• ベストアンサー



  • nich
  • ベストアンサー率20% (34/168)

No.#1です。まとめると、 「初日、私は子供っぽいミスにより日焼けに失敗してしまった。そのため、私はまぬけなピンク色になっています」かな。  nice っていうところに「私」の後悔の念が含まれているような気がしました。 が、自信はありません



私もniceに引っかかっていました。 昔沖縄に行き、マヌケの自分、火傷で帰宅した事があります。服も布団も睡眠もできませんでした。 でも、病院にはいきませんでした。 氷をのせてました。 女性でもschoolboyなのでしょうか・・・。 schoolgirlでもよさげ。(おてんばな感じで) 回答ありがとうございました


  • 次の英文を日本語にしてください。

    Oh, I am a balance of nice and mean. I am not more nice than mean, I am both これの意味がさっぱり分かりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 最初の2,3日の英訳

    「最初の2,3日」はどのように英訳すればよろしいでしょうか? 例えば、最初の2,3日はそのホテルに泊まるの英訳は I am going to stay at the hotel for a couple of days from the first dayとかでしょうか?

  • 訳を教えてください!!

    I have only the vaguest memories of the first days of my life. All my sensations were confused. I saw, heard, felt, and smelt all at the same time, and it was a while before I learned to distinguish among the different operations of my senses. I remember walking, first among dark obstacles, then at liberty. The light and heat became more and more fatiguing to me. I stopped to rest in the forest near Ingolstadt. Hungry, I ate some fruit which I found lying on the ground, and drank from a stream. Then I lay down and went to sleep. の訳があっているかよくわからないので、わかる方訳を教えてください。ちなみに自分で訳した訳は 私には、私の人生の初日の最もあいまいな記憶しかありません。私のすべての感覚は混乱した。私は、同時にすべてを見て、聞いて、感じて、においを感じた。そして、しばらくして私の感覚のそれぞれ違った働きを区別することを学んだ。私は、最初に、暗い障害の中を自由な状態で歩いたのを覚えている。光と熱は、私にますます疲労を与えました。私は、インゴルシュタットの近くの森で休むために立ち止まりました。空腹で、私は地面に横たわっているいくつかの果物を食べて、小川から水を飲みました。それから、私は横になって、眠りました。

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    「 This tells you that it is not easy to win . The players made a huge effort and I am proud of them. This team has mede Japan and the whole of Asia proud」 added the 53-year-old. Neither side looked like they wanted to finesh the game in extra time although Honda had low free kicks beaten away by Villar 10 minutes into the first period.

  • 間違っている所を直してください。

    間違っている文があったら直して理由を教えてください。 出来れば訳もお願いします。 ア You had better not go out on such a stormy day. イ I am looking forward to seeing you again. ウ This is longer than any other river in Japan. エ The room is large enough for fifty people to sit in. オ I made friends with Tom and we helped each others in the camping ground. カ Those questions Henry asked the day before yesterday was too difficult for me to answer. キ On my way home from school I saw Mr.Saito fishing on the other side of the pond. ク On your right hand side you can see Mt.Fuji,whose top is always covered with snow inwinter. ケ Madonna came to Japan a few days ago.Her concent will begin from 7:00 tomorrow evening.

  • 久しぶりに日記風に英作文を書きました、表現が解らない所を含め、添削をお願いしたいのです。よろしくお願いいたします。

    Hi, Crystal! What are you doing now? Are you cleaning up your room? Me? Yes, I already did it. I am waiting for you while writing my diary as usual. When you will finish it, please call me, OK?  Today is our day-off. Did you know why I said “our day-off”. Because today is a public holiday in Japan. Not only today, from today to the day after tomorrow, these 3 days are public holidays! And this Saturday will be my day-off. So I am out of work these 5days! Tomorrow, I am going to see my parents and to have a lunch at the hotel. I am looking forward to see them. Other 4 days, I don’t have a special plan. I am going to spend relaxed.(のんびりと過ごすつもりです…..と言いたいのですが。) Did you call me, Crystal? You finished to clean up your room, didn’t you. Good! Please read my diary. While then, I go to my garden and snip off flowers of Pansy. See you later,Crystal!

  • 訳をお願いします。

    Mom, you are the bravest person I know and ultimate survivor . If I was ever to harbor any hate in my heart , it would be for all that you have suffered because of Phillip . Mom, you never gave up hope that I would one day come home and here I am , so glad to be back . You are everything I remember and more . You have embraced your grandchildren in a way I never believed possible. for all thatのところや here I amや possibleのとこがわからないのでお願いします。宜しくお願いします。

  • すみません、この文章を訳してください。お願いします

    I'am most pleased with your personality. It is more important how we treat each other, or how we get along. What is nice is when two people have been together for 50 or 60 years and they still treat each other like the first day. That's special! That's why you have to be best friends first... I really like these pictures of you, reminds me of making love to you through the night...

  • 訳お願いします(ΤДΤ)

    Oh ok is Korea a nice place to go I hear a lot of Japanese go there ? And yes I will be coming over next Christmas I was supposed to be coming this year but I have just buy a house so need money for that but next year I will come for two month? I am single do you have tattoos ↑ 訳お願いします★

  • 訳を教えてください!

    Remember, I am not recording the vision of a madman. What I affirm is true: after days and nights of labour and fatigue, I succeeded in discovering the cause of generation and life. More! I became myself capable of giving life to inanimate matter! What had been the study and desire of the most learned men since the creation of the world was now within my power! 【But do not think, my friend, that I am going to communicate this secret to you. Listen patiently to my story and learn from my example how dangerous is such knowledge, and how much happier is that man who believes his village to be the world than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.】 この【】内の文章の訳し方がまったくわかりません。わかる方訳を教えてください。お願いします!!ちなみに途中まで訳したのは以下のとおりです。 しかし、考えないでください。そして、私はこの秘密を友人に伝えるつもりです。 そして私の話を辛抱強く聞いて、このような危険な例から学ぶのはこのような知識です。