• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9777/12182)

>・That's why students take moderate action. ⇒「節度ある行動を取るようになる」はwill behave modestlyとする方がいいでしょう。 →・That's why students will behave modestly. >・You can effectively use your daily clothing selection time for learning. ⇒日本語を「・毎日、服選びに費やす時間を効果的な学習時間に振り分けることができるようになる」のようにしたらいかがでしょう。 →・Each day you will be able to spend your time selecting clothes for effective learning time. >・Thirdly, by wearing a uniform, you can protect the students in poor families. ⇒同じく、「第三に、皆が同じ制服を着ることで、貧しい家庭の生徒が引け目を感じないで済むだろう」のようにしたらいかがでしょう。 →・Thirdly, if everyone wears the same uniform, students in poor families will not feel inferior.


  • 和訳と解説をお願いします。

    ”Thefacebook was still small. That's because you can only get it in certain schools,” he explained. ”But when Thefacebook opens at a new school, almost all the students join, and almost all of them visit the site every day.” That's because you can only get it in certain schools, のyouは誰、または何を指しているのかわかりません。文脈からyouに置き換わるものの見当がつきません。この一文の主語はThefacebookではないのですか?それならitになるとおもうのですが..... 解答よろしくお願いします。

  • 友達への英文メールの添削を宜しくお願い致します

    ●英文メールですが、お読みになって変な部分がございましたら、ご教授戴けませんか? Hi Yuki, thanks for writing back. You have the great sense of learning foreign languages. You are goot at not only Italian but also English. Your e-mail written in Englishis is always welcome. Still now my English is poor. I don't have the sense of learning English. I'd like to say everything in English before I gonna die!!! How I envy you!! You had a wanderfull vacation. Please let me know your precious experiences in overseas when you come back to Japan. I have the day off today. In the evening, I'm going to Izakaya place where is in Urawa with my husband. And there, I make my husband to meet my relatives who live in Urawa. ※ここの文章は特に自信がありません。「そしてそこで、私は浦和に住んでいる親戚達に夫を会わせます」と伝えたいのですがOKですか? It's the first time my husband meets them. I hope we can enjoy meeting, talking, and drinking. Well it's all for today. Please write back when you can. So you don't need to hurry. どうぞ、宜しくお願い致します。英語が上手になりたいです!!

  • 英作文の添削お願いします!

    英作文の添削お願いします! 指定語数は80語なんですが、本番では100語なので100語で設定して書きました。 テーマは、制服着用の長所と短所です。 ヨロシクお願いします! Some schools are requring school niforms ,but others are not. Each of them has disadvantage and advantage.Now,I would like to mention these two things. First,disadvantage of requring school niforms is that they can not develop their sense of uniquness or individuality .And their school are specified by other people when they do not want to be. Second,the advantage of wearing school uniforms is that they do not have to choose which clothing to put on, and the students who can not afford to buy it would not suffer from choosing cloyhes. Therefore,because school uniforms have disadvantages and advantage as above things,we must not think light of the meanings of requring school uniforms.

  • 英作文の質問。

    次の日本語を英語に訳したいのですが、お知恵を貸して頂きたいです。 「小論文の場合、どの先生が評価しても同じ評価(点数)になるようにすることは非常に難しい。 なぜなら、小論文は○×で評価できるものではなく、生徒がいかに思考したか、いかに説得的に論じているのかを評価しなければならない。 そのため、同じ小論文を採点した時に、先生によって評点に若干のばらつきが出る可能性は高い。 しかし一方では、生徒の小論文を採点する上で、公平な評価が必要となる。 そこで、小論文をいかにして公平に評価するかということについて、お考えを聞かせて頂きたいです。」 上記を以下のように訳してみました(訳せなかった部分は「・・・」になってます)。 「In case of paper, it is difficult... Because you can not assess paper by true-false evaluation and you have to assess how students think, how formulate cogent arguments. That's why, when some teachers assess same paper, there will be dispersion by each teachers. But then, when you assess students' papers, you are needed fair assessment. Therefore I would like to ask your view about how assess fairly students' papers.」 まったく自信がありません。 正しい訳になるよう、アドバイスをよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 文章のアドバイスをお願いします

    学校でディベートをやるので、その準備をしています。 反論を考えてみたのですが、英文がきちんと通じるものになっているか心配なので、アドバイスをお願いします。 ・制服を廃止すれば学校の規律が乱れるといいますが、着ているもので授業態度が変わってくるものではない →You said that if school uniform is abolished, the school order will be disturbed. Do you think that students' behavior will change by what they are wearing? ・服装の一体感よりも意識面でのつながりを考えるべきではないか →What's important is the identification of their inner not the surface. ・制服をだらしなく着ている人が多い学校に行きたいと思うか、またそのような学校は良い学校と思えるか A lot of students wear school uniform untidy. Do you want to go to school which these students go? And do you think that school which is many these students are good school? ・制服は高額なものが多く、中には成長期で買い直さなければいけない人もいる →Some student have to buy another expensive school uniform because they grow very much in their growth term. ・制服が着られている今でもいじめは存在している →At school whitch school uniform is adopted, there is a lot of bullying. ・人は個性を発揮すべきであり、服はその一つの表現である →Everybody has the right to express their character, and clothes are one of the way that we can express our character. ほんの少しのアドバイスでもよいのでぜひお願いします。

  • 英文法について教えてください。

    次の下線部の動詞について,それぞれの動詞が「自動詞」か「他動詞」かを答えよ。 1. I would (1)love to go to the exhibition with you,but I’m afraid I can’t (2)spare time. 2. She (3)promised that she would pay me this week,but she didn’t (4)keep her word. 3. My telephone (5)is out of order so I’ll have to ask my neighbor if I can (6)borrow his. 4. The teacher (7)told her students what to (8)write in their notebook. 5. A young man (9)wearing glasses and pajamas (10)rushed into the room. 以上です。よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語の手紙和訳お願いします

    happy birthday aki   I'm not sure this leteer cold arrive in your birthday or not,rather, I should have began writing earlier... Anyway congratulation!! I'm glad you become 21 years old because I can drink with you in the United States.Don't you think so? What?You never drink?Come on!! when will you be ready!? No orange juice! You have to try! or I can't wait forever ! Yeah,that kidding ^^ Of course I know you hate alcohol, so I  seut a birthday present that's not kind of alcohol. I beleive you'll like it. If it's difficult to use for you or you have any guestions about my present, you can ask me!! Because, I've already  researched it and  I know it a lot even though I don't have it!! Hahaha!! Are you with me? Maybe You don't know what is what ^^; It's been about 7 month since I came to Los Angeles. My English skill is still poor, and that's why I'm confusing now... Don't care about my work . Everything is good. I'm learning many things little by little from my father and brother. They teach me kindly, so I'm really grateful to them. Perhaps you also have some worries . But , nobody has no worry. we have to overcome with making effort, and our efforts will be reworded. But , please let me help you when you feel down and help me when I feel down...ok? I really miss you and I hope I'll go back to Japan soon. But as you know , I have full of schedule ... it's almost working and school ... Instead, you can eat anything you want and go anywhere you want when I go back to Japan! So, please wait for me with great patience. 数年前大切な人からもらった手紙です。 どなたか意味を教えていただけませんか? よろしくお願いします!

  • この英文で、「好き」という気持ちは伝わりますか?

    フランス人の友人男性に片想いしてます。友人といっても、長年会ってなく、10年くらいメールでほそぼそと交流してきたひとです。私が未婚で出産したあたりから、スカイプでチャットするようになり、最近では週に何回か、お互いの近況報告を話してる感じです。私はすごく好きに思ってて、気持ちをそれとなくアピールしてきたつもりなんですが、向こうからはそういうアピールは全くなく、私のメッセージにもいつも、期待外れな返事がきます。1年以上チャットしてて、会話になにも進展もないので もうチャットやめようかなと悩んでます。私が彼に送ったメッセージ、思い出せるものを書くので、これで「好き」と外国人男性に普通分かるものかのか、教えてください。(英語へたなのは、勘弁してください。。。)()内は記憶してる限りの彼の返答です。 - I like talking to you very much. ( I like talking to you too. ) - You are very far but for I feel you very close to my daily life. (Yeah, we have been talking very often. ) -I was thinking about you today. Of course only good things.. (What made you think about me? ) - I don't know why but I keep thinking about you.. ( Did I say something funny to you last time?) - I trust you very much. I can not talk about it anybody else. ( 覚えてないけど、話題をきりかえられた) -I missed you! I was sad I could not find you online. (スマイルマークのみ) - I wanna make you a coffee and make you relax! ( Thanks!) - I wanna to buy you some gift. That's gonna be very fun to choose something for you! (Thanks! That's good you can have fun!) - I would be very jealous if you find a nice girl for you... ( I am not looking for anybody at this moment.) もっとありますが、、、 もういいですよね。やっぱ、遠回しにふられてるんですよね?これで、好かれてるって分からない男性いますか?

  • この英文の一部でわからないところがあります

    In her first year in Germany, Tawada slept over nine hours a day to recover from all the new experiences and difficulty of learning German. Even today, German is hard for her, but she enjoys the challenge. "German is now my daily language, and I can express my feelings clearly," she explains. "But when it comes to writing, I still have trouble. Yet learning a language is a lot of fun because the words are new and fresh. This gives you a sense of freedom. It is almost like being a child again." 最後のIt is almost like being a child again.という英文はどういう意味ですか? あとこの英文のagainはどういう役割をしていますか? わかる方教えてくれないでしょうか?

  • 翻訳してください。

    あるボランティアに質問をしたところ、下記のような回答が来ました。 が、あまりよく意味が分かりません。 どなたか翻訳して頂けませんか? 宜しくお願いします。 ちなみに、質問の内容ですが・・・ 1.お金は一括で支払うのか 2.現地に送ってはいけないものはなにか という2点になります。どうも回答になっていないような気がするのですが・・・。 文中の****はボランティア団体の名前です。 以下、メールです。 Thank you for your kind participation to our activities. I am now in INDONESIA for what I must do to whom I can help some, especially for damaged people in YOG-YAKARTA of INDONESIA. Then I have to answer you that donation could be paid 18000yen in 2006 ( Jul, Sep, Nov) + 3000yen for first register fee. For 2007, you can pay donation on 27 Dec. 27 Mar. and 27 Jun Dont worry you can consult with me. It a reason why ***** give a attention to give Foster Students maney special, cloth etc that; It was coming to bad result for them in experience. I could explane it after my coming up to Japan. sorry not so easy to explain by my poor english. Thank you for your good attend. Bye 宜しくお願いします。