• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語日記23 語学を学ぶのに一番大事なこと)

The Most Important Thing to Learn a Language

  • To improve your language skills, the fastest way is to go to the country where the language is spoken.
  • However, many people who go abroad tend to stick with their own country, which hinders their language progress.
  • Just going abroad is not enough to easily speak a foreign language.


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

>There are many people in the world who want to learn foreign languages but what is the most important to progress of one`s ability of languages. → ここの文は二つの分けたら良いと思います。 1. There are many people in the world who want to learn foreign languages. 2. What then, is the most important factor in making a progress in learning languages? >In my opinion, The fastest way for you to improve your language skills is to go to the country where the language you want to learn is spoken → ここの文章は非常に良いです。ただし、タイプミスがあるので勿体ないです。 ・The fastest → the fastest ・is spoken → is spoken. >However, there are a lot of people who go abroad every day in Japan but I think that they tend to gather up with their own country. → 少し意味が伝わりにくいです。 Every day, many Japanese people go abroad to study languages, but I believe that they tend to gather together with other Japanese on site, making a small Japanese community. ・"I believe" は "I think" に代わる少しカッコつけた表現です。 ・"on site" → 「現地で」 >This is because they feel relieved when they talk with their own country people. → "relieved" よりも "relax" が良いでしょう。 This is because they feel more relaxed when they are with their fellow countrymen. ・"fellow countrymen" → 「自国の人々」 >you have a big misunderstanding if you think that you would be able to speak foreign language easily the way of just going abroad. → ピリオドの後は必ず大文字です。"you" → "You" 小さなことですが、気をつけましょう!! → 気をつけなくてはならないのは、冒頭で、「海外へ行くことが外国語習得の近道」と述べているのに対し、ここではその逆に近いことを言っていることです。矛盾がないようにしなくてはなりません。そこで、「ただ単に海外へ行っただけでは」、というニュアンスを作る必要があります。 You are mistaken if you think that by going abroad alone, you will easily learn to speak a foreign language. ・"going abroad alone" → 「海外に行っただけでは」 ・"You are mistaken" → 「あなたは間違っている」 There are many people in the world who want to learn foreign languages. What then, is the most important factor in making a progress in learning languages? In my opinion, the fastest way for you to improve your language skills is to go to the country where the language you want to learn is spoken. Every day, many Japanese people go abroad to study languages, but I believe that they tend to gather together with other Japanese on site, making a small Japanese community. You are mistaken if you think that by going abroad alone, you will easily learn to speak a foreign language. >最近ながい文章がかけません。なにか良い方法ありますか?? 頭の中で考えても時間が過ぎていくだけです。テーマを決めたら、まずは体裁とか順序とかに拘らず、とにかく思いついたことを書き出していくことです。ブレーンスト―ミングみたいなものです。材料が出揃ったら、今度はそれを文章にしていく作業です。





その他の回答 (1)

  • Ensenada
  • ベストアンサー率44% (484/1090)

Hello again, 英文に関する指摘ではないですが、 アメリカに住んでいるなら USA Today, NY Times。 日本に住んでいるなら News Weekの日本語版または英語版からネタを拾ってくれば? 「The magazine (news paper) says .... My opinion is that ...., some may think.....」という構成で。 例えば Newsweek 日本語版から拾ってきたネタですが、 「311大震災で、ブータンやアフガニスタンのような貧しい国から100万ドルの寄付をもらいました。 雑誌では、日本は世界を頼っていいと言っています。私の考えでは、日本は先進国なのに...。」 「アメリカのリーダーは4年間選び直すことができません。そのかわり国民が選べます。 それに引き換え、日本のリーダーはすぐ国会議員によりやめせることができます。しかし、国民の投票で選ぶことはできません。」とか..。 あと、「日本のQAサイトではこんな質問(アンケート)があった。自分はこう思います。米国(かどっかの留学先)の人はどうでしょう?」といった趣旨なら英作文のネタは増えると思います。 (私の学生時代は、「ブロークンでもとにかく通じる」ということが目標だったので、参考にならなかったら、ごめんなさい。てか、私も長文の英作文は苦手です。正確な文法も分かりません:-) はい、今も yahoo!Answersで「You have made many grammatical errors in your question:- 」という回答がきました^^; 追伸: 英文に関しては、Yahoo! Answersで完璧な回答が来ているようなのでコメントしません。 (できません ^_^; 追々伸: Yahoo! Answersには、「この日本語を英語にしてくれ!」といったような、英作文の勉強には「おいしい」ネタがたくさん落ちています。これらも英作文の練習にはいいのでは? (私の場合、「英語はよくわからないので、私の英語が意味をなさなかったらごめんね」と付け加えています) ↓こんなような http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhrWzYi_SOTxCkRUwttp.WDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110706054929AAWkS8C 直接の回答になっていなくてすみませんでした。






  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    うまく日本語訳ができません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)When you return to your home country after a long period abroad it is rather normal to need time to re-adjust to the country you call home. (2)Education is all about going to another country and living there for long periods of time. (3)It takes about the same amount of time to adjust to your own country as a foreign country when you have been abroad for a long time. (4)It might be a good idea to search out people who are about to spend time abroad if you want to maintain your contact with the international scene. (5)Spending time abroad is a skill, as you learn about different cultures and also how to interact with different people, and you should use this skill wisely. 問題は以上です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語日記11 なぜ勉強するのか

    英語日記11 なぜ勉強するのか すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです。 Why people study? What do you answer if you are asked why do you study? To get a good job? To earn many money? Maybe many young students answer YES. It is said that there are many smart people in Japan. I also think so. However, do you think that if a number of smart people increase, which give a chance to develop in Japan? The answer is NO. I think that talent is much more important than studying. Of course, studying is important thing, but looking for your own talent is more important.

  • 英語日記28(2) 

    すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです。 I have been there when I came to Australia first time. I think that the time flows really slowly in Cairns. This is because Cairns is a kind of tourist city. Many people are coming from all over the world. It may look like Hawaii. There was one thing that I could not believe was that someone walked with strip to the waist. Someone call the police and catch him if he would do it in my country. So I didn’t believe it. And I have one more thing surprising me is that many people have tattoos in Cairns. My country image of tattoo is very bad. There are few people have tattoo in my country. For example, like a group of gangster. My mother said “you mustn’t have a tattoo” before going to Australia. However, there are many tattoos includes women as well. Cairns is small city but people are good and commodity price is not expensive. Cairns is one of the city that live easily.

  • 自由英作文の添削してください !

    自由英作文の添削してください ! テーマ(自分の人生を変えた出来事) I have been to the US and the experience changed my view of the world. As you know, they speak English fluently: the sound of the language is cool even if the speaker is Japanese. That’s why I got to be interested in foreign languages. But that’s not all. What is more important for me is an American attitude: they are seemed to like to tell his thoughts to others and can express his own opinions positively, unlike the most of Japanese. These experiences showed me attraction of studying abroad.

  • 英語の問題【whichの使い方】

    この問題がよく分かりません。正解とその文法をおしえてください。 As a child,Derek was exposed to an ideal enviroment(続きは下のどれかいいか?) 1,in which foreign languages to be learnt 2,in which to learn foreign languages 3,learning foreign languages in 4,which to learn foreign languages もし、スペルミスがありましたら僕のミスです。

  • 単数か複数か

    「外国語を学習することで、自分たちの考え方とは異なる考え方を学び、日本語を新しい視点から見ることができる。」の英作文の解答例が以下の2つありました。 By learning foreign languages, you can learn ways of thinking which are different from your own. You will also become able to look at the Japanese language from a different perspective. By learning a foreign language, we can learn a different way of thinking and also get a fresh perspective of the Japanese language. foreign languageは単数か複数で何か違いはあるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語日記 14 ホームシック

    英語日記14 ホームシック すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです HOMESICK Everyone has experienced homesick if you have been to abroad. Now I want to talk about how to get over the homesick. In the first place, what is the homesick? According to the dictionary, it is said that you feel sad because you are away from home and you miss your family and friends. People who are homesick how to get over the homesick??? In my opinion, I have some ways how to get over that. First thing is that you make friends. It is because you don’t have friends that you feel lonely. Incidentally, I am shy so it is difficult for me to talk with people who met me first time. Second thing is that you get used to new surroundings. Almost people usually get used to new surroundings soon. However I don’t know how long it is. So you need to keep on patient until you become familiar with new living. I think that there are more ways how to get over. However, those are all different by person by person.

  • 長文和訳お願いします!

    長いですがお願いします…。 People in Bhutan learn English from a young age. Of course they learn their own language at school,but their teachers teach math,science,and other things in English. Some Bhutanese high school students go to universities in India after finishing school. It is not difficult for them to study in India because many Indian university classes are taught in English. Bhutanese students also go to universities in Bhutan. There are many Indian and other foreign people teaching there. Because most of those teachers speak English,the language used in those classes is English. 大変長くて申し訳ありません…泣 至急です!

  • 英語日記12 すきな歌手について

    すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです About my favorite artist BIGBANG. I would like to introduce you about BIGBANG today. They are 5 people. They have awarded many prizes in Korea. They made a big successful in Korea. Recently they are starting the singer activity in Japan. There are many fancied people in Japan. My favorite member is g-dragon because his talent is wonderful. BIGBANG has many songs. G-dragon made there all songs from only his ability. Which <it> is including write songs and compositions. You should listen to their songs if you have never listened that. Many Korean artists become the singer activity. Which<it> is called K-POP. However I hope that the Japanese music industry will grow up more.

  • 英語日記21 コミュ力

    今回はコミュ力について書いてみました最近やたら耳にすることばですね ここ1週間休みなんで毎日出来る限り更新しますので回答お願いいたします。 今回もあまり自信がないのですが・・・・あと最近bookaholicさんの回答がもらえませんwww すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです Communication skill is now very important thing in the world. Especially in Japan, it has been paid attention from a lot of people. It is said in Japanese “komyuryoku” .I don’t know exactly what it means. I saw it on TV that people who are university student in Tokyo University of foreign studies were talking about what “”komiryoku” is. According to that, “komiryoku” is that people who can talk everyone without distinction. Can you talk everyone without distinction?? In my case, No, I cant. It is very important thing If you were a student This is because Communication skill is requirements of getting a god job.

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