The Division Between Two Worlds: A Clear Definition or Economic Considerations?

  • The division between the worlds of classical music and popular music has always been fairly clearly defined.
  • However, in recent times, this distinction has become even more prominent and firmly rooted in economic considerations rather than fluctuating artistic taste.
  • This shift in the basis of the divide raises questions about how these two spheres interact and whether there is room for exploration and crossover.
  • ベストアンサー


The division between the two world has always been fairly clearly defined,with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other ,and never more so than today,when,instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic'taste',it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations. 注;two world→古典音楽・芸術音楽 の文でand never more so than today,when,instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic'taste',it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations. の文が分かりにくいです。 never more so than today前文のwith those active in one sphere rarely trespassingと比較されてると思って、 直訳『今日よりより侵害することは無い』と理解して『今日ほど明確に区分されていることは無い』と考えていいんですか? never more so than todayだけ見ると『今日よりよりそうでない』って訳が分からなくなります。 ,when,の挿入がどうなってるのか分かりません。てか、接続詞の用法しか知りません。 instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic'taste', のbeingは動名詞の意味上の主語ですがなんでここにあるんですか?動名詞の前におくとは限らないのですか? どうも分からないので教えてください!!

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • yatagaws
  • ベストアンサー率21% (73/333)

意訳すると、「今日ほど古典音楽と芸術音楽がお互いの領域をわかりにくくなっている時代はない。それは、現在では両音楽の志向のちがいよりも、もっぱら経済的な理由で区別するからである。」 「instead....taste」は挿入句で、when it is fairlyとつながっています。being は distinction that isの代わりです。



大変ありがとうございます。勉強になりました。 また質問をするかもしれませんが、もし見かけたりしたら都合のいいときでいいのでお願いします!


  • この英文の訳を教えてください

    The division between the two worlds has always been fairly clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other, and never more so than today, when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic 'taste', it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations.

  • ちょっとつまずいてしまう部分があります

    (注)最初のThe division は「popular musicとclassical musicの区別」のことです The division between the two worlds has always been fairly clearly defined, with those who are active in one sphee rarely trespassing in the other, and never more so than today, when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic taste, it is fairly firmly based on economic consideration. never more so than todayのところがよく分かりません。前文とのつながりで構造的に何だか浮いているような気がするのですが、これは文が省略されている形なのですしょうか。それと、soはどのような意味でしょうか。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈について

    During the Age of Silence, people communicated more, not less. Basic survival demanded that the hands were almost never still, and so it was only during sleep that people were not saying something. No distinction was made between the gestures of language and the gestures of life. The labor of building a house, say, or preparing a meal was no less an expression than making the sign for I love you or I feel serious. When a hand was used to shield one’s face when frightened by a loud noise something was being said; and when fingers were used to pick up what someone else had dropped something was being said; and even when the hands were at rest, that, too, was saying something. (質問1) 第2パラグラフのThe labor of a building, say, or preparing a meal...ですが、このsayというのは「例えば」と訳すのだと思いますが、普通Can you play a wind instrument, say, a flute?というふうにa wind instrumentの具体例=a fluteという並びになるとい思います。しかしここでは(the labor of) building a houseの具体例がpreparing a mealではなく、恐らくthe gestures of lifeの具体例がbuilding~とpreparing~だと思うのですが正しいでしょうか?さらにこういう使い方(全文の具体例を次の文に持ってくる)のはよく有ることでしょうか?さらに例文があれば紹介していただきたいです。 (あと2~3個質問があるのですが入りきらないので次にします

  • 英文解釈について(><)

    下記英文の解釈について教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 1. More than one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity was being produced o light homes and run factories, provided 84.3%. →was being producedのように、being過去分詞が使われるのはいつでしょうか? 2.Regardless of whether the world is getting warmer or cooler, it is certain that even small changes in climate can upset weather patterns, which have a direct effect on water supplies and other aspects of the environment. → cooler, it isのように , itと続くのはいつでしょうか? 3.These pollutants pass through the food chain to humans, where they tend to build up in nerve tissue. →, whereと続くのは、いつでしょうか? 4. He developed a new approach based on the idea that an animal's behavior is determined by its struggle for survival and is therefore the product of evolution, just as an animal's physical features are. →, just as an animal's physical features areのように、, just as SVと続くのはなぜでしょうか? 5. It is knowledge that whales and dolphins can hear and make sounds, but the extent to which sea mammals use sound to communicate and navigate was not known until World War II. →, but the extent to whichとwhichが続いているのはなぜでしょうか?

  • 以下の2つの英文の和訳をお願いします。

    以下の2つの英文の和訳をお願いします。 There is much more to a language than its words. There is much more that you do know about your language which cannot so conveniently be looked up , and which you were never explicitly taught. More important , one finds that the more complex and multi-levelled the history is , and the more important the issue which it raises for today , the less it is possible to sustain a fact-value division.

  • 英文についての質問です。(1)

    Intriguing though Galton's eminent families are, they decidedly do not demonstrate the inheritance of genius. For there is basic flaw in his analysis: his criteria for genius (which, of course, Galton never defines) are not strict enough, allowing in too many high achievers whose distinction may be considerable but is far from enduringly exceptional. Hereditary Genius is, so to speak, closer to the Queen's honours list than the Nobel prize. (Genius by Andrew Robinson) 1) his criteria for genius (which, of course, Galton never defines) are not strict enough, allowing in too many high achievers whose distinction may be considerable but is far from enduringly exceptional. considerableは"かなりの"という意味ですか? but is~はbut(distinction) is~ですか? この英文はnot~but構文なのでしょうか? 2) Hereditary Genius is, so to speak, closer to the Queen's honours list than the Nobel prize. 遺伝性の天才は、いわばノーベル賞よりも女王の叙爵者一覧に近い(?)とはどういう意味ですか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の説明をお願いします

    ,the idea being that this would be a much more subtly unsettling attack on society than any assault on a prominent individual or group of innocent people. 大阪大学(前期)2次試験のIIの問題文からです。 the idea being that~の構造を説明してください。 問題文のリンク

  • 英文解釈に悩んでいます

    "which shoed a sign"以下で解釈に困っています。このwhich はいったい何用法でしょうか? He had a jaundiced view of the gay issue. He had no kith or kin, and noisome odor always came drifting from his armpits beside his cadaverous chest, which showed a sign of his protracted disease. He was a complete neophyte on this matter, but he had this odious habit of judging anything before him. He had given a reprieve of one month, so he was more cheerful and unassuming in his behavior than he had been a couple of months earlier.

  • 英語

    More than ever, women today are (C) their own. ①in②of③on④with どれがはいりますか。 分かりません。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    I just don't see them being any better than the M140's so no need to pay more.