• 締切済み


この問題教えて下さい she is a Korean singer (  )(  )in japanese. He has a dog (  )(  )brown spots. She bought a book (  )(  )was beautiful.

  • mojiji
  • お礼率85% (1247/1452)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

who sings, which has, whose cover



ありがとうございます 助かりました


  • 中学英語の問題です。

    各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れる (1) He can speak French well. He is a good ( ) of French. (2) He didn't have any place to live in. There was no place ( ) him ( ) live in. (3) This tea is hot that I can′t drink it. This tea is ( ) hot for me ( ) drink. (4) English is studied in Japan. ( ) ( ) English in Japan. (5) Her story was very interesting to me. I was ( ) ( ) in her story. (6) Our class has forty students. ( ) ( ) forty students in our class. (7) She bought him the book. She bought the book ( ) ( ) . (8) John became sick last month and he is still sick. John ( ) ( ) sick since last month. (9) Is this your hat? ls ( ) hat ( ) ? (10) I haven't heard from him for years. It has been years ( ) l heard from him last.

  • 英語の問題です・・・・・

    各文の( )に入る最も適当なものを選びなさい。 1. Poor Nancy! I bought the same dress for $20 ( ). ア.few イ.fewer ウ.little エ.less 2. Mozart was ( ) the most talented musician in those days. ア.very イ.by far ウ.well エ.a bit 3. Kazuo has a very big family. He has no ( ) than ten children. ア.much イ.more ウ.little エ.fewer 4. She is second to ( ) when it comes to speaking English. ア.none イ.anybody ウ.someone エ.all 5. "You must have been tired of the boring meeting." "Not ( )." ア.at best イ.at least ウ.in the best エ.in the least 6. He is as great an artist as ( ) lived. ア.any イ.ever ウ.never エ.can 申し訳ありませんが、お願いします。

  • 比較級とas~asについて教えて下さい

    as~asの文は~の部分に入るのは形容詞か副詞と思うのですが、形容詞とともにであれば名詞もいいんですか? He has as many books as she. また、最上級ではよく見かけるのですが He is the most famous singer in Japan . 、比較級でも後に名詞が来る場合はありますか? 例えば、 He is a more fsmous singer than she . He has more money than I . よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題2問についてお願いします

    こんにちわ。英文法を勉強している初心者です。 2つ、分からないことがあったのでどなたか教えてください。 ■1問目 Why he has so much trouble finding a girlfriend is beyond me. 上の文を読みたいのですが、he has so much troubleがSVOですよね? he=S、has=V、so(副詞でhasに掛かってる)、much(形容詞でtroubleに掛かる)、trouble=Oだと思うのですが、その後にfinding a girlfriendが続く意味が分かりません。 この文はSVOCで、finding a girlfriendはCなのですか? それとも関係代名詞が省略されているのでしょうか? has troubleで完了形ではないですよね?よく分かりません。。。 ■2問目 I asked her what she was planning to wear to the wedding. こちらの文は「私は彼女に訪ねた、結婚式に何を着ていくつもり(計画している)なのか」という意味に読めたのですが、なぜwasを使っているのでしょうか? 彼女は何を着ていくか(現在まで)計画しているはずで、過去に計画していたわけではないと思うのですが、どこか間違っていますか? よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語の問題 助けてください。

    1.He is last man 2.I cannot see him 3.It is not long 4.[ ]get angry 5.[ ]his promise 6.He looks 7.She is cheerful 8.Tired sa he was 9.What do you think 10.So great her surprise A.to do such a foolish thing B.he must have forgotten C.that she could not say a word D.before she has a baby E.your father said to you? F.without remembering his father G.he may well H.he kept on working I.as if he had been ill J.as well as intelligent 最初の1~10の文の後にA~Jが続きます。4,5は最初に文が入ります。 どれが繋がり略も書いてくださると助かります。答えがないのでずっと苦戦していました。どうかお助けください。簡単で結構なので理由も書いてくださるとありがたいです。

  • 関係詞の問題教えてください

    関係詞の問題教えてください 1省略されている関係詞どこになにが入りますか? 1-1 Who was the pretty girl you spoke to at the bus stop this morning? 1-2 This is the very thing I have wanted to buy. 1-3 She is not the woman she was before she married. 2関係詞を使って1文に 2-1 Her only daughter often writes to her. She is now in New York. 2-2 He gave me two books. I have read neither of them yet. 2-3 You can see from here the roof of a white building. What is that building? 2-4 You had better put the book back on the desk. Because the owner will come back. 3「   」内の関係詞を使って全文を書き換え 3-1「than 」 It was an intersting book and I didn't expected that. 3-2「as」  He is a teacher and it is clear from his way of talking. 3-3「as ~as 」 He wanted the books , and bought them. よろしくお願いします

  • 中学 英語の問題

    関係代名詞、接触節に関する質問なんですけど She has a computer that is better than mine. 彼女はわたしのよりよりよいコンピュータを持っています となるのですがなんでbetterの前にisがつくんでしょうか? あともうひとつ She has a dog that is loved by many children. 彼女はたくさんの子供たちに愛されている犬を飼ってます となるのですがここでのthatという関係代名詞は省略できないんでしょうか?

  • 次の問題の答えを教えてほしいです!!

    ☆1.~5.に続く最も適切なものをa.~e.から1つずつ選びなさい。 またそれぞれを日本文に直しなさい。 1.This is the book [           ]. 2.Yokohama is the city [           ]. 3.Don't put off till tomorrow [             ]. 4.Bill is the man [             ]. 5.The man [               ]. a.who arrives first every morning b.which I bought the other day c.what you can do today d.whom I met at the airport yesterday is her father e.whose population is the second largest in Japan ☆[              ]に入る最も適切なものをa.~d.から1つずつ選びなさい。 またそれぞれを日本文に直しなさい。 1.He is [                  ] a walking dictionary. 2.She is not [                  ] ten years ago. 3.He is handsome, [                    ], very smart. 4.Linda missed the train, [                ], lost her ticket. a.and what is more b.and what was worse c.what she was d.what is called お願いします!!

  • 英語の問題で困っています。

    問題:he has a clever son of whome he is proud. Whomeが来る理由は分かるのですが、なぜ he has a clever son whome he is proud of. ではいけないのでしょうか? 教えてください!

  • 英語問題

    1:That tall man () just come in my father. (1)whose has (2)who has (3)whom has (4)which has 2:Ynkohama is the city () population is the second largest in Japan. (1)that (2)which (3)whom (4)whose 3:The woman () I thought was her mother turned out to be a total stranger. (1)who (2)whose (3)about whom (4)whom 4:This is the house () he lived when young. (1)which (2)in which (3)in that (4)what 5:Japan is one of the few countries () people drive on the left. (1)how (2)what (3)where (4)which 解答と訳をお願いします