• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • toshiki78
  • ベストアンサー率12% (34/281)

誤答です。 #1さんの言うとおりです。


  • これの概要だけでもいいので和訳して頂けませんか?

    As has been previously announced by the VATSIM Europe Region Director on February 12, 2012, Evgeny Vygornitsky has been appointed as the Division Director for VATSIM Russia. Prior to his appointment, Evgeny was VATRUS6 Membership Manager since January 2010, and VATRUS2 Deputy Division Director since July 2011. That is such good news for all of us, Division members, as we were waiting for this decision for a week! We couldn’t think of any other candidates who deserved this position, and finally our hopes came true! With some new team members involved, Evgeny is already implementing his new ideas to make the Division better around. His great personality, ability to solve problems and make good decisions, and his overall breadth of experience is what got him to the top! Please join us for the Inauguration of Evgeny Vygornitsky as the VATRUS1 Division Director on February 25, 2012, between the hours of 0900-1300Z. The event will take place at the Tashkent-Yuzhny International Airport UTTT. There will be a chance for everyone to give a warm welcome to Evgeny in-person, as he will be providing ATC services at the RU-CEN_FSS position during the celebration. Please congratulate our colleague on initial contact!

  • 和訳して欲しいのですが

    As has been previously announced by the VATSIM Europe Region Director on February 12, 2012, Evgeny Vygornitsky has been appointed as the Division Director for VATSIM Russia. Prior to his appointment, Evgeny was VATRUS6 Membership Manager since January 2010, and VATRUS2 Deputy Division Director since July 2011. That is such good news for all of us, Division members, as we were waiting for this decision for a week! We couldn’t think of any other candidates who deserved this position, and finally our hopes came true! With some new team members involved, Evgeny is already implementing his new ideas to make the Division better around. His great personality, ability to solve problems and make good decisions, and his overall breadth of experience is what got him to the top! Please join us for the Inauguration of Evgeny Vygornitsky as the VATRUS1 Division Director on February 25, 2012, between the hours of 0900-1300Z. The event will take place at the Tashkent-Yuzhny International Airport UTTT. There will be a chance for everyone to give a warm welcome to Evgeny in-person, as he will be providing ATC services at the RU-CEN_FSS position during the celebration. Please congratulate our colleague on initial contact

  • Time誌で読みたいのにどうしても訳せない!!

    アメリカにTime新聞でのひとコマで、読みたいのに、どうしても意味がわからなくて困っています。どなたかどんなことを言っているのか教えてくれませんか?? On July 5 came the death at 83 of Ted Williams, one of the games' all-time greats and an icon if ever there was one. his demise, after along illness, was not a shock, but what hapened afterward was. Williams' son had his fathers' body shipped to Florida, where it was cly ogenically frozen and put into storage. upside-down, to await possible revival in some still barely imaginable future. quite apart from the fact that the son's motives were suspect at best-he had made his living peddling Ted Williams memorabilia, after all-the indignity of the great hitter's fate forced fans everywhere to ask themselves but, if anything was still sacred when it came to baseball.

  • 18-4日本語訳

    お願いします。 He told his people that he wanted them to live in a way that would lead to an“increase of their inner worthiness.”Ashoka also promoted the teachings of the Buddha and sent missionaries,including his son and his daughter,to lands as dar away as Sri Lanka so that his people would not make the same mistakes he had.As he said,“All men are my children.As for my own children,I desire that they may be provided with all the welfare and happiness of this world and of the next,so do I desire for all men as well.”  As part of his reforms,Ashoka banned the sacrifice of animals.This confused and angered many of his people,especially the Brahmins who made their living by performing animal sacrifices.The Brahmins were powerful enemies,break away from the Mauryan Empire after Ashoka's death.The last Mauryan ruler was assassinated in 185 BCE by one of his generals-who was,not so coincidentalky,a Brahmin.Although other kings would follow,no ruler would be strong enough to unite the many different people of the subcontinent into a single political state for 1,600 years.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    — Chauvel commanding Anzac Mounted Division, Account of Operations dated 4 April 1917 At 17:38 Dobell commanding Eastern Force, ordered the 54th (East Anglian) Division to move 2 miles (3.2 km) to the west to Burjabye Ridge, and informed Desert Column. An hour later, at 18:35 (25 minutes after Chetwode ordered Chauvel to withdraw), Dobell informed Desert Column and the 54th (East Anglian) Division "that he contemplated withdrawing the whole force across the Wadi Ghazze if Gaza did not shortly fall." There have been claims that the infantry were the first to retire and that, due to a communications breakdown, the 53rd (Welsh) Division made a complete and premature retirement. However, that infantry division had not been told of the movement of the 54th (East Anglian) Division and was still in position. It was not until just before 19:00 that Chetwode phoned Dallas, commander of the 53rd (Welsh) Division, to inform him of the withdrawal of the mounted troops, and the need for him to move his right to reestablish contact with the 54th (East Anglian) Division.

  • 入試問題2問お願いします(英文法)

    1週間前に同じことを質問しましたが 納得できる回答をもらえなかったので、再度お願いします。 名詞構文の分野で2問質問お願いします。 1.His ( ) me with the work greately disappointed me. a.refusal helping b.refuse to help c.refusing of help d.refusal to help a か dだと思いますが どう考えたらいいですか? 2.英作文  彼が彼女を喜ばせたがってるのは我々だれの目にも明らかであった。   {(His desireで初めて)(我々全員に)と考える。} His desire to please her made clear to all of us. うまく書けません 特に動詞の部分がーー?添削お願いします。 =over=

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    As the Allied operations in the Middle East were secondary to the Western Front campaign, reinforcements requested by General Sir Archibald Murray, commander of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF), were denied. Further, on 11 January 1917, the War Cabinet informed Murray that large scale operations in Palestine were to be deferred until September, and he was informed by Field Marshal William Robertson, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff , that he should be ready to send possibly two infantry divisions to France. One week later, Murray received a request for the first infantry division and dispatched the 42nd (East Lancashire) Division. He was assured that none of his mounted units would be transferred from the EEF, and was told "that there was no intention of curtailing such activities as he considered justified by his resources." Murray repeated his estimate that five infantry divisions, in addition to the mounted units, were needed for offensive operations.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Not only did Lake lack faith in Aylmer's abilities, Aylmer himself had lost confidence in the abilities of his subordinates. Of his two divisional commanders, Major-General Henry D'Urban Kearny, GOC 3rd (Lahore) Division, and Major-General Sir George Younghusband, GOC 7th (Meerut) Division, neither were detailed to the principal commander for the planned operation. Major-General D'Urban Keary would be assigned to command one of the three columns, the other two being commanded by Major-General George Kemball, one of his brigade commanders. Aylmer made his decision claiming that Kemball was a more energetic commander. Major-General Younghusband, who had been the chief proponent of a desert march to outflank the Ottoman lines entirely, was assigned to command the diversion force on the left bank. Like the British, the Ottoman Sixth Army was also stretched to the limit of logistical support. The lack of any sort of industrial infrastructure (i.e. paved road capable of military transport or railways) made it exceedingly difficult for the Sixth Army to be rapidly reinforced. What the Ottoman army did have going in its favor was time. They had recognized that for the time, they were at the extent of their supply line from Baghdad.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Rawlinson ordered the 7th Division to capture High Wood. Horne countermanded the order because of the situation at Longueval and the XIII Corps held back the cavalry, apart from patrols. The attack of the 21st and 1st divisions also proved abortive because of the German party in the north-west corner of Bazentin le Petit Wood and increasing German artillery-fire. A German counter-attack at 3:00 p.m. reduced the infantry of the 62nd Brigade to 1,200 men and made the rest of the 21st Division incapable of attacking.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The main German attack was made by the 8th Division and part of the 5th Division from the north and north-east. Elements of nine battalions attacked with 6,000 men. Infantry Regiment 153 was to advance from south of Flers, to recapture Delville Wood and reach the second position along the southern edge of the wood, the leading battalion to occupy the original second line from the Longueval–Guillemont road to Waterlot Farm, the second battalion to dig in along the southern edge of the wood and the third battalion to occupy Prince's Street along the centre of the wood. At first the advance moved along the sunken Flers road, 150 yards (140 m) north of the wood, which was confronted by the 2nd South African Regiment along the north edge of the wood.