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  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

周辺情報が示されていないので正確には把握できませんが、Rock は米 ABC 放送局の放送した番組のタイトルなのかも。  「ABC 局の3度目のライブショーでは Rock の演奏が圧巻だった。ミュージシャンも歌手もダンサーたちも、その贅沢な番組を力強くバックアップしていた」 といったようなことかな、と思いました。 dominate は辞書に出ているように 「支配する」 とか 「卓越する」 といったような意味です。よほど見事な番組だったのでしょう。 dream cast は 「最高の出演者」 という意味かと。そこでの make は 「際立たせる」 「すばらしく見せる」 などの意味合いかと思います。


  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    日本語に訳してください! お願いします。 There is something he has not been able to rise above. That will make him seem washed out, wearied, pallid faced when he speaks of past loves. He has a disposition, that is too yielding in love. Like his cold pale hands like water lily’s. Puts up with too much. Needs to draw strength from somewhere. He has a propensity for mysticism, occultism and spirituality tinged with romance. This can give strength make him look for love again, when the past seems gone. He has a hunger for a romantic atmosphere and wants the security of a strong love in his life, but also wants the dream of love. The world is not enough for this man..

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (10) It is not surprising that Rhodopis enjoyed music. Tombs and temple walls are covered with images of dancers and musicians. There were percussion instruments―drums, cymbals, and tambourines. There were wind instruments―flutes and trumpets. And there were stringed instruments―harps, lyres, and lutes. Everyone enjoyed music, from the pharaoh to the field worker. No one loved a festival more than the Egyptians. Crowds sang and clpped along with the musicians who paraded through the streets. Dancers performed for the revelers, moving with the grace of gymnasts―cartwheeling, twirling, flipping, and gyrating to the rhythm. Music and dance were integral to Egyptian daily life. Workers labored to the beat, priests praised the gods in music and motion. Musicians and dancers entertained at banquests and ushered the dead at funerals. So, for a young servant girl to sing to the animals at day's end is not surprising at all. (11) Rhodopis twirled so lightly her feet barely grazed the ground. Unknown to Rhodopis, she was dancing near the tree where the old man slept and her movement woke him. He was so taken by her grace that he decided right then and there that her feet should have the finest shoes in the kingdom. "He ordered her a special pair of slippers. The shoes were gilded with rose-red gold and the soles were leather. Now the servant girls really disliked her for they were jealous of her beautiful slippers." (12) News traveled to their village that the king was having a party. The entire kingdom was invited. On the day of the party the servant girls put on their finest clothes. They gave Rhodopis a long list of chores and handed her mounds of laundry to be washed in the river. They laughed at her washing the clothes as they poled down the river to the king's banquet.

  • 文章解釈

    以下の文章に関する質問です。 Many of the things that upset us, the Stoics believed, are a product of the imagination, not reality. Like dreams, they are vivid and realistic at the time but preposterous once we come out of it. In a dream, we never stop to think and say: “Does this make any sense?” No, we go along with it. The same goes with our flights of anger or fear or other extreme emotions. 1. Like dreams, they are vivid and realistic at the time but preposterous once we come out of it. の部分は、 「夢のように私たちを動揺させる物事は、その時は、鮮やかで現実であるが、夢から抜け出すとたんに馬鹿げたものとなる。」 と解釈して合っているのか分からないです。 2. In a dream, we never stop to think and say: “Does this make any sense?” No, we go along with it. の部分は、 「夢の中で、私たちは、決して考えることをやめず、いう。:これはありえるか?  いいえ、わたし達は、夢に従う?」 3. ここでのflights がどのように使われているのかわからないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • 下記英文の解釈で質問があります。

    http://c.oshiete.goo.ne.jp/oshiete_category.php3?c=385 シルヴァン・シャボーというミュージシャンのインタビューです。 "Touching Down Lightly" is your new album with only one track of 47 minutes. I consider that musicians that create long music's are the ones who really know how to make music. Do you share my thought? That's an interesting point of view, I clearly get what you mean. I used to consider that when a musician composed a very long work, he couldn't do it without a lot of heart and conviction...................................略 It's not a matter of knowing how to make music. It's more about the need: the need to make a piece that can last and to feel powerful enough to do that while you're performing. And this recording was made with heart and conviction. 2段落目の It's more about the need: the need to make a piece that can last and to feel powerful enough to do that while you're performing. この文がいまいちわかりません。 構造は、 the need に対してto makeで修飾していて、 pieceを関係代名詞でthat以下で修飾、ですね。 a piece can last そして、次のto feelですが、ここがいまいちわかりません。 それとこの文章の意味を教えてください。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― あと、単語帳のDuoにあった文章ですが、 A woman passed by me giving off a subtle scent of perfume. この文章ですが、givingの前にwasが入らないのでしょうか? A woman passed by me was giving off a subtle scent of perfume. なら納得がいくのですが・・・。 それともこれは文章ではなく、句なのでしょうか?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 12 September the Allies opened their offensive with a powerful two-day artillery barrage and an attack by the Serbian Third Army and the French Army of the Orient against the Bulgarian 8th Tundzha Infantry Division and colonel Tasev's reinforced brigade. The situation soon deteriorated for the Bulgarians and on 14 September they were forced to retreat towards Lerin, leaving behind some of their artillery guns and abandoning Gornichevo to the Serbians. On 12 of September the Serbians also began their first attack on the 2,300 meter high Kaimakchalan ridge.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    During the battle the Ottoman defenders suffered between 82 and 402 killed, between 1,337 and 1,364 wounded, and between 242 and 247 missing. About 200 Ottoman prisoners were captured. Unit Casualties 52nd (Lowland) Division 1,874 53rd (Welsh) Division 584 54th (East Anglian) Division 2,870 Anzac Mounted Division 105 Imperial Mounted Division 547 Imperial Camel Brigade 345 Total 6,325 Between 17 and 20 April, EEF lost 6,444 casualties. The infantry suffered 5,328 casualties; 2,870 of these were from the 54th (East Anglian) Division and 1,828 from the 163rd Brigade alone. The 52nd (Lowland) Division suffered 1,874 casualties, the 53rd (Welsh) Division 584, the Imperial Camel Brigade 345 casualties, the Imperial Mounted Division 547 casualties, and the Anzac Mounted Division 105 casualties. Only one brigade in each of the 52nd (Lowland) and the 54th (East Anglian) Divisions was intact or had suffered only light casualties. The 74th Division had not been engaged. Official casualty figures include 509 killed, 4,359 wounded, and 1,534 missing; including 272 prisoners of war, while unofficially the figure was much higher at 17,000. A slightly lower figure of 14,000 has also been claimed. The 10th Light Horse Regiment, (3rd Light Horse Brigade, Imperial Mounted Division) lost 14 officers and almost half the regiment's other ranks killed or wounded. Three months later on 12 July, General Allenby reported "Units are, however, below strength, and 5,150 infantry and 400 yeomanry reinforcements are required now to complete the four divisions and mounted now in the line to full strength." The Gaza war cemetery bears silent witness to the casualties which were much more severe than the British public was told. Consequences The defeat of the EEF boosted the Ottoman Fourth Army's morale. Within weeks Kress von Kressenstein was reinforced by the 7th and the 54th Divisions, and by October 1917 the Eighth Army commanded by Kress von Keressenstein had been established with headquarters at Huleikat north of Huj. The EEF's strength, which could have supported an advance to Jerusalem, was now decimated. Murray and Dobell were relieved of their commands and sent back to England. The line secured during the battle by the EEF was consolidated and strengthened and trench warfare established from Sheikh Ailin on the Mediterranean coast to Sheikh Abbas and on to Tel el Jemmi. This line was to be held for six months, when plans for a fresh effort in the autumn were developed to capture Gaza and Jerusalem.

  • マイケル・ジャクソンの「SAY SAY SAY」「ウィーアーザワールド デモVer」の録音時期は?

    マイケル・ジャクソン(michael jackson)の曲で2枚組の自作アルバムを作っています。(今まで一枚も買った事がない29歳男です) とりあえず「エッセンシャル・マイケル・ジャクソン」とUSAアフリカの「ウィーアーザワールド」と去年発売の「KING OF POP」を買いました。 そこでエッセンシャルに入ってない「SAY SAY SAY」「ウィーアーザワールド デモVer」が気に入りました。(他のスクリーム・スリラーメガミックスは個人的に合いません) (1)そこで質問ですが、「SAY SAY SAY」「ウィーアーザワールド デモVer」の発表(録音)時期を教えてください。 アメリカ版wiki見ても分かりません・・・ 次のどこら辺に挿入したらいいですか?(削る曲は後から決めます。 たぶん2曲位) ちなみに DISC:1 帰ってほしいの(ジャクソン5) ABC(ジャクソン5) 小さな経験(ジャクソン5) ガット・トゥ・ビー・ゼア ロッキン・ロビン ベンのテーマ 今夜はブギー・ナイト(ジャクソンズ) シェイク・ユア・ボディ(ジャクソンズ) 今夜はドント・ストップ オフ・ザ・ウォール ロック・ウィズ・ユー あの娘が消えた キャン・ユー・フィール・イット(ジャクソンズ) ガール・イズ・マイン ビリー・ジーン 今夜はビート・イット スタート・サムシング ヒューマン・ネイチャー P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) キャント・ストップ・ラヴィング・ユー スリラー DISC:2 バッド ザ・ウェイ・ユー・メイク・ミー・フィール マン・イン・ザ・ミラー ダーティー・ダイアナ アナザー・パート・オブ・ミー スムーズ・クリミナル リーヴ・ミー・アローン ブラック・オア・ホワイト リメンバー・ザ・タイム イン・ザ・クローゼット フー・イズ・イット ヒール・ザ・ワールド ウィル・ユー・ビー・ゼア ユー・アー・ナット・アローン ブラッド・オン・ザ・ダンス・フロア ワン・モア・チャンス ユー・ロック・マイ・ワールド (2)あとUSAアフリカの「ウィーアーザワールド」だけは個人的に別格扱いにしたいのですがDISC:2のラストを飾っておかしくありませんかね? (3)「SAY SAY SAY」「ウィーアーザワールド デモVer」を入れるために2曲削るとしたら、みなさんだったらDISC:1と2で何の曲を削りますか? ライトファンなので一生を自作の2枚で過ごす事を考えています。 まだ全曲聞き込んでいませんが、基本的にKING OF POPの全曲は好きです。あとジャクソン5は全部好き。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The 4th Canadian Division was responsible for the northern portion of the advance that included the capture of the highest point of the ridge followed by the heavily defended Pimple just west of the town of Givenchy-en-Gohelle. The 3rd Canadian Division was responsible for the narrow central section of the ridge, including the capture of La Folie Farm. The 2nd Canadian Division, which later included an additional brigade from the 5th British Division, was directly south of 3rd Canadian Division and entrusted with the capture of the town of Thélus. The 1st Canadian Division was responsible for the broad southern sector of the corps advance and expected to make the greatest advance in terms of distance. Byng planned for a healthy reserve for contingencies that included the relief of forward troops, help in consolidating positions and aiding the 4th Canadian Division with the capture of the Pimple. As a result, the 9th Canadian Brigade, 15th British Brigade and 95th British Brigade were kept in corps-level reserve. German foreign intelligence gathering, large-scale Allied trench raids and observed troop concentrations west of Arras made it clear to the Germans that a spring offensive near Arras was being planned.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    When I was in first grade, our teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. I said a mother and a teacher. Well, motherhood came first. Three years after I married, I started having children, two boys and two girls in five years. I enjoyed it. But there were hard times, too. The worst thing that happened was losing a child. My eldest son died of cancer in my arms when he was 17. Now to fulfilling my first-grade dream in another way. A year after he died, I went to college and became a third-grade teacher when I graduated. I loved teaching this grade, with the children's eagerness to learn and their love of their teachers. Now to fulfilling my first-grade dream in another way.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Chester Bennington and Stone Temple Pilots make for rock ‘n’ roll’s ultimate dream team. Not only can the Linkin Park and Dead by Sunrise singer pull off that classic Scott Weiland-style bravado characteristic of the band’s hits, but he’s adding his own decidedly personal flare to new material such as the swaggering single “Out of Time”. He locks in with guitarist Dean DeLeo, bassist Robert DeLeo, and drummer Eric Kretz as if he was meant to be there all along, and something much larger emerges. This is one of the most formidable and important rock bands in history reborn… In this exclusive interview with ARTISTdirect.com editor in chief Rick Florino, Dean DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots opens up about “Out of Time”, the group’s new EP, and even takes a look back at Purple.