• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:squeeze)

Decades ago, a doctor discreetly squeezed my inner legs: My story

  • Decades ago, when I was 16, I worked as an assistant at a healthcare facility. The doctor, whom I revered at the time, would discreetly squeeze my inner legs during patient visits.
  • Decades ago, when I was 16, I worked as an assistant at a healthcare facility. The doctor, whom I revered, would discreetly touch my inner legs when seeing patients.
  • Decades ago, I worked as an assistant at a healthcare facility, and the doctor would discreetly squeeze my inner legs during patient visits.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9735/12112)

すみません、squeezeに気を取られていてdiscreetlyを忘れていました。 いくつか補足・訂正して再送いたします。 >discreetly squeeze my inner legsはどのような意味でしょうか? ⇒「そうっと私の内股に(脚・体を)割り込ませた(ものです)」。 この場合のsqueezeは、 squeeze in「押し込む、割り込む」のinを省略した(innerで兼用した?)形ではないかと思います。(https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/en/squeeze/参照)。 なお、would do thingsのwouldは、過去の不規則な習慣「(よく)~したものです」を表します。 ☆「(私の尊敬するその医師は)患者の診察の間にそうっと私の内股に体を割り込ませたり、患者が帰った後に私を長い間抱擁したりする、というようなことをしたものです」。





その他の回答 (3)


特に句動詞が使われているわけでもないし、#1さんが言われている通りに「 腿の内側を、モミモミされた」ということでしょう。




  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9735/12112)

>discreetly squeeze my inner legsはどのような意味でしょうか? ⇒「私の内股に(脚・体を)割り込ませた(ものです)」。 状況も加味して考えると、こんな意味になるのではないかと思います。 この場合のsqueezeは、 squeeze in「押し込む、割り込む」のinを省略した(innerに肩代わりさせた?)形ではないかと推測しました。(https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/en/squeeze/参照)。 ☆「(私の尊敬するその医師は)患者の診察の間に私の内股に体を割り込ませたり、患者が帰った後に私を長い間抱擁したりしたものです」。




  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"discreetly squeeze my inner legs" 「私の脚の内側をこっそりと掴む(触る)」






  • 至急!英語の問題です。

    困っています。 訳も宜しくお願いしますm(._.)m 【what how who why which】 1. I need a prosthetic leg ( ) moves at my will. 2. I show you ( ) to stretch out your arms. 3. ( ) noticed your daughter's symptom first? 4. ( ) was the patient not admitted to that hospital? 5. Tell me ( ) will prevent getting pimples on my forehead.

  • 翻訳お願いします。。。

    I had to do that at twelve because one day in 1975, my leg collapsed beneath me; I lost my leg to bone cancer. My tenth-place finish did a great deal to encourage people to understand“disabled”athletes as athletes first.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have a bit of a problem... okay, kind of a huge one. And it's sort of gross. I have a tendency to pick at my skin. I know most people pick at scabs occasionally or squeeze at their acne or whatever, but my situation seems a bit extreme. For the past four years, I've picked at the skin on my upper arms, shoulders, and chest, leaving scabs, bruises, welts, bloody pores, flaky skin, and severe scarring. pick atにはいくつか意味があるみたいなのですが、どれでしょうか?squeeze atとleaving scabsの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳してください。

    During my first space sleep, I discovered that my arms and legs moved automatically into a ''sleep position.'' Instead of hanging at my sides, as they would have on Earth, my arms drifted out in front of me, motionless, at about shoulder height. It was strange to open my eyes and see my arms dangling in front of my face.

  • until 7 most nights

    I am a stay-at-home mom with a 2-year-old toddler. My husband has a 13-year-old son with his ex. We have a restraining order against her after she threatened me while I was pregnant. Right now, my stepson lives with us full time and only has supervised visits with his mother. He used to be a sweet, shy kid, but now I am afraid of him. My stepson has anger issues and is 6 inches taller than me. He has cursed at me, broken plates, and left holes in walls. I don’t trust him near my daughter. My husband is trying, but he can’t be home until 7 most nights. until 7 most nightsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語に訳してください!

    1 the cloud came over the city as thought waiting to spring on it. 2 to my test thought. 3 I wondered if my legs were not going to fail me. この3つお願いします。

  • 外国人とメールをしているのですが。。。

    外国人(インドネシア)の女性とラインしているのですが、内容が全然理解できなくて、こまってます。 訳してもらえますか??? 女:Do you heve time???? 私:Yup.What's up? 女:There's someone hurts me 私:What? 女:Yah.. hurt me.. broke my heart 私:How? 女:She not belive me.. And now.. she is busy, so she not reply my text 私:Who's she? 女:But when I busy.. i always text her.. i don't know why she like this Huhuhuhu.. i'm so sad... :( She is my bestfriend.. but i love her so much.. i love her more than anything.. She ever said she love me.. i always try to make her happy... i always be patient when she mad at me.. Everytime she call me, she always tell about her ex.. I'm jealous.. i don't like the way she tell me about her ex てな感じなんですけど、むこうからいきなり来て、理解できません。。。。 日本語で内容を教えてください! それと、どうやって返信すればいいか教えてください!

  • よろしくお願いします

    My mother is a priority for me and I visit her almost every day. I participate in activities and volunteer at the nursing facility so as to be a part of her life. I do her laundry and bring her anything she needs. I hold her power of attorney, as well. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/askamy/s-2050527-p2 hold her power of attorneyとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文法

    うまくなるまでどのくらいかかりますか?と聞く時 how long will it take me to learn to do it? how long do i have to be patient before I get better at it? こちら両方使えますでしょうか? もし、意味が両方伝わらない場合、どういった英文なら大丈夫ですか? わかるかたよろしくお願いいたします。

  • [英語]()に近い意味のもの教えて下さい><

    1. Are you trying to (pull my leg)? (1) tease me (2) enrage me (3) hurt me (4) kick me 2. I (took on) more jobs than i could handle. (1) accepted (2) considered (3) examined (4) understood 3. As soon as she got home, she (set about) preparing lunch. (1) began (2) enjoyed (3) forget (4) quit