• ベストアンサー


Simone was extremely warm-hearted, kind and polite to me when I met her. Her kindness made a deep impression on me, which I still recall to this day. All the things that made me happy that day remain one of my best memories, which I will remember for the rest of my life.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9822/12245)

(訳文) 私がシモーネと出会った時、彼女はとても心温かく、優しく、丁寧でした。私は彼女の親切に深い印象を受け、今でもこの日のことを思い出します。 あの日私を幸せな気持ちにしてくれたすべての事柄が、私の最高の思い出の一つとして残っています。私はそれを人生の残りの間、ずっと忘れることはないでしょう。





その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

 シモンは、私が彼女に会った時、心がとても暖かく、親切で、礼儀正しかった。彼女の親切さは私に深い印象を残し、今日でも、まだ思い起こす。  あの日、私を幸せにしたこと全ては、私が一生忘れない最高の思い出の一つとして残っている。






  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    All the things that made me happy that day remain one of my best memories, which I will remember for the all my life

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Today, four years have passed since you departed for heaven. I related to your early life and your music, and that was the start of everything for me. You brought a shining light of hope to my life and saved me from my problems. You remain the greatest hero of all for me, and I’m so grateful to you. I miss you.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Per Scott Weiland: I learned of my supposed “termination” from Stone Temple Pilots this morning by reading about it in the press. Not sure how I can be “terminated” from a band that I founded, fronted and co-wrote many of its biggest hits, but that’s something for the lawyers to figure out. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to seeing all of my fans on my solo tour which starts this Friday. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    But at this phase of my life, I want to write and not have to think about whether a song is going to be a hit. I want to explore the music that inspires me, and I don't want to ape myself.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    It is evident that, in entering upon this wider field, I shall frequently have to quit the narrower limits of direct obser vation within which my former work was confined ; and it is chiefly because I think it desirable clearly to distinguish between the objects of Comparative Psychology as a science, and any inferences or doctrines which may be connected with its study, that I have made so complete a-partition of the facts of animal intelligence from the theories which I believe these facts to justify. So much, then, for the reasons which have led to the form of these essays, and the relations which I intend the one to bear to the other. I may now say a few words to indicate the structure and scope of the present essay. Every discussion must rest on some basis of assumption ; every thesis must have some hypothesis. The hypothesis v which I shall take is that of the truth of the general theory of Evolution : I shall assume the truth of this theory so far as I feel that all competent persona of the present day will be prepared to allow me. I must therefore first define what degree of latitude I suppose to be thus conceded.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    There's been a lot of times though in the band situation where there's been some deep wounds. Like that press conference they put together in 1996, after canceling three shows. The same stuff was going on with certain members of the band, that I was doing at that time. That was that time, I'm not making an excuse for it, it was a horrible time in my life. As well there were a lot of great things going on in my life, but that part of it was miserable. But I don't think at all that there needed to be a press conference to out me publicly, that was my own business.

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳をお願いします。 ebayで買主から商品が届かないと連絡がありました。 あと5日待って下さい。もし届かない場合は全額返金しますと連絡した際の返信です。 I inform you that i should ask to post office on the package, they notified to me that they could not help me, i have to wait the days that you mentioned me, that of being like that, if the package is not delivered, is returned to the sender really I want this plush, it is a gift of birthday for a friend. It will wait the days that you mentioned to me. I hope that I come near. Or if it is forwarded you, realize the sending with number of follow-up if inconvenience is not great, or as you said the reimbursement. its so bad cuz i want that plush :( for my friend i´ll write you when i have inform the last day, saturday よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    CHESTER BENNINGTON CALLS FORMER STP SINGER SCOTT WEILAND “ONE OF THE GREATEST FRONTMEN OF ALL TIME” In a recent interview with the Phoenix New Times, Stone Temple Pilots frontman Chester Bennington was asked if he's spoken to his predecessor Scott Weiland since replacing him. He was also asked about Weiland saying he had “no ill will” against him: “Uh, no, I haven’t talked to him. I really appreciate that, though, because I have the utmost respect for Scott. He's one of the best frontmen of all time. He's definitely given me someone I can look to and go, that's how I want to perform . . . I want to put on a show like that. To be that passionate about that. So, in that respect, I have nothing but respect for Scott. I appreciate, too, that he sees that this is not something personal, from my point of view. It's something that I take very seriously and I want him to be successful in his life. But at the same time, as a musician and as a fan of the band, I want the band to continue. So if I can be a part of making that happen, then that's great. But I can tell you very confidently that, you know, if it wasn't me, it would be somebody else. But this is a choice the band made and this is how they felt that they needed to move forward. So I support that and I'm stoked that it's me that's taking over the reins because I know I can pay it the respect it deserves.”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    After your 19 city tour, in support of “Detour”, what’s next for Cyndi? I am currently busy with Detour release. Then there is the tour coming in May to support the album. We just announced the second leg of the tour for the West Coast which will keep me busy till the fall. I will be in UK & Europe this summer, then also making plans to tour Japan and Australia in 2017. I am working on another musical which I am pretty excited about. Kinky Boots is keeping me quite the busy too, Kinky Boots just won 3 Oliver Awards for the West End production and it’s opening in Australia, Japan, Germany, Sweden and is already in Toronto and Seoul so I need to stay on top of that. Of course I have my family to take care of so it’s a pretty full life. 長文ですが、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Eventually I want to subsidize my income with other creative outlets that are going to not keep me tied to the road so much.

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