• ベストアンサー

E-mail 英文ですが ご指導ください



>I was surprised to here the sound and the show. 「わたしは~に驚きました」であればI was surprised to→at。





  • 英文を訳して下さいm(__)m

    すみません。アメリカの憧れの人からメールをもらったのですが、ちゃんと合って理解できてるか不安です。 訳して頂きたいのでよろしくお願い致します。m(__)m I have just returned home from touring with a different band and recieved your package. Thank you so much, it was extremely nice of you to send all of those things. The teapot will be wonderful for making genmai-cha. The miso looks very delicious, I can't wait to try it. I should tell you the reason I am learning Japanese is because my girlfriend is actually from Miyazaki. I met her in the United States at the Eastman School of Music in rochester, new york. I am so flattered by your email's and always like meeting new friends and hope we can continue writing eachother, but I felt I should tell about my girlfriend. I really would like to continue writing through emails and learning more about you and your life in Japan. I am so complemented by your interest in my music and me and I can tell you are very pretty from your picture.

  • 不自然な英文e-mail(間違いをおしえてください)

    こんにちは。 先日、自分自身で英文e-mailを書きました。しかし、表現が不自然だと思うところがとても多くありました。どうか、このe-mailの表現を添削することを通じて不自然な表現の訂正をお願いします!(気になったところだけで結構です!) 引用: Dear ○○○, Hi, I am in Katmandu now. It's second day for me here. This is very good city to pass time, so that I am always strolling in the city and reading some books in the small cafe restaurant (astonishingly there are many pretty good restrant to pass time^^). But Seeing past my shoulder to the days before here, it makes me a little shiver..It was beyond my imagination, actually, I have never imagined this travel had been this hard way... In fact, I struggled to this small city... Sufferings Detail: 1. Because of High fever(38 Celcius), no appitite(vomition), water-like something and loose emotion, I was hospitalized for two days in DELHI. When I arrived there, it's even difficult for me to walk! I was said 45 kg. 10 kg lesser than my ordinary weight! It was terrible expression. It was 7th day in India. I couldn't eat any solid meals for 5 days! (...to be continued.)

  • 英文、添削お願いします。

    はじめて英語で手紙を書こうと思ったのですが、 本当に英語が苦手で困っています。 辞書と格闘したり翻訳機能を使ってみましたが自信がありません。 是非、添削をお願いします。 私は初めて☆☆☆を見た時、ショーの素晴らしさに凄く感動しました。 When ☆☆☆ was seen for the first time, I was impressed by wonderful of the show. そして私はすぐこのショーが大好きになりました。 And, I came to love this show soon. 私はいつもあなたのダンスと笑顔に元気をもらっています。 I am always getting vigor from your dance and smile. だから私はショーを見に行くのをいつも楽しみにしています。 Therefore, I am always looking forward to going to see the show. あなたのダンスはとても素敵で私は大好きです。 Your dance is very wonderful and I am loved. (お願いがあるのですが)もし良かったらあなたの名前を教えてもらえませんか? If it is good, could you teach me your name.

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 On October Second ‘10 I had a holiday and went to car dealer. First, I went to Toyota to see Estima. As soon as I went there, I did test-drive one. It was comfortable, but it wasn’t more comfortable Alfard and Velfire. When all of salesman find I decided to buy a car, they surve me with the greatest survice. After Toyota, I went to Honda. But there was not a car I wanted. When I was about to leave the shop, the salesman tried to prevent me from leaving there by this way and that. When I was feeling an awkward situation, my mobile phone rang at a good timing. It called from Toyota and told me to leave my bag. I left there at once and came back Toyota to receive it. As soon as I arrived at there, the salesman brought my bag to me. I felt I was lucky, as I left the shop. If I left it another place, it wouldn’t come back me.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The first battalions of the 110th Brigade of the 21st Division got into the German trenches quickly except for one point on the left, where German machine-gunners held out for twenty minutes until enveloped from both flanks. The second line was captured by 4:00 a.m. and contact made with the 1st Division on the left. The infantry pushed on into Bazentin le Petit Wood, with little opposition, except at the north-west corner, where a German party held out all day. A defensive flank was formed facing east to stop the Germans opposite the 7th Division retreating to the west. At about 6:00 a.m. one battalion advanced into Bazentin le Petit and linked with the 2nd Royal Irish and handed over the village, before digging in from the north end of the village to the north-east of the wood. When a German counter-attack pushed back the Royal Irish, the 100th Brigade troops fell back temporarily into the wood.

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!!

    英語が非常に苦手なものです(泣)明日英語のスピーチがあるのですが、時間がないので助けてほしいです!よろしくお願いします!! 英文:I love a trip. I tell that I went to Fukushima for snowboarding with a friend the other day. I got on a night coach from night of January 17 and went to the Daira, Adachi plateau of Fukushima. When it arrived at the inn, it was about 4:00 of the morning. The feeling was excited, but I fell asleep once and I got up for 8 carrier 30 minutes of the morning and went to the slope by bus. When I arrived at the slope, one area was very clean by snow. I changed into a wear at once and went to be slippery. I did not have experience of the snowboarding so far, and this time was the first challenge. I had there was a good child to a friend, and the child teach it from the beginning. I fell down first and. However, I got possible to glide alone while I slipped a lot. When I got possible to glide, I was very glad. It was fearful to step on the lift, but got possible to get on a lift first. I want to thank a friend.  I entered the hot spring at night. I have a feeling that a tired body softened by the effect of the hot spring. It was very comfortable. The supper ate sukiyaki. Vegetables and meat were very delicious.  I gathered in one room together and played a game while eating a cake and talked afterwards. It was the future and talked about a thing of the love, an interesting thing in various ways. It was good to be able to do a deep talk. I made a tour of Fukushima on the second day. I walked the neighborhood and took a photograph with a digital camera. There were footbathing and a lake and a Shinto shrine in the neighborhood of the inn. Powdery snow fell, and the circumference was surrounded in the silver world and was very beautiful when I took a walk through a lake on the way. And I returned to the house on the night coach again. I became the very good memory. I want to do a lot of trips from now on. I go to the land and want to watch various things in spite of being a feeling with skin. Thank you. 日本語:私は旅行が大好きです。こないだ友達と福島にスノボーに行った時の話をします。 私は1月17日の夜から夜行バスに乗り、福島の安達太良高原に行きました。宿に着いたときは朝の4時頃でした。気持はわくわくしていましたが、一旦眠りにつき、朝の8持30分に起床してバスでゲレンデに向かいました。 ゲレンデに着いたとき、辺りは一面雪でとてもきれいでした。早速ウエアに着替え、滑りに行きました。私は今までにスノボーの経験がなくて、今回が初挑戦でした。友達に上手な子がいてその子に一から教えてもらいました。最初は転んでばかりでした。しかし、たくさん滑っているうちに一人で滑れるようになりました。滑れるようになった時はとても嬉しかったです。最初はリフトに乗ることも怖かったのですが、リフトにも乗れるようになりました。私は友達に感謝したいです。  夜は温泉に入りました。疲れた体が温泉の効果によって和らいだ気がします。とても気持ち良かったです。夕飯はすきやきを食べました。野菜やお肉がとてもおいしかったです。  その後はみんなでひとつの部屋に集まり、お菓子を食べながらゲームをしたり、語ったりしました。将来のこと、恋愛のこと、面白かったことなど色々な話しをしました。深い話ができてよかったです。 二日目は福島めぐりをしました。近辺を歩いてデジカメで写真を撮りました。宿の近くには足湯や湖や神社がありました。途中、湖を散策していると、粉雪が降ってきて周りが銀世界に包まれてとても綺麗でした。 そしてまた夜行バスに乗り、家に帰りました。 とてもいい想い出になりました。私はこれからもたくさん旅をしていきたいです。その土地へ行って肌で感じながら色々なものをみていきたいです。 ありがとうございました。

  • 英文が合っているか教えてください

    お友達にメールしたいのですが、英文に自信がありません。 どなたか宜しければ、文章が合っているかご教授いただけませんか? そうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 Hi Kitty, how are you these days? キティさん、最近は如何おすごしですか? How was your summer vacation in malta? malta島での夏休みは如何でしたか? Did you spend a great time there? そこでは素敵な時を過ごせましたか? 私は先月オーストラリアに一週間、今月は実家で一週間過ごしました。 それはとても楽しい夏休みでした。 Last month, I went to Australia for a week. And this month, I spend a time in my hometown. It was an enjoyable summer vacation for me. Finally, next month, I 'll start preparing for my wedding. そしてついに来月から結婚式の準備が始まります。 I'd like to send my email to you again, and I'm also looking forward to getting your email again!! またメールしたいと思います。あなたからの知らせも楽しみにしていますね。

  • つたない英文ですが....

    以下の内容を手紙で送ろうと思います。 お恥ずかしながら英語は苦手です^^; 添削、助言をお願い致します。 +++++++++++++++ おかえりなさい! 私も暑い東京を抜け出してあなたの家に行きたいです。 あなたにプレゼントがあります。 近所のオルゴール博物館で買いました。 あなたの故郷の曲ですね。 昔から好きな曲です。 でも初めて歌詞を見ましたが、切ない歌詞ですね。 そしてとっても古い曲です。 気に入ってくれると嬉しいな。 -------------------------- Dear** Welcome back to your sweet home! I get away from Tokyo and want to go to your home! I have a present for you. I bought it in a neighboring music box Museum. It's the music of your hometown. It's favorite music since I was young. But I watched a text for the first time,It's feel sad. And very old song!! I hope you'll like it. ****************************************** 暑い東京からはHot Tokyoでは変ですか? IとかIt'sばかりが続いてしまい、見づらい気がしています。 ちなみに病気をして家に帰ってくるらしいので 大げさにWelcome back to your sweet home!にしてみましたが 通じますか.....? よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文を日本語訳にお願いします!

    He was too busy with new discoveries and ideas to scout for locations,so he invited his father,Sam,to scour the countryside for a likely spot. For his "Tommy,"Sam found a sleepy little hamlet about 25 miles ( 40 km ) southwest of New York City,a short train ride from the hubbub. At the time,Menlo Park,New Jersey,had only seven houses and a train station,but it was perfect for Edison's purposes. He bought a tract of land,and Sam went to work as superintendent,overseeing the construction of a two-floor wooden building,100 feet (30 m) long by 30 feet (9 m) wide. A handsome picket fence kept out cows and pigs. 以上の英文です。 至急、回答していただけると有難いです。 少し長めの英文ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 October 4th ‘10 I went out to drink with my entering in the same year after work. I thought it was enjoyable for me. I don’t need to care for them and I can talk anything I think. I wander a drink of yesterday will not be same. And I wander I have to go to drink a place I wouldn’t like to. I have to think it is a business. Is it happy life for us to do so?