• 締切済み

Issue with scroll wheel

The scroll wheel on my Elecom Huge is off-center and is rubbing every rotation. Do you send replacements? I am comfortable replacing it myself and hate to send it back to Amazon who will throw it away for something that should be easily fixed. ※OKWAVEより補足:「エレコム株式会社の製品」についての質問です。


  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1442/3776)

This is a community of user site not the company. However I am able to recommend that you would better to send back the Elecom Huge to Amazon for the replacement. Or, if you don't like to throw the failed Elecom Huge away by Amazon , you will be able to try to use several days. According to the following site, the wheel seems to be rubbing every rotation, but the after 5 days use it was cured. https://nihonsoukou.com/20171128/719#toc5 買ったばかりのときはホイール回すとなんかガリガリと引っ掛かる感じがあったんですよね。5日くらい使ったら引っかかりがなくなって普通に使えるようになったので一応許すんですが、いつ再発するかわからない爆弾を抱えたまま使うのはちょっと不安です。--> meaning (When I first bought it, the wheel felt like it was catching when I turned it, and after about 5 days of use, it stopped catching and I could use it normally, so I forgave it, but I'm a little nervous about using it with a bomb that I don't know when it will come back.)


  • カメラの問い合わせで、英語を訳してもらえませんか

    little wheel rotates tight focus or effort? On the middle finger at the focus are the marks of the teeth or the wheel is spinning freely and easily? For example, if fragile girl will turn the wheel it will be comfortable with it?

  • 「scroll by」には、、

    「順次観る」という意味があるでしょうか?以下の文なのですが・・ The viewer must watch the video scroll by. So it is difficult for the viewr to establish the context. 視聴者はビデオを順次見る必要がある。そのためあらすじを把握するのが困難である??? 2文目も全く自信がありませんので、教えていただきたいです・・

  • タイヤを交換可能な車

    初歩的な質問かもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。 現在、英語を再勉強しているのですが、 関係代名詞、副詞、受動体、無生物主語、形式主語いろいろやって、 中学生?レベルの英語がわからなくなってしまいました。 「その車のタイヤを交換することが可能です」は、 It is possible to replace tires of the car. Replacing tires of the car is possible. であってますか? The car can replacing tires. Ther car is possible to replace tires. これは、交換するのは人間なので、ダメですよね? でも、上記の文を関係代名詞にすると、簡単で The car which can replacing tires (is not made by us.) The car which is possible to replace tires (is not made by us.) だと思うのですが、これが It is possible to replacing tires of the car. Replacing tires of the car is possible. の場合だと、どうしてもわかりません。 どのようにすればよいのでしょうか。

  • ... the smaller the garden, the easier it is...

    お願いします。 適語を入れる問題です。 "I love your garden. It's so neat." "Well, the smaller the garden, ( ) to look after it." (1)it is easier (2)it is easily (3)the easier it is (4)the easily it is 適語は(3)だと思うんですが、 お聞きしたいのは設問についてではありません。 "the garden"のうしろに動詞isがないのはどうしてなんでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 社内メール

    社内メールで送りました。 親しい女性社員に・・・。 That man is worst. I hate it. It is dirty and is stinking. 訳してみてください。

  • 英語 問題

    The first great invention in the world, I suppose, is one that is still commonly used today ―the wheel. This ( )( )( )( )( )( ) things and to travel long distances. (1)easier (2)to (3)heavy (4)makes(5)it (6)carry どう並び替えるのが適切でしょうか?

  • itが指すものは?お願いします。

    以下の英文は、ある海外のリゾートに泊まった人がそのホテルについて感想を書いたものです。 Oakmont is not a fancy resort, the units are small, and the view from the resort is not that great. It is comfortable and it is convenient to get into and get out of as you travel to the area attractions. This is one of those resorts that you choose because of the location, not the resort amenities. 質問は it is convenient to get into and get out of as you travel to the area attractions. という文についてです。 最初のitは何を指しているのでしょうか? 単純に形式主語としてto get into and get out of を指しているのでしょうか? それともthe hotelのようなものを指しているのでしょうか?(This book is difficult to readのような構文みたいに)

  • Issue of comfort woman...

    It is all the matter of the Comfort woman facilities in accord with the Korean Peninsula. ・ Comfort woman facilities at the time of World War II  → Korean ran it, and a Korean woman had anything to do with the Japanese military. ・ Comfort woman facilities at the time of the Korean War  → Korea Government orders it, and a Korean runs it,   A Korean woman had anything to do with U.S. forces, the Korean military. In Korea [only the comfort woman of the Japanese military partner be argued  About the comfort woman of partner of the U.S. forces and the Korean military, nothing is discussed] [The comfort woman of the U.S. forces, and the Korean military files a suit in the Korean government] They are why, and Korea and the United States d'not reflect on an own country Will you criticize Japan? The Korean does'nt tell the truth to criticize Japan!! →https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqmWOSV--mE

  • too to

    This question is so difficult that I cannot easily solve it. を too to で書きなおしたら、どうなりますか? This question is too difficult for me to easily solve. というのはちょっとへんな感じがします。

  • with tears slowly buildi

    it is more emotional for the japanese to play out the scene without words, with tears slowly building in the eyes and then trickling down the cheeks as the train leaves. with tears slowly building in the eyes 涙をこらえて と訳されているのですがどうしてかがよく分かりません。解説していただけると嬉しいです。 it is this communication style that brought about the japanese value of jo-. In other word , it is the beauty of nonverbal human emotions that brings true life to this value. it is the beautyのitはjo- 情 をさしているのでしょうか?強調構文ではないですよね? brings true life to this value はどのような訳が適切でしょうか?
