• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:for及びitの用法についてお尋ねします'。57)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9782/12188)

1 A:Today we're haveing one of your favorite food,steak. B:Wow!Lucky. A:And it's branded beef.It's two thousand yean for a hundred grams of Kobe beef. >ここでのforは交換、等価」またや「~にごとに/対して」どちらの用法になりますでしょうか? ⇒どちらでもよいと言えますし、両方とも言えるように思います。 つまり、「~につき○○円」という感じで、「代価」を表すからです。 >また、最初のitはsteak二番目はbeef[branded~] でよろしいでしょうか? ⇒it's branded beefのitと、It's two thousand yenのItですね。 ということでしたら、はい、おっしゃるとおりです。 2 A:I wan to start Karate and get strong. B:Well,I'll give you special training,starting with"theusting". >分詞構文なのですが、意味上の主語はどこに当たり、訳し下げれば良いのでしょうか? ⇒Well, I'll give you special training, starting with "theusting". 「では、特別なトレーニングをしてあげよう、"theusting"から始めるよ。」 ということで、startingの主語は「私」です。starting以下の分詞構文「そして、~する」を節の形に書き換えれば、 Well, I'll give you special training, and I'll start with "theusting". となります。 *ところで、"theusting" て、何でしょうね。空手のことは知りませんので間違いかもしれませんが、もしかして"thrusting"「突き押し」の誤植ではありませんか? >また文中にI did Judo a littele in elementary school,but this is my first day at Karate. と出ているのですがここでのatはmy first dayを修飾との理解でよろしいでしょうか? ⇒I did Judo a little in elementary school, but this is my first day at Karate. 「柔道なら小学校で少しやりましたが、空手(の練習)ではこれが初日です。」 ということで、「ここでのatはmy first dayを修飾」=「これが空手(練習)の初日です」と考えることができなくはありませんが、「空手(練習)ではこれが初日です」のように、「at Karateは副詞句で、動詞にかかっている」と見る方がより自然な解釈だと思います。





  • shove it in his face

    I just got a rather large promotion at work that I’ve been working toward for a long time. At first my fiancé gave me a half-hearted congrats and insisted he was happy for me. But over the course of a few days, he became depressed, angry, and starting taking jabs at me for no reason. I finally asked what the issue was and he admitted that he was jealous of my promotion. He has a great job, and while I will make fairly more money than he does, I always have made more money. His job has predictable hours and much better benefits. When he was promoted a while back I was genuinely happy for him—I saw it as our success, not just his. He sees this as a competition that he has lost. It hurts a lot because I want him to be happy for me. I don’t gloat or shove it in his face, shove it in his faceはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have a bit of a problem... okay, kind of a huge one. And it's sort of gross. I have a tendency to pick at my skin. I know most people pick at scabs occasionally or squeeze at their acne or whatever, but my situation seems a bit extreme. For the past four years, I've picked at the skin on my upper arms, shoulders, and chest, leaving scabs, bruises, welts, bloody pores, flaky skin, and severe scarring. pick atにはいくつか意味があるみたいなのですが、どれでしょうか?squeeze atとleaving scabsの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    I'm at my wit's end over the most ridiculous disagreement with my friend. When we go out, she never drives us. She drives to my house and parks. Then she gets in my car and I always drive us to the restaurant, party, event, whatever. It's not about gas, and it's not about designating a driver. A glass of wine is about it for both of us. It's not about gas, and it's not about designating a driver. A glass of wine is about it for both of us. の文脈に合った訳をよろしくお願いします

  • どのような違いがあるでしょうか

    I'm a college sophomore. Recently, I baby-sat for a friend of a friend who is a few years older and lives in town with her husband and two kids. One was an infant, and the other was a toddler. It was a relatively easy baby-sitting gig; the little one mostly just slept, and the older one, though a bit of a handful at times, was not too much trouble. I watched them for about three hours while the parents went on a date. At the end of the night, the mom and I chatted for a few minutes. Then she said, "Well, it would be tacky to pay you, so I'll just take you to lunch sometime." I felt awkward and said, "Oh, OK. Sure." I wasn't sure what else to say. I got my things and left. It's not as if she and I were friends; this was my first time meeting her. my first time meeting herはmy first time to meet herとは言えないでしょうか?両者はどのような違いがあるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • take it in stride

    When is it appropriate to introduce sex toys? I’m a bisexual woman in my 20s with a long-term health issue, for which I am prescribed a combination of medications that make it difficult to orgasm. For being alive, this is a trade-off I’m willing to make. Recently, my specialist and I adjusted my medication, and I have improved! I’m now able to orgasm, but only with the help of a vibrator. My question is: When is it appropriate to introduce a toy into the bedroom? I enjoy dating but can’t figure out the balance of when it’s appropriate to bring in toys with a new partner. I don’t want men to feel weirded out, but at the same time, I want to come too! (Lady-type partners take it in stride, so I have no problems there.) for whichはなぜforなのでしょうか?(withやinではなく)あと、take it in strideはここではどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • fellowship

    I am an artist and an altogether determined person who has been working for years to edge my way into an extremely difficult professional field. I bartend at night so I can write and audition and apply during the day. Since I’ve gotten out of grad school, it’s been a struggle, but I would never give back the ecstatic highs I’ve experienced to avoid even the most shattering lows. Now I write plays and screenplays that I’m trying to get produced, and when I audition for things, it’s always for work I really want to be a part of. I’m applying for fellowships and meeting with potential producers of my work. I’ve fought through anxiety, depression, and extreme poverty to come to a place where I feel good and healthy enough to really put myself and my work out there and make a mark on the world. edge my way intoは「苦労して入る」という感じでしょうか? ここでのfellowshipsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • for~について

    お世話になります。 以下の文についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 I appreciate the quick return of my deposit and for the information about homes for sale and real estate agencies in Florida. and for the information のforは不要ではないのでしょうか? 理由:appreciateが目的語をとり、the information もappreciateの目的語になると考えましたので。 お知恵をいただけないでしょうか。 どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    翻訳お願いします。長文で申し訳ないです。 英語が苦手すぎてうまく訳せないためお力をお貸しいただけたら嬉しいです。 会話文です。 Bye-Bye Ok, I'm off to Rockefeller Center. Well, what do you have up there: one of those job interviews you were talking about? Yes, as a matter of fact. The Center is south of us, right? Actually, it's west. You can probably walk there, since it's less than a mile away. A mile in Manhattan? Hmm... A taxi, then? Too expensive. And surface traffic is too heavy this time of day for that-or a bus. Take the V train. You can board at 51 Street then you've gone too far. I did that my first week in New York. I wound up all the way in Brooklyn before I realized my mistake. Oh, and don't spend too long looking for the building address. Sometimes it's on a different entrance. It's just easier to try to find the right entrance. Yeah, sometimes it's better to know the building itself rather than look for the entrance address. OK, thanks a lot! Bye. Bye. Good luck! Have fun. Bar?

  • 添削お願いいたします

    高校の宿題なのですがあっているのかわかりません 英語の得意なかた修正お願いいたします なるべく高校生レベルでしていただければ幸いです 僕は夏休みに自転車で二泊三日の旅に行きました。 僕は京都の南に住んでいます。 家から三重県の「長島スパーランド」を目的地として出発しました。 一日目は朝五時に出発しました。まず京都駅を通り滋賀県に着きました。 そして山を越えて三重県に行こうとしましたが山頂で道が土砂崩れにより通行止めとなっていました。 だから自転車を担いで無理やり通って三重県に着き一日目が終わりました。 二日目は朝四時に出発して「長島スパーランド」に着きました。 そして一日プールで遊びました。 その夜名古屋城を見に自転車をこぎました。 そして名古屋城を見てまた逆走をして二日目を終えました。 三日目の朝八時に別の道で帰ろうとしましたが、そこも通行止めで仕方なく さらに別の道を行きました。 家に着いたのは朝の四時でした。 すごくお尻が痛かったです。 もう二度と行きたくないです。 I went on a trip of 3rd by bicycle in two days in a summer vacation. I live in the south of Kyoto. I left "the Nagashima spar land" of Mie as a destination from a house. I departed at 5:00 a.m. on the first day. At first I arrived at Shiga via Kyoto Station. And I was going to go to Mie across the mountain, but a way was closed to traffic by a landslide on the mountaintop. Therefore I carried a bicycle on my shoulder and went by force and arrived at Mie, and the first day was over. I departed at 4:00 a.m. on the second day and reached "the Nagashima spar land". And I played a pool all day long. I pedaled a bicycle to watch Nagoya-jo Castle in the evening. And I made a double again to see Nagoya-jo Castle and finished the second day. I was going to return on another way at 8:00 a.m. of the third day, but there was closed, too, and there was no help for it and went another way. It was 4:00 of the morning that I arrived at the house. I had a pain in buttocks very. I want to never go.

  • get the time of day

    Q. I’M the gay sister: I’m writing to you because I am too embarrassed to say this to anyone I know. I’m an out lesbian, and I have been for years. It’s been a process getting my family on board, and some still aren’t. My younger sister is amazing and supportive, and has been with her boyfriend for a few years. I’ve got a lot of resentment toward how our family has treated our relationships (her boyfriend is included in everything the family does, he’s allowed to sleep over, etc.) while my partner didn’t get the time of day. the time of dayはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします