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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:I'm rocking it)

Rocking It: My Life in a Walmart Parking Lot


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。instabilityとは「自分の不安定な状態」のことでしょうか?  はい、そうです。 2。あと、rocking it の意味を教えてください。  下記の2他動詞の6あたりの意味で「上手くやる」でしょう。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=rock  実際の例としては下記などがあります。  http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=6398021  http://www.metrolyrics.com/im-rockin-lyrics-the-cadillac-three.html  (家もないしスーパーの駐車場に住むのは最低だ。しかし学歴もあるし私はヤク中でも、精神障害者でもない。ちゃんとした職歴があるしキャリアー幹部の助手だから)不安定なのはひどいが、まず(この限られた範囲では)上手くやってる。





  • as poor as it is…の解釈

    以下の文章に関する質問です。 I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain without being homeless.の理解が難しいです。 I was jobless, a lone parent, and まではしっかり理解できます。 as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain without being homeless. 「ホームレスになることなく、現代のイギリスで貧しくあれるほどに貧しかった。」 なんとなく意味が掴めないです。 これは、「主語の方が、現代のイギリスで生活していて、その貧しさの程度はホームレスにはならない程度であったが、ホームレスに近いほど貧しかった」という意味であってるか自信がないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • I’m also monogamous

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  • I'm overruled

    My brother and new sister-in-law are very religious, not to mention very conservative. My boyfriend and I are agnostic and progressive. However, I was raised in a very religious household, and growing up I attended church every Sunday and wasn't allowed to miss unless I was ill. At 18, I decided organized religion was not for me and have not been inside a church since, except for a wedding or funeral. Whenever we go out as a family, my brother and sister-in-law insist on praying out loud, whether we are in public or at home. When my mother is there, I indulge the practice, but when it's just the four of us, I prefer not to and I am uncomfortable when this occurs. I have asked twice if we could all just say a private prayer to ourselves rather than have a group prayer, but I'm overruled. indulge the practiceとI'm overruledの訳し方を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • Justin Timberlake のI'm Loving It.の歌

    Justin Timberlake のI'm Loving It.の歌詞にある"it" は何を意味しているのでしょうか。ずばりsexともとれるような気がしますが、どなたか解説をお願いします。全体の日本語訳はどこかにありますか。 Justin TimberlakeーI'm Lovin' It 歌詞 I'm lovin' it I'm lovin' it I'm lovin' it Don't you love it too? Yo Hi, I'm not here to waste your time You know this ain't a pick up line I just think that you're a dime Well don't just sit there girl Well I know that heart that's in your chest It carries pain and so much stress But you got to let it go (Go, go, girl) Just close your eyes I'll grab your waist Next think you know you have your pace Girl you got to let it go (Go, go, girl)

  • If I'm to become??

    ある辞書の例文で If I'm to become a regular I have to work twice as hard as the rest. レギュラーになるなら、人一倍頑張らなくっちゃ。 という例文があったのですが これはIf I become a regular I have to work twice as hard as the rest. ではだめなんでしょうか? よろしくお願いします!

  • let's say I'm as old as

    BBCのLearningEnglishに•How old am I? Well, let's just brush over that and say I'm as old as I feel! の文章が出てきます。最後のsay I'm as old as I feel!の訳し方解りません。 どなたか教えてください。

  • Am I to be

    I'm a professional woman with a wonderful husband-to-be and lots of close, amazing friends. To say the least, my twin and I do not have a good relationship. Am I to be subjected to her unkind behavior on such a happy day because it is the "proper" thing to do? Am I to be のところはWill I beということでしょうか?その場合、何かニュアンスの違いはあるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • この会話文は?

    A: Would you like to have this magazine? B: Yes,( ) A: Yes, I am (1)if you are through with it. (2)when you have done it. (3)as far as you are fond of it. (4)I am pleased to have it , though. Bの答えが Yes, I am なので  1か3 だとおもいますが  1ですと もしあなたがよみおわれば  3だと あなたがその本を好きならば・・  ということで 3でしょうか?    

  • top it off

    I have been working as a server in a restaurant for the past couple years. On several occasions, guests have left me their phone numbers on the check, often along with a note expressing interest in me and asking me to text them sometime. I have never taken anyone up on his or her offer, as I am in a happy and committed marriage. (I wear my ring every shift, so I never know if these guys are just not paying attention or choosing to ignore it.) Recently, another server had this happen, and she did not text them, as she has a boyfriend. But then the worst-case scenario happened: The same guest came back a week later, was sat in her section again, was cold and rude to her the entire time (despite being with friends), and topped it off by stiffing her on the tip. topped it offはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • I’m still raw

    I’ve been dating a guy for several months, and I’m unsure whether I’m being overly sensitive to his tendency to state the truth as blunt fact or whether he is edging toward emotional abuse. For instance, during a conversation about the future of our relationship, he was saying things like, “You know, you’ve been with a lot of guys, and you’ve got student loan debt” as some of my negative traits—both are true. He was using the above as justification that I should act more appreciative of him and our relationship. I don’t think he was trying to hurt my feelings, but I’m still raw from what he says and how he says it. ここでのrawはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします