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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の添削をお願いします)

Did Gene Simmons Grant Permission for ORANGE RANGE to Use KISS' Song?


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  • Kaz-N20ez
  • ベストアンサー率30% (56/184)

メールの一番最後まで読まなければ何を言おうとしているのか分からない文章は、とても読みにくいですし、最後まで読んでもらえない可能性も大いにあります。日本語を練り直すことをまずはお勧めいたします。 I love KISS and their songs. 自己紹介をするときは、私はこういう者ですという言い方のほうが適切だと思います。この場合、たとえば、 I am a great fan of KISS and its music. ORANGE RANGEを知っているかと問い掛けるのは、あまりに唐突です。KISSを好きだといっているすぐ後に、ORANGE RANGEを誉めるのでは、何を言おうとしているのか????となります。 ORANGE RANGEの説明をする前に、今回のメールの目的をまず述べることが大事です。 その後に、ORANGE RANGE の説明、問題個所の説明、結論、最後の挨拶、という構成が適当だと思います。 英語の添削は、それから。 厳しいと思われたらごめんなさい。でも、私もKISSファンですので。 (ORANGE RANGEって紅白くらいでしか聞いたこと無いんだけど、ロコローションって曲もほとんど往年のLocomotionになぞってますよね、メロディーも音韻の付け具合も。KISSのメロディーのことも、KISSに直接じゃなくて著作権問題などのカテゴリでいいかも。納得いきませんよね、好きなバンドのメロディー勝手に使われちゃ。お気持ちは良く分かります。 質問から大きくずれました。すみませんでした。)



回答ありがとうございます。 そうですね、読んでもらえるよう文章を考えてみようと思います。 そのときはまたよろしくお願いします。 また、オレンジレンジについてですが、web検索で色々と盗作疑惑についての情報が出てくるので、ぜひ参考にしてみてください。


  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    大学の二次試験で自由英作文があるのですがなかなかうまく行きません。添削をお願い致します。 テーマは、[携帯電話についてどう思うか]です。 In my opinion, cell phone was enabie us to do many things.Take an example.we can contact other people immediatly when we are late for appointmennt.And we can use it whereever we are.we need not find a public phone.In addition to, we can contact someone I want to talk wherever the person is.But contraryto their good sides,we have bad sides,too.For example,we often see someone calling on train or bus.And we often catch a phone at midnight suddenly.It is very rode and they think nothing but their conveniences.we understand such bose sides and should consider apt time and appropriate place when we use cell phone. 間違いが多いとは思いますが、どうかお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    出来るものだけでも構いません。 1.私たちは言語をあまりにも日常的に使っているので、呼吸や瞬きと同じように、それをほとんど無意識で自然な行動だと見なしてしまいがちだ。 We use languages too daily. So we often regard it as almost unconscious and natural activity the same as breathing and a blink. 2.音楽は過去を思い出させてくれる。以前好きだった歌を聞くと当時の出来事が生き生きとよみがえってくるから不思議だ。 Music reminds me of the past. When I hear the song I liked, it is wonder that I can remember the things obviously that happened those days. 3.(問題文)Many abandoned cats and dogs are killed every week in Tokyo because their owners have rejected them. How would you solve this problem? I would like to tell their owners that they have to have the responsibility of having pets. Once they have pets, they have the duty to keep their pets until their pets die. So cats and dogs, including their pets, will not be killed in vain. 分かりやすいように一文ごとに改行しています。 文法的なミスや不適切な表現などのご指摘よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文添削お願いします。

    テーマはここ数年のニュースで話題になったものというものです。 I was interested in the news which the age of adult should be lowered to eighteen years old. I agree with this idea. Young people these days are overprotected. They can't know anything about the world. It is true that people in their teens still aren't mentally and physically mature. Many teenager don't have a full time job, live with their parents and depend on their parents, However, this is the reason why the age of adult should be lowered. Someday, they will have to live by their own. If they have to be responsible to everything they do, they will become aware that they should be independent. They would also appreciate their parents. よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    自由英作文の添削をよろしくお願いします。 テーマ:いじめに対するアドバイス 条件 ・150words以上 ・3パラグラフ構成以上 ・序論・本論・結論が明確であること。 These days, the problem of bulling is often picked up on the TV program. Some students choose to kill themselves because they feel that they have no another choice to solve the problem. Other students ceased to go to school and study at home. Still others rely on their parents and their parents speak to child’s teacher or the principal and ask them to tell bully to stop bulling. In my opinion, the best way for being bullied students to solve the problem is just continuing to go to school. Of course, I can understand that their parents worry about child’s safety. However, if parents tell them not to go to school, students never change their thought. In my experience, I did go to school when I was bullied, even though I wanted to quit the school or kill myself. But now, I think it was a good experience for my long life. Since I had been mentally injured a lot, I got my heart strong and when my friends or people related me are in trouble, I can give them more proper advice than other people who had never been bullied. For this reason, even if you feel miserable or feel like killing yourself now, you should go to school. This makes you stronger and some day it will be a good experience for you. (226 words) 結論が短いため主張が弱いとは思うものの、文章展開の仕方や肉付けがうまくできていませんが アドバイスや指摘などいただけるとありがたいです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    コンクリートの建物に囲まれ、機能第一主義の無機質な都会で生活していると、鳥や虫の鳴き声に耳をすませたり、名も知らぬような草木に目をやったりしながら、季節の微妙な移り変わりを実感するようなことがめっきり少なくなってきたように思う。もっと心に余裕を持ち、一回きりのかけがえのない人生をうるおいのあるものにしたいと考えて、田舎に移住することを決断する人が近年増えてきているのも無理からぬことである。 Living in urban where they are a lot of concrete buildings and functions are regarded as first priority thing, the opportunities are really decreasing in which we can feel subtle seasonal changes with hearing sounds of birds and insects and with seeing grasses and trees of which I don’t know the names. It is inevitable that the number of people is increasing in recent years, who decide to move from urban to rural in order to live at their own pace and make their limited life satisfied. よろしくお願いします。  

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    文法ミスや、その他改良すべき点ががありましたら指摘していただけるとありがたいです。 テーマ:小学校における外国語教育の是非 In my opinion, children should not study a foreign language in an elementary school. It is true that learning another language enables us to communicate with people who speak the language, and to see the world in a new way. However, I believe that people in their early days ought to learn their own language deeply. It is because mother tongue has a very important role in their lives, and peole could establish their identity by studying it enough. Furthermore, children in an elementary school already have many subjects to study, so it is not able to be thought of as a wise selection to made children have more burden. For these reasons, I emphasize that children should study their own language deeply insted of learnig foreign languages.

  • 【英作文を添削して下さい。】

    真剣に、海外に行くか考えていました。その理由は、高い税金と放射能汚染された食材のためです。 Ex. Seriously,I was thinking about whether I go to some foreign countries or not.The reason are high tax and radiation poisoning food... 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    物語の伝えかたは様々ある。漫画と小説の違いは、漫画はあらかじめ場面が描写されているが、小説は自分で自由に場面を想像する事ができる。 共通点は早く読むじっくり読むのはその人次第で、途中で読むのを中断してもよいことだ。あまり時間がないという人は2~3時間で映画を観るという人もいる。 There are different ways to tell stories. The difference between cartoons and novels is that in a cartoon scenes are presented as given to readers, while a novel allows readers freedom of imagining where and how the story unfolds. What they have in common is that it's up to the reader whether to read fast or slow, and that stopping reading is also an option. People with not much time on their hands may opt for movies. Most last no longer than two to three hours.

  • 英検準一級 英作文添削お願いしますm(_ _)m

    英検準一級 英作文添削お願いします。 1 大学で勉強するのにあたって、オンラインコースは良い方法と思うか 2 子供に携帯電話を持たせるのは必要か 3 公共機関で携帯電話を使用するのを禁止するべきか? I think online courses are a good way to study.Although many people are too busy to take enough time, online courses allow them to study anytime. Regarding your second question, I think it is necessary for children to have it. In an emergency, they contact their family. Finally, I don't think people should be banned it. E-mailing and using Internet is silent. In addition, we will have to use it in an emergency. 導入と締めは除いて添削&採点をしていただきたいです。 それぞれの答えの出だしはこのような形で良いのか? 文法的におかしいところはないか? などなどアドバイスをよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m また、使える文法なども教えていただけるとありがたいです!

  • 英作文を作ったので添削おねがいします

    お礼は必ずします。 よろしくお願いします Recruitment of friend!(British or  American) Nice to meet you. My name is A I am a 35-year-old Japanese man and I live in Osaka. I am 172 cm tall and I weigh 65 kg. My blood type is A. I am a chemist at a chemists,selling medicines. I like playing football and walking my dog. I love Britain and American. I would like to be your friend. Could you correspond with me if you don't mind? If you correspond with me, I would provide you with something you can obtain only in Japan. Through corresponding with you, I would be able to improve my English and increase my knowledge about Britain and USA. Please become my friend by all means. My e-mail address is shown below. I am looking forward to your favorable reply. I would like to see you in near days. see you