• ベストアンサー




shouldやmustは後に原形動詞(toのない不定詞)が来ます。oughtはought toと覚えるように、ought to動詞の原形となります。needはneed toとも言いますが、このときは一般動詞になりますので、don’t need toとなります。need notの後には原形が来ます。



ありがとうございます。 ところで > need notの後には原形が来ます。 の意味がよくわかりません。 例えばどんな風に使うのでしょうか。例文を教えてください。


  • 文法問題

    ( )に入る番号を教えて下さい! (1)It was a great party last night. You( )have come. (1)should (2)may (3)may not (4)cannot (2)He has not cone here yet. I am afraid he ( )have taken the wrong train. (1)has to (2)may (3)may not (3)cannot (3)Jiro ( )the movie;he knew nothing about the story. (1)must have seen (2)can't see (3)may have see (4)can't have seen (4)James has a toothache now.He ( )to the dentist yesterday. (1)should go (2)should have gone (3)would go (4)would have gone (5)You ( )yesterday if you had anything else to do. (1)needn't come (2)don't need come (3)needn't coming (4)needn't have come (6)( ) (1)I ought to have been drunk more coffee. I feel sleepy. (2)I ought to have drunk more coffee. I feel sleepy. (3)I ought to not have drunk more coffee. I feel sleepy. (7)( ) (1)I'm not good at English. I should study it harder when I was young. (2)I'm not good at English. I ought to have studied it harder when I was young. (3)I'm not good at English. I need have studied it harder when I was young.

  • 次の各文を命令文に直してください お願いします

    1.You must wash your hands before meals. 2.You must not open your eyes. 3.You are kind to old people. 4.You must not eat all the cake. 5.You are not afraid of your own shadow.

  • 誤文訂正

    進研模試の過去問なんですけど、 1 This camera of {mine} {is broken},so I am going to have it {repair}. 2 {In} all the subjects I'm talking,I am most interested {in} Japanese history. 3 You had {not better} eat {too much} between {meals} それぞれ3つある{}の中の1つは文法上間違いで、 その間違いを訂正しないといけない問題です。 1番は repair→repaired 3番は not better→better not だとおもったんですけどこれであってますか? 2番は全く分からないので2番の答えも教えて下さい!

  • 急いでいます。

    急いでいます。 以下の英文に must should を入れるのですが… これで合っているのでしょうか? You have a fever. You (should) see a doctor. You (shouldn't) not have said that. It (must) be an exciting movie. 以下の英文の(  )内に must should need を入れます。 どれを入れたらよいですか? You really (  ) see the exhibition if you get the chance. I (  ) admit I treated him like a child. You (  ) not harry. It can wait. You (  ) have come with us. The dinner was wonderful. ご回答のほど宜しくお願いします。

  • ( )内から適切な語を選ぶ問題です。宿題

    ( )内から適切な語を選ぶ問題です。 (1)There (used to/would) be a movie theater around here. (2)My father (used to/would) have a record Player. (3)My sister (is used to/used to) getting up early. (4)He (is used to/used to) be a professional soccer player. (5)He (cannot/may/ought) have studied abroad. His English is perfect. (6)You (ought to/shouldn't/cannot) have bought the tickets. I already had some. (7)You (need not/ought not/might not) have come so early. (8)Aさん.I'm sorry you couldn't come to the concert last night. Bさん.I heard it was great. I (might/must/should) have gone with you. ご回答宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 否定の命令文に、「そうすれば」や「さもなくば」をつけるには?

    例えば ためらうな。そうすれば君は成功するだろう。 という文章は Don't hesitate and yol'll succeed. Don't hesitate or yol'll succeed. どっちが正しいでしょうか? 同じように そんなに食べるな。でないと太るよ。 というのは Don't eat that much and you'll get fat. Don't eat that much or you'll get fat. のどっちが正しいでしょうか? もっともこっちは Don't eat that much otherwise you'll get fat. というのもいけそうですが。

  • 英文法の問題

    どなたか、解答と理由を教えていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。 二次試験の問題です。 1,(a)It is not good that you didn't ask her name. =(b)You (   )have asked her name. (1)ought to (2)need (3)must (4)may 2、My sister (   )here by now, for she took the early train. (1)mustn't have arrived (2)shouldn't have arrived (3)might arrive (4)ought to have arrive

  • 英語の問題

    どうしても気になって、答えが早く知りたいのです。 お願いします。 空欄に入れる問題です。 1、本田君は忘れるといけないので、その名前を書き留めました。 Mr.Honda wrote down the name (     )(    )(    )he should forgot it. 2、たとえ行きたくなくても、君は行かなければなりません。 You must go(     )(    )you don't want to. よろしくお願いします。

  • 大学入試問題です。

    大学入試問題なのですが、おそらく答えは(2)のshould だと思うのですが、確信を持てません。また、どういう意味になるのかもよくわかりません。英語力のある方、よろしくお願いいたします。 "Can you coem by seven?" "I ( ) think so." (1) could  (2) should (3) must (4) ought to

  • 英語 問題

    答えが合っているか見てください。 間違ってたら何故違うのかも教えて欲しいです。 すべての問題の訳もできれば・・・ ・()do you think will win the race? 1 How 2 Who 3 Whose 4 Whether→2 ・The plant is dead. Maybe I () it more water. 1 should have given 2 should give 3 had given 4 give→3 ・We had a great time last night. You (). 1 should come 2 ought to have come 3 had come 4 could have come→4 ・It didn't rain after all, so I () my umbrella with me. 1 need have taken 2 needn't have taken 3 took 4 would take→2 ・These magagines must not (). 1 be thrown away 2 be thrown 3 throw away 4 throw→1 ・Try to avoid () soap in your eyes. 1 not getting 2 not to get 3 getting 4 to get→4 ・Frank asked me () anyone about the matter. 1 not talking 2 not to talk 3 not telling 4 not to tell→2 ・誰がその仕事に適任だと思いますか? () do you think is apt for the job?→Who 以下はわからなかった問題です ・Do you have a cellphone? =I wonder ()()()a cellphone. ・I'm sorry that she changed her plans. =She ()()() her plans. ・I was surprised that it rained. =I didn't expect ()()(). ・あなたはぜひ休息をとるべきです I insist on () taking a rest. ・あなたの助けのおかげで私は宿題を終わらすことができた His help () me to finish my homework. ・彼は電車を乗り間違えたのかもしれない He ()() taken the wrong train. ・She (to/to/not/ought/have/the salt/added) theb soup. ・What do(advise/do/me/to/you)? お願いします。