• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文中の as の意味)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9779/12184)

>There may, however, be minor delays in response times as our employees become familiar with the new system. >上記の as はどういう意味なのでしょうか。「新しいメールシステムに移行したがレスポンスにちょっと遅れが生じるかもしれない。従業員が慣れる「まで」」 といった感じになるのでしょうか? ⇒そうですね、だいたいそんなところです。 もっと細かいことを言えば、接続詞asは「同時性」を表しますので、「~の間」という語句を加えればもっと正確になります。つまり、「従業員が慣れる「までの間は」少し遅れが生じるかもしれません」という感じです。





  • 翻訳の質問

    下記英文を自分なりに訳してみましたが、上手く訳せません。 特に、transition/ample noticeの適切な訳が疑問です。 Some reductions are expected as the transition to the single location progresses.A number of employees will move from Boston to New York, and all employee will be given ample notice of redeployment schedule. よろしくお願いします。

  • `英文を和訳してください。

    英文の電子メールが来ました。 翻訳サイトで和訳してみましたがよく意味がわかりませんでした。 わかり易い日本語で和訳していただけませんか? 以下の英文です。よろしくお願いします。 Dear Google Apps administrator, You may have heard about new infrastructure changes coming to Google Apps accounts. Apps administrators can allow users to access over 60 new applications such as Blogger, Reader, and Analytics. We strongly recommend you transition your users now by signing into the control panel and clicking “Get started”. But if you do not take action, we plan to fully transition your organization ourselves in the next couple of days -- including all users that you have not yet transitioned yourself. As an administrator, we encourage you to learn more about how this change impacts your users. If you have questions about this transition, we encourage you to explore our Help Center documentation for administrators and for end-users. Sincerely, The Google Apps Team

  • 下記の英文を訳していただきたいです。

    下記の英文を訳していただきたいです。自力では、文構造がわからなかったので・・・・ わかる方、よろしくお願いいたします。  As one of the new executives who many of employees with whom he will work are share will help the company out of its financial difficulties, he is trying his best not to disappoint them.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Retirement from Passchendaele Ridge On 23 March, Haig had ordered Plumer to make contingency plans to shorten the line along the Ypres Salient and release troops for the other armies. On 11 April, Plumer authorised a withdrawal of the southern flank of the Second Army and ordered the VIII and II corps in the Passchendaele Salient to retreat the next day into the Battle Zone, behind outposts left in the Forward Zone of the British defensive system. The divisional commanders were ordered that the Forward Zone must be held and that the Germans must not be given the impression that a withdrawal was in progress. At noon on 12 April, the VIII Corps ordered the infantry retirement to begin that night and the 59th Division was withdrawn and transferred south, to be replaced by part of the 41st Division. The II Corps had begun to withdraw its artillery at the same time as VIII Corps on the night of 11/12 April and ordered the 36th and 30th divisions to conform to the VIII Corps withdrawal which were complete by 13 April, without German interference; VIII Corps HQ was transferred to reserve. During 13 April, General Headquarters (GHQ) discussed the retirements in the Lys valley, which had lengthened the British front line and Plumer agreed to a retirement in the Ypres Salient to the Mt Kemmel, Voormezeele (2.5 mi (4.0 km) south of Ypres), White Château (1 mi (1.6 km) east of Ypres) to Pilckem Ridge defence line but ordered only that artillery ammunition be carried to the rear; the 4th Army reported on 14 April, that the British were still occupying the Passchendaele Salient. The next day was quiet in the salient and the withdrawal of the II Corps and XXII Corps divisions was covered by the outposts in the original front line and artillery, which was divided into some active batteries which fired and a greater number of batteries kept silent, camouflaged and not to fire except in an emergency. Plumer gave orders to begin the retirement by occupying the line before the night of 15/16 April, while maintaining the garrisons in the outpost line and holding the Battle Zone with a few troops as an intermediate line. During the night of 15/16 April, the outpost line garrisons were to be withdrawn behind the new front line at 4:00 a.m. and the intermediate line in front of the Battle Zone was to be held as long as possible, to help the troops in the new line to get ready.

  • 翻訳して下さい。

    下記の文章の意味が分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。 "The Federal Reserve Bank plans to transition to a single paper-check-processing site by the first quarter of 2010. This is being done in response to the continued nation-wide decline in check usage, as well as the rapidly increasing use of electronic check-clearing methods. When the consolidation is completed, 'there will no longer be any checks that would be considered non-local,' according to the Federal Reserve."

  • 英文の邦訳

    A circular sent out in the year IX (1800-01) from the office ofJ. A. C. de Chaptal invited the local authorities to introduce new categories into the tables where necessary, but this, as Marie-Noelle Bourguet observes, was "to recognize the existence of a diverse, local reality, irreducible to the categories of a national accounting." 上記英文を御訳し願います。

  • 次の英文の日本語訳をお教え頂けますでしょうか?

    大変お世話になります。 米国の監査報告書での一節なのですが、上手く日本語に訳すことができません。 次の英文の日本語訳をお教え頂けますでしょうか? "In our opinion, except for the effects of such adjustments, if any, as might have been determined to be necessary had we been able to perform proper tests and procedures on the Company's inventory, the financial statement referred to in the first paragraph presents fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of…" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditor's_report また、necessary had we been able to のところは倒置法になっているのでしょうか?なぜ、このような形が使われるのでしょうか? 何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文エッセイ

    こんにちわ。アメリカの語学学校に通う17歳です。 金曜日にエッセイ提出で、一応自分で書いてみたのですが、 中卒なのでライティングにあまり自信がありません。 英語に詳しい方、ご指摘ください。 以下が私が書いた文章です。よろしくお願いします。      In some countries, most notably in Asia, there is a high degree of loyalty to one company. However, in most European countries and the United States, loyalty to one’s employer is not highly valued; instead it is considered more rational and reasonable for an employee to change jobs whenever it is warranted to achieve the optimal overall career. Both of these positions have advantages and disadvantages.      In cultures that value loyalty to the employer, a kind of family relationship seems to develop between employer and employee. It is a reciprocal arrangement which the employer is concerned with assisting the employee to develop to his/her full potential and the employee is concerned about optimizing the welfare of the company. The negative aspect to absolute loyalty to one company is that an employee may stay in one job that he/she has outgrows and may miss out on opportunities to develop in new directions. From the employer’s point of view, the employee may be burdened with employees whose skills no longer match the needs of the company.      In cultures in which it is quite acceptable to change jobs every few years, employees can build the career they choose for themselves. They can stay with one company as long as it is mutually beneficial to company and employee. As long as good relationship exists and the employee’s career is advancing at an acceptable pace, the employee can remain with a company. But at any time the employee is free to move to another company, perhaps to achieve a higher position, to move into a new area, or to find a work situation that is more suitable to his/her personality. The disadvantage of this situation is employees tend to move around a lot.      Although both these systems have advantages and disadvantages, it is much better for employees have the opportunity to move from job to one another if it is necessary to have a better career.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。発送のことでメールが来たんですがいまいちわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I am so sorry I was out of the office so I was not able to get back to you. Normally you can expect responses right away so I am sorry about this. We had one AAA that was in production from the popularity of it so it was received yesterday I also asked them to send you some additional purse hooks as a gift for being late. They are a nice gift for your customers I hope, but I wanted to give it to you as a gesture and apology for my late response. I also don’t have the final size of the box since they had to wait to add another bag to the order they have not packaged it, I will let you know once the office is back today and also the tracking. It should get there in about 2 days. Also the address you gave is a remote area for fedex do you have another address, normally it is an additional $25 but I asked them to waive the out of remote fee this time so we will pay for it. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I will update you later today.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Lossberg and others had severe doubts as to the ability of relief divisions to arrive on the battlefield in time to conduct an immediate counter-attack (Gegenstoss) from behind the battle zone and wanted the Somme practice of fighting in the front line to be retained and authority devolved no further than the battalion, so as to maintain organizational coherence, in anticipation of a methodical counter-attack (Gegenangriff) after 24–48 hours by the relief divisions. Ludendorff was sufficiently impressed by the Lossberg memorandum to add it to the new Manual of Infantry Training for War.[9]During the German withdrawal to the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) in March 1917, a modest withdrawal took place in the neighbourhood of Soissons. On 17 March, the German defences at Crouy and Côte 132 were found to be empty and as French troops followed up the retirement, German troops counter-attacked at Vregny and Margival, which reduced the speed of the French pursuit to a step-by-step advance. By April, the French advance had only progressed beyond Neuville-sur-Margival and Leuilly. On 1 April, a French attack along the line of the Ailette–Laon road reached the outskirts of Laffaux and Vauxaillon. Vauxeny and Vauxaillon were occupied a few days later.