしょうか。 試訳してみます。【 】内は、「友人」を訳出する必要があれば、ということで考えてみました。原文に忠実、という訳ではないかもしれませんが・・。 彼女が【友人のことで】まず初めに思ったのは、私が立ち聞きしたことがわかったら、どんなに嫌な思いするかしら、ということだった。いかにも彼女らしい(考えだ)。


  • 英文和訳お願いします

    英文和訳お願いします 自分で調べてみたのですが英文の和訳が分からなくて困っています。 But then she thought a little more, and said to herself: "Poor thing! she's very old, and her clothes are so shabby. It was my own fault. I put tempta-tion in her way. It would be too cruel to call the police and have her arrested. But I can't do my week's shopping if I have no money. お願いします。

  • 英文和訳の質問。

    "What would you like for Christmas?" Mrs. Deverell asked. Angel had scarcely spoken a word ail day, was lying there, fuming, frustrated by this intrusion. For once, she did not know what she would like. It was only a matter of time before she would have everything she wanted. [As a famous novelist, she could buy herself jewelry, expensive clothes, a fur coat, her own car. All that separated her from such riches was the time it would take to transfer what was m her head to the pages of the exercise-book ― time which her mother's unexpected visit was causing her to lose. ] 『ディバレルが有名な小説家になったので、ディバレルはアンジェルに宝石や高価な衣服、毛皮のコート、車を買い与えることができた。そのような豊かさからアンジェルをを引き離したすべてのことは問題集のページに自分の母親の名前が出てきたことで変えていったのでした。つまり、母親が思ってもいなかった事態に、アンジェルは自分を見失ってしまったのだ。』 [ ]の英文だけで結構です。 この英文の訳を教えてください。また、熟語・構文等の解説もよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳お願いします。

    日本語訳を教えてください。 ( )が自分で考えたものです。 If i had known that things were going to turn out the way they did,I would never have joined the company. (もし事態がそのようになることがわかったいたら、その会社には入らなかったのに) It was not until she was well on her way to the office that she thought of the matter. (彼女は家に帰る途中で元気になって初めてそのことを考えた)

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I enjoy going to estate sales. Recently, we were shocked when we heard an estate sales representative ask an older lady if she could afford what she was looking at. The woman answered yes. Shortly after that, as the woman was leaving, the estate representative asked her if she could search the pockets in her jacket! She said yes, and nothing was found on her. The estate sales representative followed up with, You know how it is. We were appalled, to say the least. We had been browsing right along with the older lady and saw nothing suspicious. What do you make of this? Should we have said something? The estate sales representative followed up with, You know how it is.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳がわかりません!!!

    突然ですが、海外のサイトを見ていて和訳がわからないものがあったので教えてください!!!! I asked her if she had a twitter. という文ですが、「私は彼女に興奮しているか尋ねた。」という和訳であってますか? もしかしたら英文に間違いがあるかもしれません(汗)

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします。 "If we give her blood trensfusion immediately I think we can save your daughter." The doctor's words shocked Mrs Jones as she sat by Susan's bed desperately hoping for an improvement in her condition. "What kind of person would rape an 18-yaer-old girl so violently?" she kept asking herself. "And now I must pray for a miracle because we cannot allow the doctors to give her that blood transfusion." A week later the police arrested a man who confessed that he had attacked Susan. John Garson admitted he had hardly even thought about his victim's terror when threatening her with the knife. Now he remembered how the knife had somehow stabbed her when she atruggled. "How many yaers in prison will I get for rape?" he asked the police officer."Rape? We are charging you with murder,and if the court finds you guily it will be your whole life," was the reply. "Murder? But the knife only entered her stomach once. She can't possibly be dead,surely?" Then the policeman explained how the Jones family belonged to a religious group which believed it was wrong to receive blood from other peopple,no matter how sick you were. Although weak,Susan herself made it clear that she agreed with her mother. And so she had died within a few days. At his trial Garson pleaded guilty to rape,but not guilty to murdur. After all,if Susan had been given the blood she wouldn't have died. Her family's religion was responside for her death,wasn't it? The jury had a diffucult decision to make.

  • 難関大学の英語の和訳

    次の英文の解釈と和訳がわかりません。どなたか手伝ってください… even though she was told the treatment would give her one-in-four chance of surviving, because she knew the ravages of the treatment and didn't think the odds good enough to endure it.

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    以下の和訳がよくわからないのですが、教えていただけませんか。 they would be sent to Debbie but it would probably be best for you not to ever mention her because if they were to visit her site, they would see her link recommending me for hairpiece orders. Do you know what I mean? debbieは、女性の名前です。 訳してもなにか不自然でうまくいきませんでした。 分かる方がおりましたら、教えてください。

  • 英語が得意な方、和訳お願いします。

    どなたか和訳お願いします! I work at club at night. She was a customer. I didnt know she love me. Every think i am playboy cuz i work at club. At first i was playboy. Being a playboy i met gud people and i lost them. It sucks cause just like you i wish i keep u. If i was doing something bad ill make a fake facebook forother girls. I gave her my face cuz i thought she was a friend. I was not hiding anything. I didnt do anything wrong. よろしくお願いしますm(._.)m

  • 以下の英文を構造に忠実に和訳していただきたいです

    以下の英文を構造に忠実に和訳していただきたいです。よろしくお願いします。 The most interesting is the story of Grecian mother who, with her infant, was on the roof, when in a moment of inattention, the child crept to the edge and was balanced on the very edge. To call it, to touch it would have insured its destruction; but the mother, without a second thought, bared her breast, and the child eagerly turning to it, was saved.