Walking Between Villages: A Midwife's Struggles to Help Poor Women

  • The midwife with no formal education describes her struggles walking between villages to help poor women deliver babies on mud floors in complete darkness.
  • Find out how a midwife with no formal education overcomes challenges and walks between villages to assist impoverished women in delivering babies on mud floors with no light.
  • Discover the inspiring journey of a midwife without a formal education, as she bravely walks between villages to provide vital support to poor women during childbirth in the absence of proper facilities.
  • ベストアンサー


The midwife had no formal education, and the students’ jaws dropped when she described her struggles, walking between villages to help poor women deliver babies on mud floors in complete darkness. この walking between 以下は文法的にどのように解釈すればいいですか?形的には分詞構文に見えますが。教えてください。 出典 https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=TaWWDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT131&lpg=PT131&dq=%22The+midwife+had+no+formal+education%22&source=bl&ots=snFcChqzqb&sig=ACfU3U37JHW_muM7qhLuwb2xd6mXcIs7zA&hl=ja&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiXyb-z07blAhXszIsBHfbqAuMQ6AEwAXoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22The%20midwife%20had%20no%20formal%20education%22&f=false

  • 英語
  • 回答数6
  • ありがとう数6


  • ベストアンサー

お尋ね部分は、 she described her struggles, walking between villages to help poor women deliver babies on mud floors in complete darkness ですね。 このうち、 to help poor women deliver babies on mud floors in complete darkness を先に見ます。 to <不定詞の副詞用法> help <使役動詞> poor women <目的語:後続の動詞の主語> deliver babies on mud floors in complete darkness 「真っ暗闇の中で土間の上で赤ん坊を出産する」 では、以下の部分を見ます。 she described her struggles, walking between villages to ... her struggles, walking がどう文法的につながっているのか、 というのが疑問点なんだと思います。 可能性のあるつながり方を見てみましょう。 1。her struggles in walking ... 2。=1。her struggles walking ... 3。her struggles that were walking 4。=3。her walking struggles 5。her walking struggles 6。her struggles, walking ひとつずつみていきます。 1。her struggles in walking ... 2。=1。her struggles walking ... これは、彼女が歩くのに難儀している、足が悪い、とかそういうことです。文型としては、struggles を difficulty に変えてみればよくわかると思います。1。の walking は動名詞ですが、2。の walking は現在分詞だと言う人もいます。わたしは、2。も1。の構造に習い、動名詞だと考えたいです。1。2。の解釈は上記文脈には当てはまりません。 3。her struggles that were walking 4。=3。her walking struggles これでは、歩いているのが her struggles だということになり、論外です。ここの walking は現在分詞です。 5。her walking struggles これは、4。と表面的には同じ形ですが、この walking を動名詞であると取れば、「歩くための、歩き用の」という意味になります。でも、この意味が struggles に続いてもそもそも意味をなしませんから、これも論外となります。 6。her struggles, walking 後、これしか残っていないんですが、実は、これが適切な分析です。でも、このままで見ると、わかりにくいです。 she struggled, walking between villages ..... という文が基底にあるんですね。 walking は struggled という動詞を修飾している分詞構文です。 この struggled という動詞を、そのまま直結、struggles という名詞にしてしまい、動詞に続いていた分詞構文 walking between villages ..... を、それの文法性に無頓着に、そのまま、その動詞の動詞的な意味を保持している名詞につなげてしまった・・・あららん これは、名詞形が動詞形の動作性を十分保持しているときにだけ可能な言い方なんだと思います。英語母語話者がこんな文の意味を取り違えることはまずないと考えられます。ただ、実際にこのような 「動詞+分詞構文」→「動詞性の名詞+分詞構文」 が、どの程度の頻度で起こるのかは、わたしは知りません。 以上、文法分析の観点から説明を試みてみました。




その他の回答 (5)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

#2・4さん、#3さん、ありがとうございます。 なるほど、仰せのとおりかも知れません。 そうすると、「walkingは動名詞」と考えた方がいいでしょうね。 そして、全体を2文に分けて、the students’ jaws ~ strugglesの部分をあとで訳すと、より自然で、まとまりが良くなるように思います。 つまり、こんな感じです。 「その助産師さんは正式な教育を受けてはいなかったが、貧しい女性たちが真っ暗闇の中の土間で赤ちゃんを産む手助けのために村々の間を歩き回りました。その苦労を説明すると、学生たちは驚きであんぐり口を開けて聞いていました。」





#2の補足です。 #3さんの物言いがついた、in complete darknessに関してですが、調べてみますとタンザニアの村は3パーセントしか電気が普及していないようなので、室外も室内も夜は真っ暗闇なのだと思います。 私は娘がPCを使った仕事をしているという箇所を読んで、ついインフラ整備ができていないだけで室内には電気があるのだと思ってしまい#2のような訳を書きましたが。 室内でお産を助ける時も、村から村へと歩いていく時も、夜は「真っ暗闇」(in complete darkness)だと解釈したほうが良さそうです。




  • koncha108
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1312/2665)

walking 以下は分詞構文ではなく、struggles = walking ... の関係にある同格の名詞句の様です。#2さんが書かれている様に、分詞構文ととらえても(実際位置や形式から見ると分詞構文と思いたくもなります)用法でピタッと当てはまる物が見当たりません。分詞構文ならshe が形式上の主語になるのでしょうが、そうするとshe described her strubbles全体を修飾するか、describedを修飾すると考えられるのですが、ピンと来ず、her strubbles (名詞句)にかかるとするとピタッとはまります。 walking between villages  村から村へと歩いて行く to help poor women deliver babies 貧しい女たちが出産するのを助けるために   help (人) 動詞 の時には通常、to + 動詞の形を取りません。 on mud floors in complete darkness 真っ暗な中で土の床の上で その助産婦はちゃんとした教育を受けておらず、学生たちは彼女が真っ暗闇の土の床の上で貧しい女たちの出産を助けるために、村から村へ歩いて行く時の奮闘を語った時、唖然とした。





出典があり助かりました。 分詞構文ではないと思います。 文法には詳しくないというか、昔は詳しかったが、特に文法用語を使う機会が無いから忘れてしまったのですが、、、、。 her struggles= walking between villages to help poor women deliver babies on mud floors in complete darkness.の関係にあるのだから、her strugglesの言いかえと考えるべきだと思います。 となると、struggles, とwalkingの間に「関係代名詞+be動詞」が省略されていると考えた方が自然な気がしますし、分詞構文の「言いかえの用法」なんてものは無かった気がしますので、、、。 まあ、文法は、文法に詳しい方にお任せしますが、 どっちにしても訳は、 The midwife had no formal education, and the students’ jaws dropped when she described her struggles, walking between villages to help poor women deliver babies on mud floors in complete darkness. (その産婆さんは、正規の教育を受けていなかった。そして、彼女の苦労、つまり(必要とあらば)真っ暗闇の中、(電灯もない中、懐中電灯も持たずに)あっちの村やこっちの村に歩いて行き、土間の上でお産をする貧しい女性達を助けるのだと、聞いた学生たちは非常に驚いた。) 文脈的に、懐中電灯がないと月明かりがあっても蛇が見えなくて困ってしまうというお産婆さんお話ですから mud floorsは、「泥だらけの床」ではなく、「土でできた床」の意味です。  こんな感じかと、 https://tanzaniagoesmud.wordpress.com/workshop/ ちなみに「泥だらけの床」ならmuddy floorsになります。




  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >この walking between 以下は文法的にどのように解釈すればいいですか?形的には分詞構文に見えますが。教えてください。 ⇒はい、これは確かに分詞構文です。 結果を表す分詞構文で、「そして、○○する」と訳すことが多いようです。 walking between以下はこんな訳になります。 「そして、彼女(産婆)は、貧しい女性が真っ暗闇の中の泥だらけの床で赤ちゃんを産むのを助けるために、村々の間を歩きました」。





  • 回答無かったので再質問します 英文解釈です

    https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=Ca1nSBF9cbUC&pg=PT13&dq=The+last+spectacle+of+which+Christian+men+are+likely+to+grow+tired+is+a+harbour.&hl=ja&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjth5vF3aLkAhVDK6YKHdrOAJcQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=The%20last%20spectacle%20of%20which%20Christian%20men%20are%20likely%20to%20grow%20tired%20is%20a%20harbour.&f=false 上記のリンク先にTHE HERRING FLEETがあるのですが読めるでしょうか。冒頭部分でイマイチ何を言ってるのか分からない部分があります。 書き手はharbour を今でも素晴らしいと思っているのですか? ship は worm よりちょっとはマシだと言ってるのか、遥かにマシだと言ってるのかどっちですか?Meanwhile のここでの意味? 質問箇所が多過ぎて、Meanwhile から North Star まで訳して頂ければ、殆どの疑問は解けると思います。 宜しくお願いします。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 下記の英文の訳し方がわかりません。

    Or he may give what on face of it is a polished lecture, but one which takes for granted that the lecturer can take for granted that the class takes for granted all that he takes for granted. この英文は長文問題集の本文の下線部訳の部分を抜き出しました。最後に全文を掲載しました。(12個の文があり、番号を付けました) 疑問が2つあり、また自作の和訳も書いてみました。長くなりますが、よろしくお願いします。 1)「but one which takes for granted」の「one」が何を指しているのか、わかりません。 2)「take for granted」が4回繰り返される英文の訳し方(意味の取り方)を教えて下さい。 [自作の和訳] 「あるいは、彼はその表面上は洗練された講義をするかもしれない。 しかし、その講師が当然だと思っている全てをそのクラスの学生も当然だと思っていることを、その講師も当然だと思っているとone も当然だと思っている。」 (1)In passing from school to college the student must prepare himself for the fact that he may be going to a place in which he will receive the best education in the world by the world’s worst teacher. (2)His teachers at school had been trained to teach. (3)At the university hardly any of those who teach will have been trained to teach. (4)Their major concern will be about the advancement of knowledge. (5)They may indeed like lecturing, just because they are bursting to express their new ideas. (6)But they may lecture in a way which has no relation to well-prepared lessons which students have been accustomed to receive. (7)The university teacher may turn his back on the class and excitedly write formulas on the blackboard, all the time delivering his statements very fast which are intended to give the class some clue to what he is so excited about. (8)Or he may give what on face of it is a polished lecture, but one which takes for granted that the lecturer can take for granted that the class takes for granted all that he takes for granted. (9)To be taught by such teachers is one of the greatest educational privileges in the world. (10)But in the odd forms of communication that occur in the lecture rooms of universities, the chief responsibility is at the receiving end. (11)That is why, rather paradoxically, university education is the most advanced form of self-education. (12)The student has to find out for himself the best way of listening to lectures.

  • 下記の英文を和訳して下さい。

    The citation for Dartnell's VC On 3 September 1915, near Maktau, Kenya, during a mounted infantry engagement, the enemy were so close that it was impossible to get the more severely wounded away. Lieutenant Dartnell, who was himself being carried away wounded in the leg, seeing the situation, and knowing that the enemy's black troops murdered the wounded, insisted on being left behind, in the hope of being able to save the lives of other wounded men. He gave his own life in a gallant attempt to save others. The First Battle of the Isonzo was fought between the Armies of Italy and Austria-Hungary on the Italian Front in World War I, between 23 June and 7 July 1915. The aim of the Italian Army was to drive the Austrians away from its defensive positions along the Soča (Isonzo) and on the nearby mountains. Although the Italians enjoyed a 2:1 numeric superiority, their offensive failed because the Italian commander, Luigi Cadorna, employed frontal assaults after impressive (but short) artillery barrages. The Austrians had the advantage of fighting from uphill positions barricaded with barbed wire which were able to easily resist the Italian assault. The Italians had some early successes. They partially took Monte Nero (Monte Krn), took Monte Colowrat, and captured the heights around Plezzo. However, they were unable to dislodge the Austro-Hungarian troops from the high ground between Tolmino and the Isonzo, which would later form a launching off point for the Caporetto Offensive. The heaviest fighting occurred around Gorizia. In addition to the natural defenses of the river and mountains, bastions were created at Oslavia and Podgora. The fighting at Gorizia consisted of street-by-street urban combat interspersed with artillery fire. Italian troops, such as the Italian Re and Casale Brigades, were able to advance as far as the suburbs but could get no further and were driven back. They made small footholds at Adgrado and Redipuglia on the Karst Plateau south of Gorizia but were unable to do much else. On the Austrian-Hungarian side two commanders distinguished themselves: Major General Géza Lukachich von Somorja, commander of the 5th Mountain Brigade, who retook Redipuglia, and Major General Novak von Arienti who retook Hill 383 with his 1st Mountain Brigade. Early in July the commander of the Austrian Fifth Army, General Svetozar Boroević, received two reinforcement divisions, which put an end to the Italian efforts at breaking through the Austrian lines. The final Italian gains were minimal: in the northern sector, they conquered the heights over Bovec (Mount Kanin); in the southern sector, they conquered the westernmost ridges of the Kras plateau near Fogliano Redipuglia and Monfalcone. The First Battle of the Isonzo 第一次イゾンツォの戦い

  • A London crowd 以降の解釈を

    https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=7sTy7Zrv_d8C&pg=PT31&lpg=PT31&dq=was+the+spectacle+of+a+man+who+had+met+with+an+accident+evelyn+waugh&source=bl&ots=YbEVmMoxMI&sig=ACfU3U3VCcPXpESiBSDZVcPq4goKgX1s4g&hl=ja&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjo0Zj15KLkAhWjIaYKHe-3AX8Q6AEwAXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=was%20the%20spectacle%20of%20a%20man%20who%20had%20met%20with%20an%20accident%20evelyn%20waugh&f=false One of these から a word of it までの範囲で、最後部分の A London crowd から a word of it. までがよく分からないのです。 「ロンドンの野次馬だったら、もしその光景を見ていたら、最高最大限のジョークと思っただろう」 「しかし、目撃者は誰も笑わなかった」これはパリの野次馬が笑わなかったと言ってるのかそれとも「ロンドンの目撃者は見ていたとしても笑わないだろう」なのかどっちですかね? 最後の文ですが、これは筆者がイギリスに帰ってからのことを書いてるんですよね? イギリスでこの話をしても誰も信じなかったと。 この最後の3つの文章の互いの関連が分かりません。それぞれ、全く別のことを言ってるように思えるのに、なぜ but や and で繋がってるのでしょう? だから、パリの野次馬は何、ロンドン人や英国人は何だと言いたいのでしょう? この A London crowd の前の文章は情景の描写ですから、全部理解出来ますが、A London crowd 以降の文が、一体何を言いたいのか理解しにくいです。 噛み砕いて説明して下さるとありがたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    A German attack from south-eastern Belgium towards Mézières and a possible offensive from Lorraine towards Verdun, Nancy and St. Dié was anticipated; the plan was an evolution from Plan XVI and made more provision for the possibility of a German offensive through Belgium. The First, Second and Third armies were to concentrate between Épinal and Verdun opposite Alsace and Lorraine, the Fifth Army was to assemble from Montmédy to Sedan and Mézières and the Fourth Army was to be held back west of Verdun, ready to move east to attack the southern flank of a German invasion through Belgium or southwards against the northern flank of an attack through Lorraine. No formal provision was made for combined operations with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) but joint arrangements had been made and in 1911 during the Second Moroccan Crisis the French had been told that six divisions could be expected to operate around Maubeuge.

  • 英文の不明な点についてご教示ください 3

    英文を読んでいて、わからない部分があったので、ご教示お願いします。英保守党の議員が教育について語った文章です。 The Education Secretary can hand out all the goody bags with all the books W H Smith can muster, but it's no use if large numbers of children aren't taught to read properly. Where the Government needs to let go, it simply cannot bring itself to do it. Where the Government...to do itまでが、どのような文型になって、どのような意味になるのかがわかりません。政府が手放す必要のあるところを、単にそうする気持ちにはなれない・・?という意味不明な文章になってしまいます。これは、どのような意味なのでしょうか?

  • 下記の英文(オバマ大統領に関する英文)に関する質問にお答えできませんで

    下記の英文(オバマ大統領に関する英文)に関する質問にお答えできませんでしょうか? 英文レベルが高くて意味の伝わる訳出ができません。どうかお願い致します。 便宜上、段落ごとに番号を振りました。 ■ A first family that looks like America - Obama-Robinson clan crosses ethnic, religious and linguistic lines When president Barack Obama was sworn in Tuesday, he was surrounded by an extended clan that would have shocked past generations of Americans and has redrawn the image of a first family for future ones. ・・・・(1) As they convened to take their family's final step in its journey from Africa: through slavery to the slave-built White House, the group seemed as though they had stepped right out of the pages of Obama's memoir ――no longer the disparate kin of a young man wondering how he fit in, but the embodiment of a new president's promise of change ・・・・(2) ”Our family is new in terms of the White House, but I don't think it's new in terms of the country, ” said Maya Soetoro, the president's younger half-sister , in an interview last week. ”I don't think the white House has always reflected the textures and flavors of this country." ・・・・(3) Obama follows former President George W.Bush, who had a presidential son's self-assured grip on power. Aside from a top-quality education, the new president came to politics with none of his predecessor's advantages: no famous last name, no deep-pocketed parents to finance early forays into politics and , In fact, not much of a father at all. So Obama built his political career from scratch, with best-selling books and long-shot runs for office, leaving his relatives 「astonished」 at where he has brought them. ・・・・(4) 質問A:(1)~(4)文章の要約(=つまり何を言っているのか? どういうことかを言っているのか?)を日本語でお願いします。 質問B:(4)の文章の「astonished」の指すのは何かをお願いします。指す部分を英語と日本でお願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Another raid was ordered for 8/9 February, then postponed until 10 February. On this raid several Germans were killed as they retreated and soldiers in four dug-outs were killed with hand-grenades, when they refused to surrender. Seven prisoners were taken and the party of 36 lost three killed, seven wounded and three missing. The Germans retaliated on 12 February, when about 70 men raided the area between posts 9 and 10 and took seven prisoners. Five dead Germans were found between the posts but machine-gun fire prevented no man's land being searched. The British operations at the end of the Battle of the Ancre in November 1916, had captured German positions on Beaumont Hamel spur and the village of Beaucourt, before the weather stopped operations. In the early hours of 10 January, a battalion of the 7th Division attacked "The Triangle" and the trenches either side, including Muck Trench about 1,000 yards (910 m) east of Beaumont Hamel.

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    The campaign in southern Portuguese Angola took place before a formal state of war had been declared between Germany and Portugal. The clashes occurred between October 1914 and July 1915; Germany didn't declare war on Portugal until 9 March 1916. Due to the possibility of an attack from German Southwest Africa, Portuguese forces in southern Angola were reinforced by a military expedition led by Lieutenant-Colonel Alves Roçadas, which arrived at Moçâmedes on 1 October 1914. Since mid-1914, there had been several incidents between Portuguese and German troops. The first serious one was the Naulila incident on 19 October, in which 3 German officers, heading a military column which had entered Angola without permission from the Portuguese authorities, were killed by Portuguese troops. On 31 October, German troops armed with machine guns launched a surprise attack on the small Portuguese outpost at Cuangar, killing 2 officers, 1 sergeant, 5 soldiers and 1 civilian. The attack became known as the "Cuangar Massacre". On 18 December the largest clash of the campaign occurred. A German force of 2,000 men under the command of Major Victor Franke attacked Portuguese forces positioned at Naulila. After stubborn resistance, the Portuguese were forced to withdraw towards the Humbe region, with 69 soldiers dead, among them 3 officers, 76 wounded, among them 1 officer, and 79 prisoners, among them 3 officers, while the Germans had 12 soldiers dead and 30 wounded, among them 10 officers. After the explosion of the munitions magazine at Forte Roçadas base, the Portuguese also left the Humbe, withdrawing farther north. On 7 July 1915, Portuguese forces under the command of General Pereira d'Eça reoccupied the Humbe region. Two days later, German forces in South West Africa surrendered, ending the South West Africa Campaign. Until September 1915, the Portuguese continued fighting in southern Angola against local groups who resisted colonial occupation, and who in part had received arms from the Germans.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Historian Edward Acton argues that "by stubbornly refusing to reach any modus vivendi with the Progressive Bloc of the Duma... Nicholas undermined the loyalty of even those closest to the throne [and] opened an unbridgeable breach between himself and public opinion." In short, the Tsar no longer had the support of the military, the nobility or the Duma (collectively the élites), or the Russian people. The result was revolution. The first major protest of the February Revolution occurred on 7 March 1917 (O.S. 22 February) as workers of Putilov (later called Kirov Plant), Petrograd’s largest industrial plant, announced a strike to demonstrate against the government. By 1917, the majority of Russians had lost faith in the Tsarist regime. Government corruption was unrestrained, and Tsar Nicholas II had frequently disregarded the Dumas. Thousands of workers flooded the streets of Petrograd (modern St. Petersburg) to show their dissatisfaction.