• 締切済み


The division between the two worlds has always been fairly clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other, and never more so than today, when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic 'taste', it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations.

  • 英語
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when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic 'taste', コロコロ変わってしまう芸術的な「好み」をもとにした区別ではなく it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations. かなり堅固な経済学的思案をもとにしているので and never more so than today, 今日においてはさらにいえることだが、 with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other, それらの活動はめったにその活動範囲を互いに侵すことなく、 The division between the two worlds そのふたつの世界の区分は has always been fairly clearly defined くっきりと明確に定義づけられてきた。 文脈がわからないので、主語が少しあいまいになっていますが、訳してみています。ご参考までにどうぞ。


  • 英文解釈について。

    The division between the two world has always been fairly clearly defined,with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other ,and never more so than today,when,instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic'taste',it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations. 注;two world→古典音楽・芸術音楽 の文でand never more so than today,when,instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic'taste',it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations. の文が分かりにくいです。 never more so than today前文のwith those active in one sphere rarely trespassingと比較されてると思って、 直訳『今日よりより侵害することは無い』と理解して『今日ほど明確に区分されていることは無い』と考えていいんですか? never more so than todayだけ見ると『今日よりよりそうでない』って訳が分からなくなります。 ,when,の挿入がどうなってるのか分かりません。てか、接続詞の用法しか知りません。 instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic'taste', のbeingは動名詞の意味上の主語ですがなんでここにあるんですか?動名詞の前におくとは限らないのですか? どうも分からないので教えてください!!

  • ちょっとつまずいてしまう部分があります

    (注)最初のThe division は「popular musicとclassical musicの区別」のことです The division between the two worlds has always been fairly clearly defined, with those who are active in one sphee rarely trespassing in the other, and never more so than today, when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic taste, it is fairly firmly based on economic consideration. never more so than todayのところがよく分かりません。前文とのつながりで構造的に何だか浮いているような気がするのですが、これは文が省略されている形なのですしょうか。それと、soはどのような意味でしょうか。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    On the western side of Gaza in the coastal sector, from their position across the Wadi Ghuzze at Tel el Ujul, the 53rd (Welsh) Division was to attack and capture Samson Ridge, a great sand dune halfway between the Wadi Ghuzzee and Gaza. Then they were to advance and capture the western Ottoman defences between Gaza and the Mediterranean Sea. Meanwhile, on the eastern side of Gaza, Eastern Attack's 52nd (Lowland) Division on the left was to attack Ali Muntar, including the Labyrinth and Green Hill. On their right the 54th (East Anglian) Division, with the Imperial Camel Brigade attached to broaden the infantry attack, was to advance north from Sheikh Abbas towards Kh Sihan and Kh. el Bir. Brigadier General S. F. Mott's 53rd (Welsh) Division began their advance from Tel el Ujul between the Mediterranean coast and the Rafa to Gaza road at 07:15 in extended order, moving across the sand hills fifteen minutes before the 52nd (Lowland) Division began to advance on their right. The 159th (Cheshire) Brigade on the left was to capture Sheikh Ajlin on the sea shore, while the 160th (Wales) Brigade on the right was to capture Sampson Ridge, each supported by one tank. They were to subsequently make contact with the 52nd (Lowland) Division on Ali Muntar in order to launch a joint attack from the Zowaiid trench in the west to the Romani trench on the Rafa to Gaza road. The 159th Brigade on the left advanced fairly well until it reached about 800 yards (730 m) from Sheikh Ajlin, where orders required it to wait for the capture of Samson Ridge, due to the possibility of exposing their right flank.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Despite these losses the majority of the Ottoman armies had managed to withdraw relativity in one piece, but they had been split with no way for one to support the other if or when they were attacked. Further the Ottoman Seventh Army on the British right was cut off from the Palestinian rail network and all their supplies would have to be brought in by road. In preparation for the attack, against Jerusalem, the ANZAC Mounted Division and the 54th (East Anglian) Division, would form a defensive line on the coastal plain, while the XXI Corps moved into the Judaean Mountains. Instead of a direct assault on Jerusalem, Allenby planned to first cut off the city from their supply routes in the north. The plan was for two infantry division, the 75th Division on the left, the 52nd (Lowland) Division in the centre, with the horsemen from the Yeomanry Mounted Division on the right, to move on Jerusalem with the 75th using the main Jaffa–Jerusalem road. The two outer division's would circle around Jerusalem meeting at Bireh 10 miles (16 km) to the north of the city. In the way of the 75th Division was the village of Nebi Samwil also known as the "Tomb of Samuel", the traditional burial site for the biblical prophet Samuel. Nebi Samwil rests at the top of a hill 2,979 feet (908 m) above sea level, 3.1 miles (5.0 km) to the north of Jerusalem. From the village observers can see into Jerusalem and it controls the road from the coast to the west and the road from Samaria to the north into the city. The village was part of the Ottoman defences in front of Jerusalem and its capture was considered vital, to the eventual capture of the city. The attack began on 18 November, with the Australian Mounted Division clearing Latron, which was in the way of the 75th Division. The next day the Yeomanry Mounted Division with the furthest to go moved off first. Followed by the 52nd (Lowland) Division which departed from Ludd and the 75th Division from Latron. The two other divisions travelling astride nothing more than tracks, found it more difficult and their vehicles and heavy weapons had to turn back. The advance also coincided with the start of the winter rains, which not only affected the terrain, but also caused problems for the troops, who were only equipped for a desert war and lacked any winter clothing.

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    A guest in the United States therefore has the responsibility to express his wishes clearly-"The cra nberry juice sounds great." Many Japanese instead reply "I want nothing," "Anything is okay," or "Water would be fine," in an attempt to be polite in the Japanese way by not imposing on the host or hostess. They will only be considered strange for not having any preferences or would remain thirsty since the host or hostess is unlikely to offer them something a second time. Also remember that in France, for example, mineral water is more expensive tham some kinds of table wine. "Mere water" is not necessarily a modest request. 日本語訳 だから合衆国では来客は「そのクランベリージュースが良さそう」というように自分の希望をはっきりと示す責任がある。多くの日本人は、主催者にあまり迷惑をかけないようにすることによって日本流に礼儀正しくあろうとして、代わりに「なにもいりません」とか「なんでもいいです」、「水でいいです」と答える。そういう人たちは好みがないことを変に思われる、或いは主催者がおそらくもう一度何か飲みますかと聞いてくれる可能性は少ないだろうから喉が渇いたままになるだろう。また、例えばフランスではミネラルウォーターはいくつかのテーブルワインよりも高いということを覚えておくように。「ただの水だけ」というのは必ずしも慎み深い依頼ではない。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Mărăști was one of the main battles to take place on Romanian soil in World War I. It was fought between July 22 and August 1, 1917, and was an offensive operation of the Romanian and Russian Armies intended to encircle and destroy the German 9th Army. The operation was planned to occur in tandem with the Nămoloasa offensive; however, this operation was abandoned before it began.At the beginning of July, based on the campaign plan drawn up in May by the High Command, final instructions were given to the 1st and 2nd Romanian Armies. The 1st Army was to carry out the principal attack around Nămoloasa and then, on terrain prepared by the latter, the 2nd Army, commanded by General Alexandru Averescu, was to carry out a second-order attack toward Mărăşti. The objective of the operation – the retaking of enemy positions from the Poiana Încărcătoarea–Răcoasa sector — was contained in Operations Order Nr. 1638. Altogether the opposing sides were rather evenly matched, although the Romanian High Command had massed additional forces along the direction of the attacks planned for the 2nd Army, thus creating a more advantageous force equilibrium for Romania. The combat units were as follows: The 2nd Romanian Army had the following battle formations: 1st Order 4th Army Corps - commanded by General Gheorghe Văleanu 8th Infantry Division 11th Brigade from the 6th Infantry Division In reserve: 6th Infantry Division less the 11th Brigade 10th Vânători Regiment 3rd Battalion from the 24th Infantry Regiment 2nd Army Corps – commanded by General Artur Văitoianu 6th Infantry Division less the 11th Brigade from the 4th Reserve Corps 3rd Infantry Division 2nd Order 1st Infantry Division less the 18th Regiment 2 mountain artillery divisions 1 heavy artillery division (152 mm) 7 long cannon batteries and shell launchers The Gerok Group contained: Ruiz Group 1 cavalry division 1 infantry division 8th Army Group

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    We don't know for sure when a series of weights and measures based on accurate units appeared instead of the rough measurements of the earlies times.We know that the ancient Egyptians had such a system and that similar system were used in other ancient countries.Unfortunately, different regions adopted different measures.When the Romans established their empire, they decided to set up a series of units that would be the same all over the empire.As a result, many features of customary systems in use in modern times reflect the Roman system.For example, 'lb.' is short for the Latin libra or pound.

  • 英文についての質問です。

    To obtain his data on eminence, Galton made the reasonable but problematic assumption that high reputation is an accurate indicator of high ability. He then analysed the records of achievements and honours set out in three printed sources: a leading contemporary biographical handbook, Men of the Time; the obituary of the year 1868 published in The Times newspaper; and obituaries published in England going back into the past. If he were working today, he would no doubt have analysed lists of Nobel prize-winners, too. On this basis, Galton arbitrarily defined an 'eminent' person as someone who had achieved a position attained by only 250 persons in each million, that is one person in every 4,000.(He argued for this number poetically, since 4,000 is perhaps the number of stars visible to the naked eye on the most brilliant of starlit nights--'yet we feel it to be an extraordinary distinction to a star to be accounted as the brightest in the sky'.) An ’illustrious’ person--much rarer than an eminent one --was one in a million, even one in many millions. 'They are men whom the whole intelligent part of the nation mourns when they die; who have, or deserve to have, a public funeral; and who rank in future ages as historical characters.' As already noted, Galton left a 'genius' undefined. (Genius by Andrew Robinson) わからない個所を教えてください。 1)Galton arbitrarily defined an 'eminent' person as someone who had achieved a position attained by only 250 persons in each million, that is one person in every 4,000. ここはどうやって訳すのでしょうか? ゴルトンは到達された地位を成し遂げたある人として”著名な”人を任意で定義しました、と前半部分は述べているように思うのですが、by only 250~がわかりません。 2)yet we feel it to be an extraordinary distinction to a star to be accounted as the brightest in the sky' itは何を指しているのですか? to be accounted as the brightest in the skyの部分ですか? 3) and who rank in future ages as historical characters. 最後の段落にある英文ですが、どのように読むのでしょうか? 長文になってしまい、申し訳ありません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Action of the Cockcroft See also: Inverness Copse and Action of 22 August 1917 Roads and German strongpoints east of St Julien On 19 August, in the Action of the Cockcroft parties from the 48th (South Midland) Division and a composite company of the 1st Tank Brigade attacked up the St Julien–Poelcappelle road to capture fortified farms, blockhouses and pollboxes. The tanks were to attack Hillock Farm, Triangle Farm, Maison du Hibou, the Cockcroft, Winnipeg Cemetery, Springfield and Vancouver. The advance was covered by a smoke barrage and aircraft flying low to disguise the sound of the tanks. The infantry follow up when the tank crews signalled and occupied the strong points. Hillock Farm was captured at 6:00 a.m. and fifteen minutes later Maison du Hibou was captured. Triangle Farm was overrun soon afterwards, when tanks drove the garrisons under cover where they were unable to engage the infantry behind the tanks. A female tank ditched 50 yd (46 m) from the Cockcroft at 6:45 a.m. The tank crews had 14 casualties and the attacking infantry 15 men, instead of the expected 600–1,000 losses; about 100 German casualties and 30 taken prisoner. On 20 August a special gas and smoke bombardment took place on Jehu Trench, beyond Lower Star Post on the front of the 24th Division in the II Corps area. The 61st Division in the XIX Corps area took a German outpost near Somme Farm and on 21 August, the 38th Division (XIV Corps), pushed forward its left flank.

  • 大至急!英文の訳をお願いします。

     It is often said that there is no love like a mother’s love. Once in a while, however, there are cases in which a man comes to love his mother a little too much. They can become fixated on them, or too attached to them. They have difficulty separating themselves from the woman who brought them into the world and raised them. You might be surprised to find that history has no shortage of famous men who had a mother complex. The effect of this complex differs from person to person as well.  J .M. Barrie wrote the wonderful story Peter Pan, which has become one of the best-loved children’s books of all time. In the book, there is a place called Never-Never Land, a place where children never grow up. Tn real life “Jamie” would dress in his dead brother’s clothes and spend long hours in the dark with his mother, consoling her over the death of his brother and her son. Some say this is the reason he did not grow much from his teenage years on. In other words, he stopped growing. Later, in adulthood, this short man wrote memoirs about his mother that shocked people all over England. He was clearly a man who adored his mother.  Houdini was one of the greatest magicians ever. His specialty was breaking out of dark places from which there was no escape. Some psychologists think that Houdini was really trying to experience childbirth over and over again. This is the reason that he put himself into dark, dangerous places from which he had to break out into the world of light. It was similar to a baby’s body coming out into the world.  After his mother passed away, Houdini went from psychic to psychic because he hoped to find someone who could put him in touch with her. Some saw him spend hours lying on his mother’s grave, talking toward the ground. Apparently, he was unsuccessful at communicating with his mother, though he did succeed in creating a greater distance between his wife and himself.  Yukio Mishima, the renowned Japanese writer, spent his childhood as the object of a tug-of-war. His grandmother, a tough woman who emphasized discipline and manners, and his mother, an emotional and outgoing woman, battled to influence young Yukio. His grandmother passed away while he was a teenager, but taught him to function smoothly in the world. Consequently, he spent most of his time with his mother, whom he adored. After his death, his mother supposedly said, “At last, my lover has returned to me.”  Mishima presented himself as a tough, disciplined, “manly” man, while in private, he kept male lovers in a passionate, emotional world. He was clearly a man of two worlds. Did this have something to do with his complex over his mother?  The effect of a mother complex on an individual can differ from person to person. Though the cause was the same for all of these three men, the results were very different. Too much of a good thing can be bad for us. Eating too many sweets, for example, leads to decayed teeth, weight problems, and more. By the same token, a mother’s love is special, but too much of it can be unhealthy. 訳せずに困っています。 大至急お願いします。 質問の内容を書いてください