• ベストアンサー


On the day before the attack a Turkish report suggested that there were not more than two divisions close to Beersheba. The plan required a massive material effort. The cross-Sinai railway was doubled, and extra branch lines constructed. A 500,000 gallon reservoir was built, to protect the water supply. New Bristol Fighters were supplied to the RFC in the desert, winning back control of the air, and preventing the Germans from flying low level reconnaissance. The British force was split into three. The striking wing consisted of the Desert Mounted Corp, containing the Anzac and Australian Mounted Divisons and the 7th Mounted Brigade and XX Corps, with four infantry divisions and the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade. This force contained 47,500 infantry, 11,000 cavalry and 242 guns. On the left of the British line was XXI corps, containing three infantry divisions and two brigades, a total of 35,000 infantry, 1,000 cavalry and 218 guns. The Yeomanry Mounted Division (5,000 cavalry) guarded the gap between the two main forces. The Turks had nine infantry divisions and one cavalry division spread along from the coast to Gaza, a total of between 35,000 and 45,000 infantry, 1,500 cavalry and 500 artillery guns. Kress von Kressenstein reported his own Eighth Army, at Gaza, to be around 25,000 strong, so the lower overall figures is probably correct, as the British found under 5,000 men at Beersheba. A key element of the British plan was a genuine attack at Gaza. The artillery bombardment of Gaza started on 27 October, four days before the attack at Beersheba. That attack was made on 31 October (battle of Beersheba). While two of the infantry divisions attacked the strong south-west defences of the town, the cavalry attacked from the east, seizing the town after a dramatic cavalry charge by the Australian Light Horse. The plan now required an attack at Gaza, while the forces at Beersheba prepared for their next attack. It was hoped that the follow-up attack could happen on either 3 or 4 November. According the attack at Gaza was launched on the night of 1/2 November. A two stage attack succeeded in pushing back the Turkish lines west of Gaza, but at the cost of 2,700 casualties (350 dead, 340 missing and 2,000 wounded). The Turks were forced to move a reserve division into the defences around Gaza.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10101/12653)

>On the day before the attack a Turkish report suggested that there were not more than two divisions close to Beersheba. ⇒攻撃の前の日に、トルコ軍の報告でベールシェバの近くには2個以上の師団はいないことが示唆された。 >The plan required a massive material effort. The cross-Sinai railway was doubled, and extra branch lines constructed. A 500,000 gallon reservoir was built, to protect the water supply. New Bristol Fighters were supplied to the RFC in the desert, winning back control of the air, and preventing the Germans from flying low level reconnaissance. ⇒計画は物的関係で大規模な努力を必要とした。シナイ半島十字鉄道は倍加されて、特別な数支線が構築された。給水を保護するために500,000ガロン貯蔵所が建てられた。新しいブリストル製戦闘機がRFC(英国空軍)に供給されて、制空権を取り戻し、ドイツ軍が斥候調査で低空飛行するのを防止した。 >The British force was split into three. The striking wing consisted of the Desert Mounted Corp, containing the Anzac and Australian Mounted Divisons and the 7th Mounted Brigade and XX Corps, with four infantry divisions and the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade. This force contained 47,500 infantry, 11,000 cavalry and 242 guns. ⇒英国軍の軍勢は3団体に分かれていた。攻撃部は、アンザック軍団とオーストラリア騎馬師団を含む砂漠騎馬軍団、第7騎馬旅団、および歩兵4個師団と帝国ラクダ軍団旅団を含む第XX軍団から成っていた。この軍勢は、47,500人の歩兵、11,000人の騎兵、および242丁の銃を含んでいた。 >On the left of the British line was XXI corps, containing three infantry divisions and two brigades, a total of 35,000 infantry, 1,000 cavalry and 218 guns. The Yeomanry Mounted Division (5,000 cavalry) guarded the gap between the two main forces. ⇒第XXI軍団が英国軍戦線の左翼にあり、歩兵3個師団と2個旅団、合計35,000人の歩兵、1,000人の騎兵、および218丁の銃砲を含んでいた。ヨーマンリー騎馬師団(5,000人の騎兵)は、2つの主要軍団の間の隙間を護衛した。 >The Turks had nine infantry divisions and one cavalry division spread along from the coast to Gaza, a total of between 35,000 and 45,000 infantry, 1,500 cavalry and 500 artillery guns. Kress von Kressenstein reported his own Eighth Army, at Gaza, to be around 25,000 strong, so the lower overall figures is probably correct, as the British found under 5,000 men at Beersheba. ⇒トルコ軍は、歩兵9個師団および騎兵1個師団、合計35,000人から45,000人の歩兵、1,500人の騎兵、および500丁の砲銃を沿岸に沿ってガザまで展開していた。クレス・フォン・クレッセンシュタインは、ガザにいる彼の方面軍はおよそ25,000人強であると報告しているが、全体数値はそれより低いと見るのがおそらく正確なところであろう。というのも、英国軍がベールシェバで見た兵士の数は5,000人未満であった。 >A key element of the British plan was a genuine attack at Gaza. The artillery bombardment of Gaza started on 27 October, four days before the attack at Beersheba. That attack was made on 31 October (battle of Beersheba). While two of the infantry divisions attacked the strong south-west defences of the town, the cavalry attacked from the east, seizing the town after a dramatic cavalry charge by the Australian Light Horse. ⇒英国軍の計画の重点要素はガザにおける本物の攻撃であった。ガザの大砲砲撃はベールシェバでの攻撃の4日前の10月27日に始まった。その(本体の)攻撃は10月31日になされた(ベールシェバの戦い)。歩兵師団のうちの2個が町の強力な南西防御隊を攻撃する間、騎兵隊は東から攻撃して、オーストラリア軽騎兵隊によるドラマチックな騎兵の突撃の後で、町が差し押さえられた。 >The plan now required an attack at Gaza, while the forces at Beersheba prepared for their next attack. It was hoped that the follow-up attack could happen on either 3 or 4 November. According the attack at Gaza was launched on the night of 1/2 November. A two stage attack succeeded in pushing back the Turkish lines west of Gaza, but at the cost of 2,700 casualties (350 dead, 340 missing and 2,000 wounded). The Turks were forced to move a reserve division into the defences around Gaza. ⇒計画上今やガザへの攻撃が必要となったが、その一方、ベールシェバの軍団は彼らの次の攻撃を準備した。11月3日か4日に再度の攻撃を行うことが望まれた。ガザでの攻撃に合わせて、11月1/2日の夜にその攻撃が開始された。2段階攻撃でトルコ軍戦線をガザの西に押し戻すことには成功したが、2,700人の死傷者数(死者350人、行方不明者340人、および負傷者2,000人)の犠牲というコストがかかった。トルコ軍は、予備師団をガザ周辺の防御のために移動せざるを得なくなった。




