• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

"Here, then, is joined no argument between slightly differing philosophies." は倒置が起きているので、普通(?)の形に変換して見ます。 "Then, no argument between slightly differing philosophies is joined here ." or, "Then, no argument is joined here between slightly differing philosophies." join は、「結びつける」とか「(川・人・グループなどが)合流する」という意味ですよね。Nogawa joins Tmagawa here.と言ったり、受動態でTamagawa is joined here by Nogawa.と言うこともできます。 ここでは、この用法とは少し違いますが、argument の中身の緒論がかみ合って結果を得る、と解釈して見てはどうでしょうか? argument は、もちろん「議論、討論」と言ったことですから、いろいろ考えて見ましたが、ここでは「(Hereこのような我々の信義の敵が「真実」を苛むような状況では、then 必然的に)僅かの違いを持つ見解どうしの間でさえ、議論は収束に至らない。そして、このような対立は、我々が父祖から受け継ぎ子々孫々に伝えていかねばならぬ信義をひどく損なうことになるのだ。」(つまり「建国の精神」とは、tyrant や force への屈従から立ち上がり、faith へのdevotion と dedication を通してその大きな高い視座において手を携えることで自存していくことにあるからだ)ということではないかと思いました。"slightly differing philosophies"は、4段目の"differing political faiths"と同じことを言っているのではないかと思います。 時間がなくてよく見ていないのですが、"argument is joined"という表現については、こちらが同じ例ではないかと思いましたので、よろしければ読み比べて見てください。 すごく懐の深い文章で、四苦八苦で読んでみましたが、とてもその真意に届きません(当然ともいえますが)。いちばん聞き慣れているはずの"free"という概念が一番難しいような気がいたしました。 また、前回はhotなコメントをありがとうございました。書かれている内容にも「なるほど」と頷かされました。やはり「建国の精神」は、繰り返し語られる原点であり、"identity"なんですね。歴史のリアリティを添えていけばいっそう興味の尽きない観点だと思います。ぜひ、極めてください。 (ちなみに、「火をくべて」は「火をつけて」もしくは「火に薪をくべて」が本来だと思います〔「火をくべて」と言っている方も結構居られるようですが〕。今回のも、「私の解釈」ですので、読み違えが有った際はご容赦ください。あくまで参考材料として見ていただきたいです。)



今回も詳細な分析、回答をありがとうございました。 FDRからクリントンまで就任演説を聞いてみましたが、アンゼンハワーが一番抽象的で、語彙レベルも難しかったです。逆に一番内容が具体的で心に訴えかけてきたのがレーガンです。「小さな政府を!」という訴えは、予想に反してニクソン2期からはっきりと就任演説でなされていました。しかしレーガンが公約として誓ったのは迫力がありました。ルーズベルトの、ときには三権分立の原則さえ制限するような大きな政府、というものと正反対で面白かったです.就任演説で建国の父に敬意を表するのは興味深いですが、各大統領が自分たちの参戦を正当化するために使っているのも目に付きました。モンロー主義のくびきとはそんなに強固なのでしょうか。思ったのですが、彼ら大統領の多くの戦略は、「建国の父に敬意を表し、アメリカの誇る自由を賞賛」→「それを脅かすものは許さない」というレトリックです。これがアメリカ人に訴えやすいのでしょう。FDRのときは金融家の自己中心性を制限するためにこのレトリックを使いましたし、その後の多くの大統領は戦争正当化のために使いました。すみません、お礼の欄を借りて感想を書いてしまいました。 「火をくべて」は可笑しな表現でした、ご指摘ありがとうございます!


  • 英文解釈について質問があります。 12/4

    To me, „Transition“ is an almost tender album, which very much relies on a sense of breath and a precise placement of elements. How do you see the possibility of recreating this mood in a live setting? Stefan Németh: The precise placement is hopefully something we can achieve by simply practicing. This special mood is for sure another question. With this kind of music it seems it is important that you are pretty much aware of where exactly you perform it. We found out: Some locations are just wrong. It must be a room and a light setting which helps to create this intimate feeling. Think of a theater stage: the audience sits in a convenient way and is not distracted. Their focus is on the stage, the lights go down, your senses are sharpened. Under these conditions it can work. For sure, you don´t find this everywhere. In addition to this scenario, we play with a drummer - Bernhard Breuer, from Vienna - on some occasions. This gives the whole set an extroverted effect. For me it is always interesting to see that the same piece can work in two versions. There is no good or bad version, it seems it is about the actual situation - between the audience, the room and the musicians. And I am happy that we can choose between the trio and the duo version. 1.質問文についてですが、 私にとって「Transition」は”もろい”と言っても差し支えのないアルバムです。 which very much~の文のa sense of breath がどうもはっきりとわからないのです・・・。 2.With this kind of music it seems it is important that you are pretty much aware of where exactly you perform it. この文章についてですが、with this kind of musicまでが副詞句ですよね。 主文はそれ以降で、主語はit seems のit であってますか? 意味がはっきりとはつかめないのですが・・・。 3.There is no good or bad version, it seems it is about the actual situation - between the audience, the room and the musicians. この意味がはっきりとわかりません。 「いいとか悪いじゃなくてさ、・・・・・・」 以上3点よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 文構造解釈

    添付ファイル文章の In a world of pedophile priests and CEOs who would sell their souls—and our planet—for more money, of manipulative custody battles that are in anything but the best interest of the child, and phony experts who spend their days casually scamming the elderly and the poor, we need to recognize this modus operandi.に関する質問です。 この段落の文構造をちゃんと理解できているかどうか自信がないので解釈をチェックしていただきたいです。 以下のようにIn a world ofが、and やカンマで書かれてはいないですが、それぞれの語句と対応しているという理解であっているのか自信がないです。 In a world of pedophile priests In a world of CEOs who would sell their souls—and our planet—for more money, In a world of manipulative custody battles that are in anything but the best interest of the child, In a world of phony experts who spend their days casually scamming the elderly and the poor, we need to recognize this modus operandi.

  • この一文を教えてください。

    Between the ages of 20 and 30, as people get married and have children, they start to value time spent with their families more and more highly. In contrast to this, as people pass the age of 40, they no longer feel as strong a need to increase family time. この文のthey no longer feel as strong a need to increase family time.がわからないので教えていただけませんでしょうか。feel as という熟語でしょうか。文法や構造を教えてください。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • おねがいします。。。

    (1)At the bus stop in front of Appel Park, beside the pink elephant. (2)At the bus stop on the footpath in front of the resort. (3)There is no bus stop here but the bus will stop out the front of the Marriot Hotel, please wait on the footpath. (4) There is no recognised bus stop here but our bus will pick up outside the two phone boxes between these two points. だれか訳おねがいいたします。。お願いいたします。海外旅行で必要ですので。。。

  • 英語の実線部分に入る語句に関して質問です。

    KIM’S CENTRAL PARK FITNESS PROGRAM Instead of lifting metal weights, let’s lift the weight of our own bodies! Instead of a gym, let’s use the wonderful natural environment of Central Park! Instead of exercising alone, let’s raise our motivation by being part of a group! This new training program requires no expensive equipment of gym membership. I can help you whether your goal is greater strength, more endurance, or increased flexibility. The class size is limited so that I can give special attention the whole weight of your body and aerobic training such as running and stair climbing. Leave the gym behind! Challenge your limits and sign up today by e-mailing ***@***.com 1. Who would likely be interested in this program? (A)People who like to exercise in the gym (B)People who like to exercise in the fresh air (C)People who like to lift weights (D)People who like to ride bicycles in the park 2. What is NOT an advantage of the program? (A)Individual attention (B)No need for special equipment (C)A varied training program (D)Training in large groups 3. Which expression is closest in meaning to ‘’motivation” in line 5? (A)energy (B)exercise (C)will (D)concentration 上記の文章の解答で正しいものは 1.B 2.C 3.C で正しいですか?この場合、自信がないのですが、2はDでしょうか?

  • 英語に堪能な方、下の語句の意味を教えてください

     以下の英文は「難問集-英語長文読解・大意把握-」(学生社)の[21]にある英文です。  出典は The Hidden World Around Us by Harry Overstreet です。    http://www.en8848.com.cn/tingli/meiwen/yylzmwjh/217258.html  以下の英文の下線の what is warmly and understandingly known (下から2行目)の箇所の意味を教えていただけなでしょうか。いろいろ考えましたが、今ひとつ意味が判然としません。 The Hidden World Around Us By Harry Overstreet Socrates gave no finished catalogue of the “truths” of the world. He gave, rather, the impulse to search. This is far better, I feel, than dogmatic certainty. When we are aware that there are glories of life still hidden from us, we walk humbly before the Great Unknown. But we do more than this: we try manfully to increase our powers of seeing and feeling so that we can turn what is still unknown into what is warmly and understandingly known… This, I believe, is our great human adventure.

  • 会話文をどうしても訳すことが出来ず困っています。

    ピーターさん「So, Chad, look, is this more than just simply about people uploading videos of themselves making idiots of themselves at parties or is something really quite profound going on here, about people engaging the world in a new way?」 チャドさん「Yeah, I know, it's- it's changing the world because it's giving everyone a voice. Um, and we've been able to be successful because we've built a platform to make that possible. And we weren't filtering, uh, you know, what was entertaining, uh, for our audience. We let our audience define what was entertaining to them. So, by having a platform where videos can come in, by them viewing/interacting with these videos, they'll rise to the top.」 ピーターさん「Now one of the people we couldn't put on the panel today just for numbers was Jimmy Wales who's here, Jimmy are you in the hall? No, well Jimmy, uh, started something called Wikipedia. Um, and now here's something that, you know, I'm an old Britannica junkie. I still have my 1974 edition Macropedia, Micropedia in the basement and I still love it. But my son, he doesn't know from Macropedia, Britannica, it's Wikipedia. Now I use Wikipedia all the time. Wikipedia's changing the world. It's the universal distribution of knowledge accessible to everybody from the bottom up. But it's an instantaneously, constantly created source of knowledge. So I'm speaking here for Jimmy, but I seem to think that this is another dimension of this when you say voice. And it's the voice of knowledge and the distribution of knowledge enabling people to do new things.」 この三つの会話文がどうしても理解できず,困っています。 誰かこれ読める方いらっしゃいましたらお教えくださいませ(m。_。)m

  • 英文についての質問です

    Has history shown that separation of powers is necessary to protect liberty? という質問の答えになる箇所をいくつか探しました。 (*全文読んでいただく必要は無いです。) Their intellectual guide here was the French political theorist Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755), who warned against letting anyone control both those powers. When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehension may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner. * Again, there is no liberty if the judiciary power be not separated from the legislative and executive. Were it joined with the executive, the life and liberty of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control; for the judge would then be the legislator. Were it joined to the executive power, the judge might behave with violence and oppression. (*以下を参考にしました。それだけではわからないと思ったので、前文も載せましたが、特に読んでいただかなくて大丈夫かと思います。) その質問に対する答えが、 「はい、Montesquieuは司法権が立法府と行政府を分離させなければ、自由はないと示した。」 Yes, Montesquieu suggested that there is no freedom unless the judiciary power be not separated from legislative and executive. =こちらでいいでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • どんな内容か教えてください。

    By the time I had got the punt out,there were several yards of water as the branch bent under his weight. Boats were passing at the time but no one seemed to notice us. I was glad about this. This was a private agony. A double chin had appeared on the face of Mr Timberlake and his head was squeezed between his shoulders and his hanging arms.

  • 解釈と和訳の質問です

    a vocabulary which is in the nature of things restricted この部分のwhich以下はどういうことを言っているのでしょうか。 [ ]内を、できるだけ翻訳色の抜けた日本語にしていただけないでしょうか。 The difference in point of language between the early romancers and Murasaki is astonishing. They are almost childish in comparison with her sophistication. She moves without faltering through long, intricate sentences, and is the mistress not the slave of a most complex grammatical apparatus. She extracts the fullest value from a vocabulary which is in the nature of things restricted, and [the Chinese words that she uses are not pedantic intruders but seem to be at home in their surroundings.]