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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:toyingとplaceの訳)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9778/12183)

以下のとおりお答えします。 ①「toy」をいじるって訳していいでしょうか? ⇒この場合、「操作する」と意訳するといいように思います。 ②最後の「removed and placed」はイヤピースをケースから取り出すこととケースに入れ込むことを意味しているでしょうか? ⇒はい、簡単に「出し入れする」と言ってもいいかも知れません。 ③matte material は艶消しの素材ですか?でも、艶の合ったほうがもっと滑らかに見えるではないでしょうか? ⇒はい、艶消しの素材です。艶のあるほうがもっと滑らかに見えることは確かですが、それだとピカピカして安っぽくも見えますね。つまり、「安ピカではない」ことを言いたいのではないかと思います。 >私の訳は以下の通りですが、他にも何か不自然なところがありましたら、直していただけたらと思います。 >ABCの入っている充電ケースは、ものすごくスリムでコンパクトなもので、どんなポケットにも簡単に収納できます。 それはあなたの手の中でいじり続けるケースの一種です。 つや消しの素材がなめらかな外観を与え、ケースは滑らかでしっかりしたヒンジで開きます。 開くとL-R表示が表示され、イヤピースは簡単に取り出したり、入れ込んだりすることができます。 ⇒私の添削文は以下のとおりです。 《ABCを収めたこの充電ケースは、超スリムにしてコンパクトなので、どんなポケットにも簡単に入ります。それは手のひらに持ったまま操作できるケースの一種です。つや消しの素材がなめらかな外観を与え、ケースは滑らかでしっかりした両開き造りです。開くとL-R表示が見え、イヤピースを簡単に出し入れできます。》 >英語のカテゴリで日本語の質問をしてしまって、申し訳ございません。 ⇒いえいえ、興味あるご質問をありがとうございます。



添削文を読ませていただき、感服致しました。 インターネットを通じて、これほど勉強できるなんて本当に本当に感謝しています!


  • 英語訳お願いします。

    The advantages of flexures. (1)Flexures can be manufactured from a single piece of material to provide a monolithic mechanism which elminates interface wear. (2)It may be possible to construct devices that are insensitive to bulk temperature changes. (3)Displacements can be accurately predicted from the application of known foces etc. (4)Failure mechanism due to fatigue or overloading of a brittle material are catastrophic and can be easily detected. 分かる範囲でいいので、よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文の訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

    この英文の訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 The musical genius was initially cool towards the profession that would later bring him great fame, leading a happy and not too burdened, learning his lessons, whatever they were, easily and quickly.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願い (4) The general layout of an Egyptian house was the same whether you were rich or poor―in fact, not just rich or poor, but also dead or alive, since tombs (and temples) followed the same design. If you were to visit a typical worker's home, you would pull aside the burlaplike cloth flap covering the doorway, which kept flies and dust out, and step into the entrance hall. There might be a sheep or donkey, pausing mid-chew to watch you pass though. Did a flea from the animal jump onto your head? Or did the flea jump off you onto the animal? In a hot, sandy environment fleas are a fact of life. Even though the Egyptians shaved their bodies from head to toe to keep the fleas and lice from having place to hide, they were a constant problem. It must have been difficult to fall asleep with the fleas biting. The Ebers Papyrus had many housekeeping hints to keep scratching to a minimun and pests away. "To expel fleas in a house: sprinkle it throughout with natron water. To prevent mice from approaching: fat of cat is placed on all things. To prevent a serpent from coming out of its hole...a bulb of onion is placed in the opening of the hole and it will not come out." (5) The village of Deir el-Medina was home to well-paid tomb builders. Houses had real wooden doors and doorframes carved out of limestone, often inscribed with the home owner's name. The residents painted their doors red to repel demons. Beyond the entrance, you would enter a room for receiving guests. Egyptians owned very little furniture. You might sit on a woven mat or perhaps a stool. Only the very wealthy had chairs. Homeowners placed statues of the gods into wall niches, but otherwise had none of the knickknacks modern families often like to collect. At Deir el-Medina one homeowner, concerned about leaving his valuables behind, took an inventory and asked that a house sitter watch over things while he was away. The letter gives us an idea of what a typical Deir el-Medina household might contain.

  • 英語の訳について分からないことがあります。

    The weather is fantastic. She is good at her work and has had listened to her presentation about her products he was convinced that the new shampoo wouldbecome a big hit. He placed a large order with her company, and the shampoo will be on store shelves by March at the latest. この二つの文について訳を教えてください。 また、newest line というのはどういう意味ですか?

  • 組み合わせのマッチィングを過去のものと重複させない

    ある研究の素材マッチングで過去に比較したものを重複させないでテストする組み合せを表示するプログラムを作りたいと思っています。 DB table tests id material test1 test2 test3 1 | A | 1 | 1 | 0 2 | B | 0 | 1 | 0 3 | D | 0 | 0 | 1 4 | E | 1 | 0 | 0 5 | F | 0 | 0 | 0 6 | G | 0 | 1 | 1 このテーブルによると素材Aはtest1とtest2に参加しておりそのどちらかに参加している素材B,素材Gとは再び同じtestに参加する必要がなく test1とtest2に参加していない素材D,素材Fはtest4で素材Aとマッチさせることができるという事を表示できるものを作りたいです。 考えましたのは、 $sql='SELECT material,test1,test2,test3 FROM tests WHERE id=?'; $stmt=$dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array($id)); $rec=$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $material=$rec[material]; $test1=$rec[test1]; $test2=$rec[test2]; $test3=$rec[test3]; これでどの素材がどのテストに参加したかを求めその次のtest4でいままでマッチしていない素材のグループを作るには $material=$_POST[material]; $sql="SELECT material FROM tests WHERE $material !=? and test1 !=? and test2 !=? and test3 !=?"; $stmt=$dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array($material,$test1,$test2,$test3)); while( $rec=$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) ); $material=$rec[material]; { echo $material; echo '<br>'; } と言う形で書けるかと思うのですが、この方法ですとtest(testと素材の数は次々増えていきます)が増えるたびにデータベースのカラムを足しPHPのsql文を書き足さないといけなくなります。 カラムを増やしていく事があまりいい事ではない様に解釈しています。また都度PHPを書き足すのもどうかという事で設計上改善が必要かと思っていますがその改善案にたどり着くことができません。 なにかより良い設計(PHPの書き方、およびDB設計)がありましたらどうぞどなたかお知恵をお貸しください。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

    • ベストアンサー
    • PHP
  • 英語の訳おねがいします!福大過去問です

    The view of the world below from the top of a mountain on a sunny day is very clear. We can easily identify the surrounding mountains, the valleys and rivers,the towns, farms and forests. The historian who writes of the distant past can view that world from which historians of the modern era can look over the recent past. Indeed, they often feel like a man lost in the forest: he can see the trees, but not the forest as a whole. すみません><おねがいしますm(__)m

  • 日本語訳教えてください。

    日本語訳教えてください。 You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do. The way I see it, Got made lots and lots of people. Why? Because it’s a good thing to have all different types of people. Each person has his or her own individuality and character, and the most important thing it to express that 

  • 日本語訳をお願いします!

    長いですが日本語に訳をお願いします! aspect→アスペクト past life→過去世 His eighth house conjuncts your eleventh house in Cancer. Theeighth house is about death and reincarnation and past lives.The eleventh house is friendship and hope. This shows that in a past life you knew each other, you lived in the same area, possible the same building or close neighbourhood in early life and grew up as friends. The part of the past incarnation spentwith him was a period of life that felt secure and happy, and safe. A feeling that you would like to return to in this life. I cannot tell how long you knew each other in the past incarnation, but you had a friendship that was deep enough to want to carry it through to other lives. Or to want to return to.This aspect is only one of friendship, it doesn’t show what else happened in the past life, you’d need the other aspects to know that, and this is a synastry not a karmic synastry. But its was not an ordinary friendship. You spent time together in homely places and with creative people. There may have been long gaps in the friendship. One of you may have had to wait for the other to return home, to continue the friendship. You were also both with your family’s and local community Which suggest it happened at a young age, in that life., The friendship between you is never destroyed with this sign. You would have both wished to meet in another incarnation and you have, and will do so in many future incarnations.

  • 訳をお願いいたします。

    長文を勉強しているのですが、There's room for secrecy in a sole proprietorship whether it's a matter of formula or process or a list of clients and as with any secrets, as you well know, the fewer who know, the less the risk of someone divulging the information.この文章の訳をお願いいたします。andで前後の文を分けるのだとは思うのですが、意味を拾っていけばますますわからなくなってしまいました。as withとは、この場合、as is often the case withの略だと考えても良いのでしょうか?教えていただきたいと思います。

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします!

    日本語訳を教えて下さい(>_<) The Christian view of the universe owed much to the ideas of the Greek philosopher Aristotle. Though some Greeks had argued that the earth orbited the Sun, Aristotle placed the earth at the center of the universe and surrounded it with a series of transparent spheres, each revolving at a different speed. The spheres held the planets, the Sun, and the stars. This model sounds quaint today, but it was given a rigorous mathematical basis by Ptolemy in the second century A.D., and in this form it proved good at predicting planetary motions.