
  • 1800-01年にJ.A.C.ド・シャプタルの事務所から送られた通達では、地方当局に必要に応じて新しいカテゴリを導入するよう求められました。
  • この通達は、地方の現実が一国の会計のカテゴリに還元できない多様性を認識するものでした。
  • マリー=ノエル・ブールゲが指摘するように、地方当局には必要に応じてテーブルに新しいカテゴリを導入する権限が与えられました。
  • ベストアンサー


A circular sent out in the year IX (1800-01) from the office ofJ. A. C. de Chaptal invited the local authorities to introduce new categories into the tables where necessary, but this, as Marie-Noelle Bourguet observes, was "to recognize the existence of a diverse, local reality, irreducible to the categories of a national accounting." 上記英文を御訳し願います。

  • jubu
  • お礼率86% (914/1056)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9719/12087)

>A circular sent out in the year IX (1800-01) from the office ofJ. A. C. de Chaptal invited the local authorities to introduce new categories into the tables where necessary, but this, as Marie-Noelle Bourguet observes, was "to recognize the existence of a diverse, local reality, irreducible to the categories of a national accounting." >上記英文を御訳し願います。 ⇒以下のとおり、語句と訳文をお答えします。 語句: *A circular sent out in the year IX (1800-01) from ~:「~から第IX年号(1800-01)として振り出された回状」。 *invited the local authorities to ~:「地方自治体に~するよう促した」。 *introduce new categories into the tables:「新しいカテゴリーを上程する/俎上に乗せる」。 *where necessary:「必要なところで、必要な場合(に応じて)」。 *as Marie-Noelle Bourguet observes:「マリー=ノエル・ブルゲが観察するように」。 *to recognize the existence of a diverse, local reality:「多様でローカルな現実存在の認定を計るため(であった)」。 *irreducible to the categories of a national accounting:「国家会計のカテゴリーには収まりきらない(ような)」。 訳文: 《J. A. C.ド・シャプタルの事務所から第IX年号(1800-01)として振り出された回状は、地方自治体に必要な場合、新しいカテゴリーを上程する/俎上に乗せるよう促したが、しかしこれは、マリー=ノエル・ブルゲが観察するように、「国家会計のカテゴリーに収まりきらないような、多様でローカルな現実存在の認定を計るため」であった。》



国家会計は,国民経済計算でしょうが,他は一々確かで見事なお訳しと拝見致しました。 感謝申し上げます。 有難うございました。


  • 英文の邦訳

    The Investment Company Act of 1940 does not recognize the existence of fund families, so the board of directors of a mutual fund owes duties only to the shareholders of a particular fund, undiluted by the interests of other funds within the fund family. This disconnect between the law and the organization of the industry has gone largely unexamined. 上記英文で最後の一文の意味・内容が分かりません。どなたかお分かりになる方,宜しくお教え下さい。

  • 英文の邦訳

    As Porter (1995) points out, although the categories of enumeration may be highly contingent at first, once they are in place, they become extremely resilient and come to take on permanent existence as a form of knowledge. He uses the category of Hispanic in the U.S. census as an example of this phenomenon. 上記英文を御訳し願います。

  • 英文の邦訳

    Maurer (2005:104–121) refers to the operation of the uncanny as a way to think about the tension of things that are the same but always different. Indicators rely on a similar alchemy: they create a commensurability that is widely used to compare, to rank, and to make decisions even though the users recognize that these simplified numerical forms are superficial, often misleading, and very possibly wrong. 上記英文を御訳し下さい。

  • 英文の邦訳

    An employee benefit plan as defined in Section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 1001et seq. (“ERISA”) that is subject to the provisions of ERISA, or any such plan that is not subject to ERISA that is maintained primarily for the benefit of the employees of a state or local government or instrumentality, or an endowment fund; 上記英文で,特に, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 1001et seq. (“ERISA”) 前後の文脈が判然としません。 英訳を宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の邦訳

    Studying the roles of indicators of the numbers and circumstances of internally displaced persons in Colombia, an issue of tremendous importance in Colombia as a consequence of massive violence and attempts to remediate its effects, René Urueña traces the movement of numbers from local compilers with little direct influence, into reports of prestigious external bodies such as the United Nations, then back into the Colombian news media and political debates. 上記英文を御訳し願います。

  • 正しい英文が選べません 文の構成がわかりません

    適切な文を選ぶ問題でaの文が正しいのですが b,c,dの文の間違いがどこかわかりません(>_<) 文の構成もわからないので教えていただきたいのですが(>_<) a.The big challenge facing local health authorities in developing nations is the lack of medicine on the one hand and malnutrition of children on the other. b.Developing nations are largely challenged by local health authorities who are handicapped in the demand of medicine and malnutrition of children nearby. c.Both the lack of medicine and malnutrition of children at hand strongly challenge the developing nations on the grounds of local health authorities. d.Local health authorities have big challenge of coping with developing nations as well lack of medicine and malnutrition of children one way or other.

  • 英文の邦訳を願います。

    Freud remarked, gods and demons are doubles and duplicates of each other. The same could be said of the facts and fictions animating social analyses of social change. Revealing the hidden truths of the ommodity fetishism, for example, in order to bring people to consciousness of heir own “real” conditions of existence, would give us the answer only to whodunit?” This kind of algebraic reason gives the illusion of standing above the fray and outside the time of the world rather than an essential part of its becomings. The alternative monetary forms here go one better. They do not reveal truths. They restage them. They give us the pleasure and terror of the truth “in the glint of the murderer’s eye,” a reflection of our selves—empty ciphers, like Lear’s?—while lending new meanings to the ditty, “now we have nought but our Selves in our Stocks.” 以上の英文については既にNakayさんより,下記のような,お訳しを頂戴致しており,感謝致しておりますが,尚意味内容が分りやすいように,チューニングして頂ければ幸いです。Nakayさんも,他のどの他でも,これはというお訳しがありましたら,頂戴致したく存じます。 「Freudが気付いたように,神と悪魔は相互に表裏一体,一双である。同じ事は,社会分析と社会変革に生命を吹き込む事実と架空について言えるかも知れない。例えば,人々自身の「現実」の存在状態を意識に上らせるために,商品の物神崇拝の隠された真実をあばきだすことは,「犯人探しを楽しむミステリー作品」についてわれわれに単に答えを与えてくれるだけかも知れない。この種の代数学上の理由は,始まりの不可欠な部分ではなく,難問に不関与の立場,世界の時間の外のいるという錯覚を引き起こす。ここでいう代替貨幣の形態は,もう一つ上等なものである。それは真実を明らかにするものではない。それは,再制作されるものである。それは,――リア王のように――「殺人者の目の輝きの中にある」真実の喜びと恐怖を我々に与え,我々自身の反映であり,中味のない暗号〔のような密やかなもの〕である。同時にそれは,「今我々には,我々の『株式』にある『私欲』以外は何も持たない」という,おどけた小唄に新しい意味を与えているのである。」 以上どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。

  • よろしかければこの英文の翻訳をどうかお願いします。

    よろしかければこの英文の翻訳をどうかお願いします。   This has been particulatly evident in areas of Nikkeijin settlement where local authorities have adopted integrative policies to support foreign worker communities.

  • 英文の意味が分かりません。

    言語に関する文章の一部なんですが、次の二つの【 】部分の意味が分かりません。 (1)【In virtue of knowing the word】, we are able to apply it correctly to anything that can be categorized as a tree (【in contrast ,say,to a bush, a shrub, or an electricity pylon.】) (2)Language itself is an object of categorization.Like everything else in our environment, every linguistic utterance is a unique event.【That language is able to be used as a means of communication at all rests on our ability to recognize, in the flux of language events, instances of linguistic categories -- such things as phonemes, words, word classes, clause types, and so on.】 分かる方がいたら、訳だけでなくコロケーション的なものの意味も添えて教えていただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The day after Eyschen's death, Grand Duchess Marie-Adélaïde invited Mathias Mongenast, who had been Minister for Finance since 1882, to form a minority government. Mongenast's special status as a 'caretaker' Prime Minister is underlined by his official title; he was not 'President of the Government', as all other Prime Ministers since 1857 had been, but held the lesser title of 'President of the Council'. Mongenast's administration was never intended to be long-lived, and Marie-Adélaïde's main objective when appointing the experienced Mongenast was to steady the ship. Nevertheless, nobody expected the government to fall as soon as it did. On 4 November 1915, Mongenast nominated a new candidate for head of Luxembourg's école normale. The nomination did not meet with Grand Ducal approval, and Marie-Adélaïde rejected him. Mongenast persisted; education had been a hobby horse of his, and he imagined that the Grand Duchess would accept the advice of a minister as experienced as he was. He was wrong; the Grand Duchess had always been single-minded, and resented a minority Prime Minister, particularly one so new to the job, making demands of her. The next day, Mongenast resigned, just twenty-five days after being given the job.