
  • 北ベトナム料理は南ベトナム料理とは異なり、少し辛さが強い。
  • 北ベトナム料理は南ベトナム料理よりも少し辛い。
  • 北ベトナム料理と南ベトナム料理は異なり、辛さが特徴的である。
  • ベストアンサー


別のサイトで頂いた回答なのですが、「1.North Vietnamese food tastes different from south. North one is a little too hot. 2.North Vietnamese food is a little hotter than south. 1,2ともnorthは北部という意味の名詞もありますが、形容詞もあります。(southも同様) https://ejje.weblio.jp/content/north Northの代わりにNorthernを使い、Northern Vietnamese foodでもOK、同じです。 southのあとはVietnamese foodが省略されています。Vietnamese foodと繰り返しになるので省きます。またはsouth oneとしてもいいです。 different from that of the southを使ってかくと The food of the north Vietnam is different from that of the south. となります。前と後の表現を揃えることで、可能です。foodは不可算名詞ですが、関係なく使えます。those of the southとすると誤りです。」 との内容なのですが、そもそも不可算名詞にoneを使えるのか懐疑的なのですが、解説頂ければ幸いです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

そもそもというか論外。 one は不可算名詞に使わないので North one などないです。 形容詞プラス one なら 前に a(n)/the/this などが必ずつきます。 そこのサイトを信じてそこで質問するなら他サイトの人に聞くのも論外。 答えた本人に聞いたら? といつも思う。





  • 以下の英語表現についてお尋ねします。南北

    以下の英語表現についてお尋ねします。南北 1「北部のベトナム料理は南部のベトナム料理と味が違います。北部のベトナム料理は少し辛いです。」 北部等方角を表す場合に、例えば(北部の地域/街は南部の街より危ないです。)表現する際、仮に北部等の方角を文頭にすればThe north townとでき、これは名詞の形容詞用法若しくは単にtownの前の形容詞となるでしょうか? また1ですがfoodは基本的に不可算ですが、冠詞をtheを用いてdifferent from that of the southのようにできるものでしょうか? これはあくまで文法的説明を聞かせて頂いているので、1の表現に反映していただかなくて結構です。 長文ですが、よろしくお願いします

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    On 5 August, Joffre ordered an offensive by the VII Corps, on the right flank of the First Army, to begin on 7 August towards Mulhouse. The capture of the 2nd Army order of battle on 7 August, convinced Joffre that the strength of the German forces on the flanks had left the centre weak and vulnerable to an offensive towards Neufchâteau and Arlon. On 8 August, Joffre issued General Instruction No. 1, containing his strategic intent, which was to destroy the German army rather than capture ground. The offensive into Alsace and that by the First and Second armies into Lorraine, would pin down German forces and attract reinforcements, as the main offensive further north drove in the German centre and outflanked the German forces in Belgium from the south. Joffre expected that the attack into the German centre would meet little resistance. The First and Second armies would advance south of the German fortified area from Metz–Thionville, with the Fourth Reserve Group guarding the northern flank near Hirson, to watch the Chimay Gap and deflect a German attack from the north or east. The strategy assumed that the main German force would be deployed around Luxembourg and from Metz–Thionville, with smaller forces in Belgium. On 9 August, an intelligence report had one German active corps near Freiburg close to the Swiss border, three near Strasbourg, four in Luxembourg to the north of Thionville and six from Liège in Belgium, towards the north end of Luxembourg, which left five corps un-located. The French general staff inferred that they were between Metz-Thionville and Luxembourg, ready to advance towards Sedan or Mézières.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    On January 29, Mahmut Kamil Paşa returned from Istanbul. He could feel that the Russians would not only attack to Erzurum but also renew the offensive southern flank around Lake Van. Hınıs, located further south, was taken on February 7 to prevent reinforcements from Muş from coming in. Mahmut Kamil tried to strengthen the defensive lines. That drew most of the Turkish reserves and diverted Turkish attention away from the decisive attack farther north. On the same day, Russian forces captured Muş after the Battle of Mush. Muş was seventy miles from Erzurum. On February 11 and 12th, the Deve-Boyun Ridge, an important artillery platform, was the scene of heavy fighting. To the north of the Deve Boyun ridge the Russian columns approached over the Kargapazar ridge, which the Turks considered impassable. The X Turkish Corps guarded that sector of the line, and its commander had positioned his divisions so that they were not mutually supporting. Mahmut Kamil had five divisions in the Deve-Boyun ridge area, but was slow to react to what was going on north of that position.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The attack met little resistance and by 7:00 a.m. the South Africans had captured the wood south of Prince's Street. Tanner sent two companies to secure the northern perimeter of the wood. Later during the morning, the 3rd Battalion advanced towards the east and north-east of the wood and by 2:40 a.m. Tanner reported to Lukin that he had secured the wood except for a strong German position in the north-western corner adjoining Longueval.The South African Brigade began to dig in around the fringe of the wood, in groups forming strong–points supported by machine–guns.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Germans spotted the forming up of the troops in the wood and fired an unprecedented bombardment; every part of the area was searched and smothered by shells. During the barrage, German troops attacked and infiltrated the South African left flank, from the north-west corner of the wood. By 2:00 p.m., the South African position had become desperate as German attacks were received from the north, north-west and east, after the failure of a second attempt to clear the north-western corner. At 6:15 p.m., news was received that the South Africans were to be relieved by the 26th Brigade.

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。統治

    Furthermore, there is criticism of using the word colony for both, based on the recognition that 'the Japanese governing policy was different from the rule of different ethnic groups by Western countries in the same era, and was good politics,' and 'colony is the word to express the misrule conducted by foreign countries to rule different ethnic groups.' for bothはcriticism の形容詞句、to rule~は不定詞(形容詞用法)でここではthe wordにかかっているとの理解で宜しいでしょうか? ご説明よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Germans offered surrender terms, which were rejected by Botha and the war continued. On 12 May Botha declared martial law and divided his forces into four contingents, which cut off German forces in the interior from the coastal regions of Kunene and Kaokoveld and fanned out into the north-east. Lukin went along the railway line from Swakopmund to Tsumeb. The other two columns rapidly advanced on the right flank, Myburgh to Otavi junction and Manie Botha to Tsumeb and the terminus of the railway. German forces in the north-west fought the Battle of Otavi on 1 July but were defeated and surrendered at Khorab on 9 July 1915. In the south, Smuts landed at the South West African naval base at Luderitzbucht, then advanced inland and captured Keetmanshoop on 20 May. The South Africans linked with two columns which had advanced over the border from South Africa. Smuts advanced north along the railway line to Berseba and on 26 May, after two days' fighting captured Gibeon. The Germans in the south were forced to retreat northwards towards Windhuk and Botha's force. On 9 July the German forces in the south surrendered.

  • 以下の英文の構造について質問です。

    以下の英文の構造について質問です。 1.The Europian traveller in America-at least if I may judge by mayself ―is struck by two peculiarities:first the extreme similarity of outlook in all parts of the United States, and secondly the passionate desire of each locality to prove that it is peculiar and different from every other. 2.The second of these is,of course,caused by the first. 3.Every placewishes to have a reason for local pride,and therefore cherishes whatever is distinctive in the way of geography or histrory or tradition. 4.The greater the uniformity that in fact exists,the more eager becomes the search for differences that may mitigate it. 以下が私のわからないところです。 英文が長いことと分からないところが多いので 上手く訳せませずに困っています…。 よろしければ全訳も教えいただけるとありがたいです。 1. *Ifは条件節でif+S+助動詞の現在形なので仮定法現在だと思いましたが 帰結説はどこになるのでしょうか? *―(ダッシュ)の役割が分からず上手く訳せません。 *:は中を具体的に説明しているのでしょうか? *to proveの用法は形容詞用法でしょうか? (不定詞の見分けがよくわかりません…) *that it isは接続詞でしょうか? 2.主語はthe second(of these)でしょうか? 3. *to haveは副詞用法でしょうか? *whateverは関係代名詞でしょうか? 4. *最初のthat in factは指示代名詞で どこかをさしているのでしょうか? *また次のthat may mitigateは 何の役割をしているのでしょうか? 関係代名詞でしょうか? - - - - - - 質問が多くなりすみません。 よかったら回答お願い致します。

  • thatとoneについて

    thatはthe+前出名詞を受けることが出来ます。またoneはa+前出名詞(可算)を受けることが出来ます。よって that=the one と書くことも出来ます。 ここまでは理解できたのですが、修飾に関して that of~{もしくは修飾語句}(of~がthatにかかる)○ the one of~{〃}(of~がoneにかかる)× と参考書にありました。なぜof{修飾語句}はthatにかかれてoneにかかることが出来ないのでしょうか?また、 a Japanese car ○ a car of Japanese × ともありました。同じような理由だと思うのですがはっきり分からないので、アドバイスお願いします!

  • 文法 My favorite food is~

    My favorite food is ・・・の後に orange とか apple とか が来るとき、  My favorite food is oranges.ってありですか? My favorite food is an orange.は適切ですか?  My favorite food is Sushi. とかならいいかな?と思うんです。 可算名詞、不可算名詞、My favorite food is ~のとき、どうしたら いいのでしょうか?