• ベストアンサー

show more sophisticationってどんな意味ですか?


  • ベストアンサー
  • Shimo-py
  • ベストアンサー率61% (170/275)

show sophistication 「素養を見せる」「才能を示す」 (display / manifest sophistication ともいう) というのが本来の用法です。 例 show mathematical sophistication 「数学の素養を見せる」 この場合は「賢く立ち回る」「うまく立ち回る」とか「やり方が巧妙だ」とかそういうニュアンスを帯びるかも知れません(sophistication には「詭弁」「こじつけ」「屁理屈」の意味があります)が、ちょっと全体の文脈が分からないので、これだけではそこまで判断できません。 ざっとの解釈で恐縮ですが↓ご参考までに。 「米国政府は、中東諸国の扱い方においてこれまで示してきた以上に、もっと oil partners の扱い方のほうでもっと大きな才能ぶりを発揮しつつあるのかも知れない。しかし~の厳しい現実は依然として残るのだ。」



ありがとうございます。 この文の前にNigeria and Africa's other oil economies are being drawn firmly within the political orbit of the United States, although so far not too intimately; Nigeria took a position against the war in Iraq. とあるのでshino-pyさんの解釈で合いますね。 こんなにすぐに良いアドバイスを頂けるとは思ってもみませんでした。本当にありがとうございました。


  • この英文の意味を誰か教えて下さい。

    アメリカ大統領選のトランプ氏に関する英文記事を読んでいたんですが、この英文の意味がどうしてもよく分かりません。 Violence is not a forgone conclusion, he said, but in a country with more guns than people all it takes is an armed, angry lone wolf Trump supporter for tragedy to occur. 参考になるように、前後の文を下に載せておきます。↓↓ But if there is a drum roll of anticipation to see, with Trump’s poll numbers tumbling, if Clinton becomes America’s first female president, there is another triggered by his unsubstantiated claims of electoral shenanigans. “I think Trump is playing with fire and he has been playing with fire for many, many months,” said Matt Dallek, associate professor of political management at George Washington University. “And I think it is coming to a crescendo,” Dallek added. Violence is not a forgone conclusion, he said, but in a country with more guns than people all it takes is an armed, angry lone wolf Trump supporter for tragedy to occur. Trump’s blustery, law and order campaign has appealed heavily to frustrated middle class and less educated whites and criticized immigrants, Muslims and other minorities. どなたかどうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文の日本語訳を教えて頂けますでしょうか。

    お世話になります。 次の英文は、海外の質問サイトに投稿されていたものなのですが、日本語訳を教えて頂くことできますでしょうか。 Should I work for Ernst & Young? I've been offered a debt collection role there and I've not worked for professionals before and am unsure if I'll find it too stiff & formal. I've worked in a variety of industries but none where I had to wear a suit & deal directly with highly important people in the company (in this case dealing directly with the partners). I'm a little intimidated at having to have meetings with individual partners, are they generally nice or high and mighty & looking down on you as though you're a subordinate? お力をお貸し頂ければ幸いです。 何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の邦訳

    This is consistent with empirical literature showing that activists are likely to target firms with significant institutional ownership, and in evaluating otherwise equivalent firms are more likely to target the firms with higher institutional ownership. 上記英文中のin evaluating otherwiseが前段の一節の何処と繋がるかが分かりません。 お分かりになる方,邦訳も含めてご指導,宜しくお願いします。

  • なぜこの日本語訳になるんですか?

    エッセイについての文章なんですが、 (本文)For our purpose "essay" will mean a short piece of prose, dealing with almost any subject, but in a personal and informal way. (訳)ここでは「エッセイ」の意味を「短い散文作品で、だいたいどんな題材でも扱い、個人的なくだけた文体で書かれたもの」ということにしておこう。 となっているんですが、but の訳がなぜこうなるのかがわかりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の質問です

    When dealing with technology, it's easy to become caught up in the mechanics of the system, focusing more on using the software than the goals it(*) was designed to help us achieve. (1)和訳してください (2)(*) 部のitは何をさすのでしょうか? 以上、ご教授下さい。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)Such a shock occurred in the 1970s when oil supplies from the Middle East were disrupted,and when as a result the price of oil around the world rocketed. (2)Many countries learned lessons from the 1970s oil shock:they learned to be more energy efficient and they also became more keen to look for alternative forms of energy,for example,nuclear power and solar power. 上の2つの英文の和訳お願いします。

  • a vs the modelの違い

    A study of guppy fish shows that a male guppy will alter its courting patterns in response to feedback from a female guppy. Males with more orange on one side than the other were free to vary which side they showed to a female. Females were drawn o those males with more orange showing, and males tended to show the females their more orange side when courting. という文章において、 When a model of a female guppy was substituted for the female guppy, male guppies stil lcourted, but were not more likely to show their side with more orange. とあるとして、ここでのaとtheの使い分けでmodelはどう意味をかえているのでしょうか?

  • There's more where he cam

    ある小説の以下のくだりがわかりません。There's more where he came from,とはどういう意味でしょうか? 妻が夫の部屋を訪ねたところ他の男がいた、というくだりで、夫が妻に向かって言ったセリフです。 "Ah," you said, your eyes bright with mockery. "There's more where he came from, my lady. Help yourself." 原文は以下です。 But I saw the shock on your face, the flicker of disgust you were not quick enough to hide, and over your bare shoulder I saw Stephanos, the manservant, reclining on your bed, and despite the damp heat of the corridor I shivered in my black lace gown. "Ah," you said, your eyes bright with mockery. "There's more where he came from, my lady. Help yourself." よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味を教えてくれませんか?

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。商品の新入荷情報を質問していて返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 We are in the process of putting them up, are there any particular styles you are interested in? There are not too many new ones, we realize the most popular ones are still the AAA styles, if you are interested in more please let us know we have updated those styles with newer colors but they may not appear in the new arrivals.

  • stickの意味

    My husband's family is full of people who drink too much and then act like fools, slurring their words, stumbling and vomiting. It happens at many gatherings, and it stresses me out. They often pressure me to drink more and/or get drunk. Because I don't do it, I feel ostracized at these gatherings where I'm told I need to loosen up or cheer up by drinking more. No one else in my life thinks I'm uptight. I'm normally very sociable. These days, I avoid those family gatherings as often as possible, but I'm afraid I'm courting more problems by not participating in family activities. My relationship with my husband is fantastic, and he understands and supports me, but I don't feel like his family does. I've tried to be frank with them, but the conversations don't seem to stick. the conversations don't seem to stick.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします