• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • sillywalk
  • ベストアンサー率46% (145/314)

最初のはsix mailsではなくsix milesの間違いでしょ。 「どんな人物でも6マイルの範囲の正確さで出身地を特定できる。ロンドン市内なら2マイル以内、時には通り2本分の正確さで出身地を特定できる」 ということです。ヒギンズは音声学者なので、イギリスの方言の多様性に精通しており、その人の話す言葉から出身地を正確に言い当てることができる、と言っておるわけです。


  • 英語*最上級

    英語に直す 1番近い交番はどこにありますか  [交番 police box] →(             ) あなたが今までに読んだ小説で1番長いのはなんですか [小説 novel] →(             ) あれは私が今までに見た最も美しい絵の1枚で →(             ) 空欄をうめる 航空運賃が1番安いからロンドンにしようかな I think I will choose London because the air fare is ( ). アテネがいいよ。運賃は1番高いけど50000ボーナスマイルが貰えるから I think Athens is the best.The fare is( ) ,but we can get 50,000 bonus miles. フランクフルトがいいんじゃないかな。往復運賃はロンドンの1.5倍だけど、ボーナスマイルは2倍貰えるから I'd like to go to Frankfrut.The price of a round-trip ticket to Frankfurt is ( ) times as high as that of a round-trip to London.But the bonus miles Frankfurt is ( ) as much as that for London.

  • onlyとmoreは、一緒に使えるんですか?

    あるアーティストのポストカードの話をしていました。 私はそのカード2枚持っていました。 私は2枚のうち1枚あげるというつもりでした。 Does Mike want it? I have only two more cards. この文は私の英文を直してもらったものです この文なんですが、only とmoreがなぜ一緒になるんですか? If he wants it, I can keep one for him. 補足があったらします。 お願いします

  • とても長いのですが…

    You can trust London's taxi driuers. They will take you to any address by the shortest possible route. When I took a taxi in London, I saw the driver's license and a green badge on display inside the car. I asked him what the green badge was. "My green badge? It means I know all the street names in London. I can take you anywhere you want to go." "How do you get a green badge? Is there a school for taxi drivers?" "No, there isn't. You have to study by yourself. But the test is difficult. On average only six people in every hundred pass." "How do you learn all the street names in London? You must have a wonderful memory." "I went round London on a motorbike, learning the street names in one area at a time. You have to remember which streets are one-way. When you remember them all, you take a test. It's not a wirtten test. You have an interview with an examiner face to face. The examiners are usually very rude, but you must keep calm. Taxi driuers must not only know every street in London, but they must also be able to deal with all kinds of passengers. If you get angry when the examiner is rude, you fail." "How long does it take to learn the whole of London?" "That depends. Everyone is different. But after you have passed your test, you still have to attend a two-week course to learn where all the theaters and museums are. Finally you take a special driving test. The examiners always ask you to do things you are not allowed to do. But you must not break the law. You can only fail the test once. If you fail twice, you'll never be a London taxi driver." かなり長いのですが、訳していただけたら光栄です(T_T)

  • gambling $50,000 hands

    I've been married to the perfect man for six months and am standing on the threshold of divorce. My husband has money for everything—trips all over the world, gambling $50,000 hands in Vegas—but I have to fight him for a facial. He says I'm "stupid" and "out of control" for asking him for money for something like that. ここでの handsはどのような意味でしょうか?fight him for a facialは文字通りの訳しかないでしょうか?文脈がめちゃくちゃなのですが・・よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳ができません(泣

    自分の尊敬するダンサーに送ったメールです。 来たメール lol hey man...ahhh, yeah i love hyun joon too man, but yeah i'm not HIM..but i just have all his vids hah and upload em so everybody can watch him and get to know him, he's a really cool guy tho ↑を訳してください<(__)> ちなみに僕が送った文↓↓です。 title:Are You Nam Hyun Joon ? comment: I am high school student I like Nam Hyun joon !! Very very very very Fan !! I,m looking forward to your letter . ↑は あなたはNam Hyun Joon ですか? 私はNam Hyun Joon が好きです! めちゃめちゃファンです! お手紙待ってます って意味で書きました。(相手に伝わるといいけど((汗

  • 英語の訳がわかりません。 教えて下さい

    In the summer of 1944, when it was noting for trains from the provinces to be five or six hours late, I travelled to London on the night train from Edinburgh, which, at York, was already there hours late.There were ten people in the compartment, only two whom I remember well, and for good reason.

  • 和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    1 One can criticize the goverment, if one wants to, in a democratic country. 2 There are three ways in which a river can be crossed. 3 The sight of the hungry youth filled the ols man with pity. 4 There is no need for people to get out of their buses to cross the river. 5 They not only lived to reach land, but lived on the small island for six months. 6 I was going to leave the theater, when I met John, a friend of mine. 7 Henry and Phoebe loved each other the way people do who have lived together a long time. 8 Those whom you hate sometimes love you and those who love you you sometimes hate. 宜しくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 海外通販で返品したいのですが、リターンポリシーの英

    海外通販で返品したいのですが、リターンポリシーの英語が分かりません。 Please contact me within two days after delivery. Shipping is the responsibility of the customer. Procedures and will only have people who contact us by e-mail within two days of return. We do not deal with this and the rest. However, I can not return the following ones. 1. The product which became use, the wearing once 2. Order mistake 3. Circumstances (I do not like it) of the visitor どのような事が書かれているのか教えてくださいませんでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    About my boyfriend, he is a wonderful person and I am very in love with him. He is very kind and caring, but he is also very realistic and sometimes can seem almost cynical. But I don't think cynicism is always a bad virtue. I agree with him on most issues, and he can speak about things such as poverty and politics much better than I can. I would call that more "eloquent". いつも御世話になっています(^_^) ある女の子が彼氏について書いてくれたメールです。 (1) I don't think cynicism is always a bad virtue のvirtueは”効力”と訳せばいいのでしょうか?? (2)I would call that more "eloquent".  こういう場合wouldはどう訳すのでしょうか??だい たいwouldはどういう時に使う事が多いですか??   誰か教えて下さい。お願いします<(_ _)>    

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    In order to obtain the total collisional rate <Γ(e_1, i_1)>, we have to find <P(e,i)> numerically by computing orbits of relative motion between the protoplanet and the planetesimal. Since <P(e,i)> should be provided for wide ranges of e and i with a sufficient accuracy, we are obliged to compute a very large number of orbits. In practice, it is an important problem to find an efficient method for numerical computation. In the second paper (Nakazawa et al., 1989b, referred to as Paper II), we have studied the validity of the two-body approximation and found that within the sphere of the two-body approximation (hereafter referred to as the two-body sphere), the relative motion can be well described by a solution to the two-body problem: the sphere radius has been found to be r_cr=0.03(a_0*/1AU)^(-1/4)(ε/0.01)^(1/2). ・・・・・(13) Within the sphere, the nearest distance can be predicted with an accuracy εby the well-known formula of the two-body encounter. We can expect the above result to be useful to reduce computation time for obtaining <P(e,i)> numerically. よろしくお願いします。