- ベストアンサー
Germany's Unprecedented Bombardment and South African Desperation
- German troops launched an unprecedented bombardment on the South African position, causing desperation.
- The Germans spotted the forming up of troops and launched a barrage, attacking the South African left flank.
- The South African troops were relieved by the 26th Brigade after receiving multiple German attacks.
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>The Germans spotted the forming up of the troops in the wood and fired an unprecedented bombardment; every part of the area was searched and smothered by shells. During the barrage, German troops attacked and infiltrated the South African left flank, from the north-west corner of the wood. ⇒ドイツ軍は、森の中での軍隊編成(の仕方)に目をつけて、前例のない爆撃砲火を行った。地域の各部を探索して、砲弾榴弾をたっぷり見舞った。集中砲火の間、ドイツ軍隊は森の北西の一隅から南アフリカの左側面を攻撃し、潜入した。 >By 2:00 p.m., the South African position had become desperate as German attacks were received from the north, north-west and east, after the failure of a second attempt to clear the north-western corner. At 6:15 p.m., news was received that the South Africans were to be relieved by the 26th Brigade. ⇒北西の一角を一掃する2回目の試みの失敗の後、南アフリカ軍は北から、北西から、東からドイツ軍の攻撃を受けて、陣地は午後2時までに絶望的になった。午後6時15分に、南アフリカ軍は第26旅団による救援を受けることになった、というニュースが聞かれた。