Attending Funeral for Nichiren Shoshu's Priests

  • I sometimes attend a funeral for Nichiren Shoshu's priests. Their death faces are very beautiful.
  • All the priests I have seen so far were the faces of 'Jōbutsu', meaning becoming a Buddha.
  • There is punishment for those who believe in the lie made by SGI, and slander Nichiren Shoshu. Many Japanese SGI members are suffering from misfortune.
  • ベストアンサー


I sometimes attend a funeral for Nichiren Shoshu's priests. 私は時々、日蓮正宗の僧侶たちの葬儀に参列します。 Nichiren Shoshu's priests publishes their own death faces to believers at the funeral. 日蓮正宗の僧侶たちは、葬式で信者に自分の死顔を公開します。 Their death faces are very beautiful. 彼らの死顔はとても綺麗です。 All the priests I have seen so far were the faces of "Jōbutsu" as written in the Buddhist scriptures. 私がこれまでに見た僧侶たちは皆、仏教の経典に書かれているように「成仏」の顔でした。 "Jōbutsu" means becoming a Buddha. 「成仏」とは、仏になるという意味です。 SGI's headquarters executives and the president will not publishes the death face to members. SGIの本部幹部と会長は、メンバーに死顔を公開しません。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ There is punishment for those who believe in the lie made by SGI, and slander Nichiren Shoshu. SGIが作った嘘を信じて日蓮正宗を中傷する者には罰があります。 For that reason, many Japanese SGI members suffering from misfortune. その理由のため、多くの日本のSGIメンバーが不幸に苦しんでいます。 I think that because Japanese SGI is the deceiving side, the penalty is more heavier than foreign SGI members of victim of a hoax. 日本のSGIは欺く側なので、罰はデマの被害者の外国SGIメンバーよりも、より重いと思います。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

「補足コメント」を拝見しました。 >「The Nichiren Shoshu's priests reveal their dead faces to the believers at a funeral.」の「their」を「their own(彼ら自身の)」にしたいのですが、 >「The Nichiren Shoshu's priests reveal their own death faces to believers at the funeral.」で問題ないでしょうか? ⇒はい、問題ないと思います。「日蓮正宗の僧侶たちは、葬式で信者に自分自身の死に顔を公開します」となりますね。 ただし、より厳密に言うと、「公開する」のは日蓮正宗自身でなく、「信奉者、取り巻き、後進」followerでしょうから、 Nichiren Shoshu's priests let the followers reveal their own death faces to believers at the funeral. (=日蓮正宗の僧侶は、葬式で信者に自分自身の死に顔を公開することを信奉者に認めています)。 または、 The followers of Nichiren Shoshu's priests reveal their death faces to believers at the funeral.(=日蓮正宗僧侶の信奉者たちが、葬式で彼ら〈僧侶〉の死に顔を信者に公開します)。 とする方がより正確な表現と言えるかも知れませんが。






お返事ありがとうございます。 「公開する」のは日蓮正宗の決まりのようで、信者の意思とは関係ないようです。 僧侶たちは自分の葬儀で、自分の死相(死顔)が公開されることを知っています。 また、葬儀を行うのも僧侶で、信者は参列するだけです。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >I sometimes attend a funeral for Nichiren Shoshu's priests. (funeralを複数に) ⇒I sometimes attend the funerals for Nichiren Shoshu's priests. >Nichiren Shoshu's priests publishes their own death faces to believers at the funeral. (「公開する」の動詞は3複publishに。revealでもよい。) ⇒The Nichiren Shoshu's priests publish / reveal their dead faces to the believers at a funeral. >Their death faces are very beautiful.(OK) >All the priests I have seen so far were the faces of "Jōbutsu" as written in the Buddhist scriptures. (「書かれて」に「描かれて」の意味合いを含めてdescribeとしてもいいですね。) ⇒All the priests I have seen so far were the faces of "Jōbutsu" as written / described in Buddhist scriptures. >"Jōbutsu" means becoming a Buddha. (「仏」を「悟った聖者」と補いますか。) ⇒"Jōbutsu" means becoming a Buddha (Enlightened saint). >SGI's headquarters executives and the president will not publishes the death face to members. (「公開しない」は、未来のことでなく現行でしょうから、will notよりdo notの方がいいかもしれません。) ⇒SGI headquarters executives and presidents will not publish / do not reveal their dead faces to members. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ >There is punishment for those who believe in the lie made by SGI, and slander Nichiren Shoshu. (「SGIがでっちあげた嘘を信じて」は分詞構文で言うといいでしょう。) ⇒There is punishment for those who slander Nichiren Shoshu, believing blindly in the lies that SGI made.(=SGIがでっちあげた嘘を盲目的に信じて/妄信して、日蓮正宗を中傷する者には罰が当たります。) >For that reason, many Japanese SGI members suffering from misfortune. (are suffering「苦しんでいる」、seem to suffer「苦しんでいるようです」。) ⇒For that reason, many Japanese SGI members are suffering / seem to suffer from misfortune. >I think that because Japanese SGI is the deceiving side, the penalty is more heavier than foreign SGI members of victim of a hoax. (more heavierは間違い〔more heavyかheavierとする〕。「被害者の外国SGIメンバー」を、「外国SGIメンバーは(むしろ)被害者なのだから」【, who are victims】とする方が意味が明快になります。 ⇒Since Japan's SGI is deceiving side, I think the penalty is heavier than the foreign SGI members, who are victims of hoaxes.(=日本のSGIは欺く側なので、罰は外国SGIメンバーよりも、より重いと思います。彼らは(むしろ)デマの被害者なのである。)



ご丁寧にありがとうございます。 「The Nichiren Shoshu's priests reveal their dead faces to the believers at a funeral.」 の「their」を「their own(彼ら自身の)」にしたいのですが、 「The Nichiren Shoshu's priests reveal their own death faces to believers at the funeral.」で問題ないでしょうか?


  • 英語添削願 3

    Nevertheless, "S" continued to slander and spread false propaganda one after another in order to attack Nikken Shonin and Nichiren Shoshu. それにも関わらず、「S」は日顕上人と日蓮正宗を攻撃するために中傷を続け、次々と虚偽の宣伝を拡散した。

  • 英国英語添削願。British SGI-UK

    アメリカ英語ではなく、ネイティブのイギリス英語に添削していただけますと幸いです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ SGI (Soka Gakkai International) has applied for a patent twice for “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” to monopolize “Daimoku”. In addition, SGI distorts the interpretation of "Nichiren Buddhism" in order to conceal wrong in SGI's doctrine. And SGI is brainwashing members to convince of the wrong doctrine of SGI. SGI is a very dangerous religion that deceives people. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ SGI(創価学会インターナショナル)は「題目(Daimoku)」を独占するために「南無妙法蓮華経(Nam Myoho Renge Kyo)」の特許を2回申請しました。 さらに、SGIは、SGIの教義の誤りを隠すために「日蓮(Nichiren)仏教」の解釈を歪曲しています。 また、SGIは、SGIの誤った教義を納得させるためにメンバーを洗脳しています。 SGIは人々を欺く非常に危険な宗教です。

  • 英語添削願 

    "S" made up the groundless story to expel Nikken Shonin of Nichiren Shoshu. 「S」は日蓮正宗の日顕上人を追放するために事実無根の話をでっち上げた。 "S" repeatedly advertised to S members as if the case was true, saying "Nikken Shonin has been convicted in the Supreme Court" in order to trap Nikken Shonin. 「S」は、日顕上人を陥れるために「日顕上人が最高裁判所で有罪判決を受けた」と言って、事件が事実であるかのようにSメンバーに繰り返し宣伝した。 Later, "S" acknowledged that the case was false and apologized in document. 後に、「S」は事件が虚偽であることを認め、文書で謝罪した。 (Document that "S" acknowledged false) (「S」が偽と認めた文書) "The last part of the document" 「文書の最後の部分」

  • 英訳添削願。English translation

    Please correct the English translation. 英訳の添削お願いします。 People in English speaking countries, check if there is a mistake in the English translation, if there is anything wrong with the expression. 英語圏の国の方、英訳に間違いがないか、表現に違和感がないかをチェックしてください。   ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ "SGI (Soka Gakkai International)" 「SGI(創価学会インターナショナル)」 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ First Chairman "Makiguchi" and Second Chairman "Toda" 初代会長「牧口」と、第二代会長「戸田」 Why all of their descendants gone away SGI 彼らの全ての子孫がSGIを去った理由 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ The reason is that the doctrine about "Gohonzon" has become the opposite. その理由は「御本尊」についての教義が正反対になったからです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ First Chairman "Makiguchi" and Second Chairman "Toda" The Two Chairmans believed in this way. 初代会長「牧口」と、第二代会長「戸田」 二人の会長は、このように信じていました。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Gohonzon must be appropriate, to the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. 御本尊は、日蓮大聖人の教えに適ったものでなければいけません。 If the most important Gohonzon is fake, it is not Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. 最も重要な御本尊が偽であれば、それは日蓮大聖人の仏法ではありません。 It is a big mistake to worship fake Gohonzon made by someone. 誰かが作った偽の御本尊を拝するのは大きな過りです。 Heresy Buddhism is worshiping fake Gohonzon. 異端の仏教は偽の御本尊を拝しています。 Worshiping fake Gohonzon makes us unhappy. 偽の御本尊を拝することは、私たちを不幸にします。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ But heresy Buddhism hides that it is a fake. しかし異端の仏教は、それが偽であることを隠しています。 Believers ask questions. 信者は質問します。 "I believe, but why can't I be happy?" 「私は信じますが、なぜ幸せになれないのですか?」 But heresy Buddhism says this to delude the believers. しかし異端の仏教は信者を欺くために、こう言います。 "That is because your faith is lacking." 「それはあなたの信仰が欠けているからです。」 "It is been test by demons to upset your faith." 「あなたの信仰を混乱させることは魔による試練です。」 Of course, this word is a lie. もちろん、この言葉は嘘です。 But ignorant believers believe in this word. しかし無知な信者は、この言葉を信じています。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ SGI took real Gohonzon photos. SGIは、本物の御本尊の写真を撮りました。 SGI has falsified the picture with a computer. SGIは、コンピュータでその写真を偽造しました。 SGI created the Gohonzon by printing the photo. SGIは、その写真を印刷して御本尊を作りました。 This is a fake Gohonzon that turned against the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. これは日蓮大聖人の教えに反した偽の御本尊です。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 8 November 2015, SGI Chairman Harada said. 2015年11月8日、SGIの原田会長は述べました。 "SGI does not need Gohonzon of Nichiren Daishonin." 「SGIは日蓮大聖人の御本尊を必要としません。」 ”Gohonzon was made by SGI.” 「御本尊はSGIによって作られました。」 ”SGI worships Gohonzon created by SGI.” 「SGIは、SGIが作った御本尊を拝しています。」 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Perfectly SGI abandoned Nichiren Daishonin's faith. 完全にSGIは、日蓮大聖人の信仰を捨てました。 SGI has changed to a new religion that has nothing to do with Nichiren Daishonin's faith. SGIは、日蓮大聖人の信仰とは無関係の新しい宗教に変わりました。 However, SGI frequently uses Nichiren Daishonin's name and doctrines. しかし、SGIは日蓮大聖人の名前と教義をよく使います。 For that reason, many people think that SGI has Nichiren Daishonin's faith. そのため、SGIには日蓮大聖人の信仰があると多くの人が考えています。 An ignorant believer being deceived by SGI in this way. このように、無知な信者はSGIに騙されています。

  • 英訳添削お願いします Foreigner SGI

    Please spread to many people and save SGI members. If SGI members can continue the SGI faith and have a happy future, we will not advise everyone to escape from SGI. The reason we advise is because we know that continuing SGI faith will make everyone unhappy. [ The reason ] 1. Because it is contrary to the teaching of Nichiren-Daishonin. 2. Because it is contrary to the teaching of Ikeda-Sensei. 3. Because Gohonzon is fake. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ First Chairman Makiguchi and Second Chairman Toda, why all of their descendants gone away SGI. The reason is that the doctrine about Gohonzon has become the opposite. First Chairman Makiguchi, and Second Chairman Toda, and Third Chairman Ikeda, the three Chairmans believed in this way. Gohonzon must be appropriate, to the teachings of Nichiren-Daishonin. If the most important Gohonzon is fake, it is not Nichiren-Daishonin's Buddhism. It is a big mistake to worship fake Gohonzon made by someone. Heresy Buddhism is worshiping fake Gohonzon. Worshiping fake Gohonzon makes us unhappy. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ However, Sixth Chairman Harada changed the SGI doctrines. SGI took real Gohonzon photo. SGI has falsified the photo with a computer. SGI created the Gohonzon by printing the photo. This is a fake Gohonzon that turned against the teachings of Nichiren-Daishonin. 8 November 2015, SGI Chairman Harada said. "SGI does not need Gohonzon of Nichiren-Daishonin." ”SGI worships Gohonzon created by SGI.” Perfectly SGI abandoned Nichiren-Daishonin's faith. SGI has changed to a new religion that has nothing to do with Nichiren-Daishonin's faith. However, SGI frequently uses Nichiren-Daishonin's name and doctrines. For that reason, many people think that SGI has Nichiren-Daishonin's faith. An ignorant believer being deceived by SGI in this way. The reason why Chairman Harada was able to make such an reckless action. That's because Ikeda-Sensei got sick.  It is because Ikeda-Sensei can not take command. Ikeda-Sensei has been unconscious for some time. In the meantime, Chairman Harada changed the teaching of Ikeda-Sensei. However, Ikeda-Sensei recovered with a strong vitality. An ordinary person would have died as it was. The only after-effect of Ikeda-Sensei is difficulty walking. There are many people who have difficulty walking. That's not a disgrace thing at all. However, the Headquarters Executive Department considered that the sight of Ikeda-Sensei's wheelchair was embarrassment and hid the physical condition of Ikeda-Sensei. And, Headquarter Executive Department announces to SGI members that Ikeda-Sensei changed the SGI doctrines. Executives of Ikeda-Sensei's disciple protested against Headquarters Executive Department. “Ikeda-Sensei does not do such a teaching.” “Don't fool SGI members.” The true message of Ikeda-Sensei has been completely changed by the Headquarters Executive Department. All of Ikeda-Sensei's disciples who protested against it were expelled from SGI. The current Soka-Gakkai is totally different from the teachings of Ikeda-Sensei. Still, the people who remain in Soka-Gakkai are not the disciples of Ikeda-Sensei. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  • 英語の添削について

    英語でワンピースについておおまかに書いてみました。 自分の周りに添削してくれる人がいないので、教えていただける方に、添削お願いします^^      I know a lot comics written by Japanese. My favorite Japanese comic is ONE PIECE. There are some reasons for that. The first reason is that the picture is very fine. It is elaborately drawn by professionals. I can't turn my eyes away from the dynamic picture. Another reason is that the story is interesting. There are many battles between justice and evil so I am excited very much. The hero encounters some new comrades and travels around the world with them. But the hero sometimes experiences the sorrow of parting so I am moved so deeply. It is also reason that I can love the characters in ONE PIECE. Each the personality of the hero and the comrades are very strong but all of them have the spirit "one for all, all for one." They have strong bonds of friendship. I am sometimes envious. ONE PIECE is one of the best comics for me and I can enjoy whenever I read it. I can't love ONE PIECE more. 最後にカッコイイ言葉でしめくくりたいのですが、これで大丈夫でしょうか? また、内容全般で、文を直したほうが良い個所を中心に、あればおしえていただけると嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします!!

  • 和訳願。To SGI members

    SGI (Soka Gakkai International) distorts the interpretation of the teachings of "Nichiren Daishonin" to make members believe that SGI's misguided doctrine is correct. And SGI members are instilled with this fallacy. SGI's misguided doctrine was created to suit the group's need to attract members, and it is a far cry from the ideology set forth by "Nichiren Daishonin". SGI, with intent to monopolize "Daimoku", has gone so far as to apply for a patent for "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo", on two occasions. Fortunately, such patent applications had been rejected. In Japan, more than 30 religious groups believe in "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo", but in the history of Buddhism, the only organization that has applied for a patent is SGI. With the Internet spreading in Japan, information that were being concealed by SGI until now, are now slowly coming to light. And in Japan, members who learn of the outrageous acts committed by SGI, are starting to leave the organization. Unfortunately, such information have not yet reached SGI members outside of Japan, and many are left in the dark about the true nature of SGI. We are very concerned for those who still believe in SGI.

  • 英語添削してください。

    英語の添削お願いします。~の部分はわからなかったところです。 ・(本などの)10ページを見ています I am watching page 10. ・カタカナを知っていますか?日本語はほとんど「漢字」と「ひらがな」で構成されています。カタカナは外国から来た言葉を「漢字」や「ひらがな」といった文字で言い表せない時に使います。英語がそのままカタカナになることがあり、それは必ずしも英語の本当の意味とは同じではありません。カタカナ英語をそのまま使うと、ネイティブには意味が通じない時があります。 Do you know Katakana? Japanese almost consist of the character, Kanji and Hiragana. Katakana is used in Japanese to describe the words that Kanji and Hiragana cannot mention foreign words. Native English speakers cannot understood the meaning of English origin Katakana ・カフェでアルバイトをしています。 I have a part-time job in a caffe. ・そのなかにたくさんの外国人のお客様がいらしゃるので、そういった方たちにも日本人と同様のサービスを提供したいと思ったからです。 ・彼はゆったりとしたラブソングやアップテンポな曲も歌います。 He sings calm love song and also cheerful song. ・彼はイケメンです。 He is a nice-looking guy. ・彼は俳優でもあり、カメラが好きです。 He also is an actor and likes to take pictures. ・今年の4月と5月に2回ライブに行きました。 I went to his live tour two times in April and May this year. ・私はサッカーサークルに入っています。 I participated in a soccer club in my university. ・私はピアノで曲を演奏することはできませんが、歌をうたうときに正しい音をきくためにピアノを使います。 I can’t play the piano but I use one to check correct tone when I sing. ・アカペラはふつう6人ですが、最低では4人のグループもあります。 A cappella group usually consists of six members, but sometimes there are a group of four members . ・メンバーは6人いて、週に一回あつまって練習します。 There are six members in my group, and I practice a cappella once a week. ・キリスト教徒として何をするのですか?(お祈りはするのか?とか聞きたい) What do you do for christian? ・かつて福音派の先生に会ったことがあるのですが、あなたはどうですか? I once talked with Evangelical christian teacher, but how about you?

  • 英文の試訳の添削を願います。

    Children were for a time held by American courts in wrongful death actions to be worth absolutely nothing, though the parents might be awarded compensation for the cost of their funeral. 上記英文の下記の試訳を添削願います。 「両親が葬式代の補償を受けることになるかも知れないとしても,暫くの間子供はアメリカの法廷で絶対何の価値にも相当しない不法死亡訴訟に従うよう縛られていた。」 以上よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語添削してください。

    なるべく丁寧な英語でお願いします。 ・オレンジジュースはいかがですか。 Would you like soft drink of orange? ・テーブルをお出ししてよろしいでしょうか?(電車の) May I open this table? ・恐れ入りますが、テーブルをお出し頂けますか?(同じく電車) Could you be kind as to open the table for me? ・ようこそお越しくださいました。 Thank you for coming. ・ごゆっくりどうぞ。 Get relaxed, please. ・1000円お預かり致します。 I owe 1,000 yen. ・160円ちょうど頂戴いたします。 I have just 160 yen. ・食品を扱っておりますので、ごみをお預かりすることはできません。 I cannot trash your garbage because I deal with foods. ・どちらの駅までご乗車ですか? What is your destination? ・ご一緒に(落し物の)荷物(の中身)を確認させていただいてよろしいですか? May I recognize this baggage each other? ・ワインのおつまみはいかがですか? Would you like something to eat with wine? ・温かい日本酒はありません。 There is no hot Japanese alcohol.