• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

どうも。ちょっと気になったので、少し書いて行きます。 (1)は並び替え問題で、OKだと思います。 (2)について、何点か。    ※一般的な人々が海外へ行くということをあらわすのであれば、foreign countriesのほうが好ましいです。    ※it s difficult for Japanese people to go to foreign countries and にすると、海外渡航も難しいという意味にとらえられることがあるので、よいとは言えません。    ※human beings またはthe living human beingsというのは、生物的人間、知能を持つという意味で他の動物と区別した場合の人間を言うので、このような一般的な人々のことをあらわす場合は使用しないほうがいいと思います。 全体的に、構文がきれいにまとまっているBのほうが英語としてはきちんとしていると思います。



onenyanlandさん、お礼が遅くなって申し訳ありません。 皆様のご回答を参考にして無事レポートを終わらせました。 本当にありがとうございました。


  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    The staff and other Japanese members go out of their way to create a hostile, unwelcoming and uncomfortable situation for foreign members by using a variety of stealthy tactics to harass and intimidate them.

  • 英語日記23 語学を学ぶのに一番大事なこと

    最近ながい文章がかけません。すぐにかくことがなくなってしまいます。。。。。 なにか良い方法ありますか?? すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです There are many people in the world who want to learn foreign languages but what is the most important to progress of one`s ability of languages. In my opinion, The fastest way for you to improve your language skills is to go to the country where the language you want to learn is spoken However, there are a lot of people who go abroad every day in Japan but I think that they tend to gather up with their own country. This is because they feel relieved when they talk with their own country people. you have a big misunderstanding if you think that you would be able to speak foreign language easily the way of just going abroad.

  • 英語の長文の訳助けて><

    Research projicts follow the trends of their times, and life span psychology has developed as the post-war baby boom generation has matured. The current wave of research into ageing and care of the elderlu, for example, can be seen as directly resulting from that generation reaching retirement age. LIFE-TRANSITIONS Gould(1978) developed the idea that adult life consists of a series of transitions, or life changes, which occur ar different times in our lives. The first of these is that of adjusting to the responsibilities of being independent and living away from parental care. Looking after ourselves without someone in the background is quite different from the kinf of independence which occurs when living as part of family group, where there is always someone to fall back on, or to look after you if you become ill. This transition, Gould argued takes place usually between the ages of 16 and 22. Then there is another transition, which takes place during our twenties, in which we develop our own competences and autonomy, and choose our rulus to live by, rather than simply conforming to our parents' rules and principles. A third transition, according to Gould, happens between 28 and 34, as we come to know ourselves better, and learn to come to terms with aspects of our nature which we weren't really aware of before. And the final transition involves accepting that life isn't going to last for ever━that is, developing a sence of our own mortality. This final transition, Gould argued, happens between the ages of 35 and 45.

  • 英語長文

    When we talk about conservation of the tropical rainforests we must first look at who owns them. The vast majority of them are found in developing countries, nations which generally have a much (1) standard of living than countries of the developed world. For them, conversation is simply a laxury. They have most pressing concernsーpaying off huge debts to banks in developed countries, feeding their people, rising the standard of living and preserving national security. All these concerns directly threaten the forests. One (2) method of earning foreign exchange to pay off debts and to raise the standard of living is to export valuable hardwood timber. One of the most obvious ways to feed the people is to give them land which hasn't already been farmedーthe land where the forest grows. One of the best ways of protecting the remote borders of a country, particularly when that border is disputed by its neighbours, is to move lots of people into the area. The tropical rainforest is therefore seen as a commodity to be removed for quick cash.   In these circumstances it is easy to see why tropical countries not only 【fail respond to pressure from foreign conservationists】 but also resent being told by outsiders what they should or shouldn't do with their own forests. Dr. Mahatir, the Prime Ministor of Malaysia, repeatedly makes the point that in Europe (3) areas of forest were used as fuel for the Industrial Revolution, a development which led to the privileged economic position of the Western world today. Now, as he attenpts to industrialize his country, Dr.Mahatir deeply recents being told not to cut down his forests. The tropical countries can also point to the contribution which the developed world makes to the greenhouse effect today. 【Although the tropical rainforests is adding to the problem, it is the developed countries which created that problem in the first place. 】The industrialised nations need to show some willingness to clean up the mess they have created before they can dictate to the developing countries on matters of conservation. ・(1)~(3) difficult,easy,higher,large,lower,small,soft,wrong (1)lower (2)wrong (3)large にしました。 ・【fail to~】pressureの意味を指摘しつつ、説明(←良く分からなかったです) ・【Although~】訳 熱帯雨林の破壊は問題が増しているけれども、そもそもその問題を引き起こしたのは先進国である。 と書きました。 お願いします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Foreign workers do not want to put their spouses through that kind of situation. (“Put their through that kind of situation” means to make their spouses experience that kind of difficult or unpleasant situation.)

  • 英訳してください

    the most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings , and that these individual human beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murderred in quarrels not their own , to inflict upon the inocent and , innocent themselves of any crime against their enemise, to suffer cruelties of every kind.

  • 英語 長文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    how we got here perry's display of american technology and weaponry was succesful in opening japan, and during the first three decades of the meiji period the U.S. served as a model for japanese modernization, but it was never an equal relationship. americans were the teachers and were more than happy in their role, teaching the japanese everything from english to baseball to military strategy. they believed that God had given them the best country and the best civiliza-tion in the word, and that their duty was to spread their culture to others.

  • 英語の訳について

    With chance, there's also the idea of something "unknown, unpredictable, a risk." 訳をお願いします。 ちなみに、前の文章は、 Many Japanese people tend to think of chance as being only a good thing, maybe because of the way it is used in Japanese.In fact, it's just the opposite. です。 また、chanceはイタリック体です。

  • 英語の長文の和訳をお願いします。

    途中、並び替えや空欄があります。(A)にはsaying,linguistic,way,somethingが、(B)にはwhich,what,how,whereのどれかが入ります。お願い致します。 Human beings learn to communicate with each other through nonlinguistic means as well as linguistic ones. All of us are familiar with the saying, “It wasn´t what he said ; It was the way that he said it”when, by using the word (A), we mean something about the particular voice quality that was in evidence, or the sat of a shoulder, or the obvious tension in certain muscles. A message may even be contradicted by the accompanying tone and gestures, so that each of “I´m ready,”“You´re beautiful,”and“I don´t know where he is”can mean the opposite of any literal interpretation.  Often we experience difficulty in pinpointing exactly (B) in the communication causes the change of meaning, and any statement we make as to the sources of the discrepancy between the literal meaning of the words and the total message communicated is likely to be expressed in extremely impressionistic terms. It is likely to refer to something like a sparkle in a person´s eye, or a “threatening”gesture, or an “insulting”manner.  We are likely to make similar impressionistic statements about communication between members of different cultures. Sometimes we remark that Frenchmen “talk with their hands,”Japanese “smile”on inappropriate occasions, and American Indians are “stone-faced.”As a result, (tend,people,we,stereotype,to,who) come from other linguistic and cultural backgrounds on the basis of impressions about their language, gestures, customary movements, and uses of space. 以上です。

  • 【急ぎ!】和訳をおねがいします!長文です

    1 Much of the work of top business executives depends on giving information verbally. 2 The author says the art of listening is more usuful in business than in any other field. 3 U.S. college students rarely devote their time to listening to discussions and lectures in their classes. 4 Probably, we get most of our ideas and information by listening to television, radio, conversations, and lectures. 5 The best way to improve our speeches is to reflect on our own speeches every time.