
  • 英文メールを翻訳し、センセーショナルなタイトルを生成
  • このメールはペイパルから送信されたものであり、不正な取引の早期検知に取り組んでいることが明記されています。
  • もし自分の知識なしに他の人がアカウントにアクセスしていないか確認するために、ログインしてアカウントを確認することが非常に重要です。
  • ベストアンサー


こちらの文章です。 As customers are able safely use your account, check regularly the transaction, we are working on early detection of fraudulent transactions. Login and verify your account It's important to let us know because it helps us make sure no one is getting into your account without your knowledge. paypalからのメールです。利用したことはあるのですが、このような英語ばかりのメールは初めてで…怪しいものでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

 利用者のみなさんが口座を安全にご使用いただくために、定期的に口座の出し入れのチェックをしていただくようにお願いいたします。私たちは、不正行為をできるだけ早く発見したいと思っています。口座にログインして確認をなさって下さい。そうすれば、知らないうちに口座が使用されていないことが確認できます。 といったようなことが書かれているようです。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 文章だけ読むと怪しい感じではないですね…


  • 英文を訳してほしいんです!

    海外のネットで買い物をしました。日本にいつ届くかをメールしたらこの返事がきました! 何を確認し返事を返せばいいのでしょうか? 助けてください!! We cannot send your order out until you can tell us how much we have put back onto your card – as we have refunded a small amount back onto your card. Once you have checked with your bank they can tell you how much was put back onto the card that was used. Once that has been established you can tell us what the amount is, otherwise we cannot send you out the order has it is a very large amount and we have to do further security checks as we have had a spate of fraudulent transactions lately.

  • ebayからのメールについてです

    ここ数日で2通メールが来ました。 エキサイトの翻訳にかけると、どうやらIDが勝手に使われたということみたいです。 ebayを使った記憶はないので、調べてみると以前使ったことのあるビッダーズが原因のようでした。 私はどのように対処するべきなのでしょうか? 以下にメールの内容の重要のように思える場所を示しておきます。 We are contacting you to remind you that on 05 JUN 2005 we identified some unusual activity in your account coming from a foreign IP address : ****.******-***-pc.in ( IP address located in India ) . We have been notified that a card associated with your account has been reported as lost or stolen and involved in fraudulent transactions, or that there were additional problems with your card. According to our site policy you will have to confirm that you are the real owner of the eBay account by completing the following form or else your account will be marked as fraudulent , and will remain open for investigation. You will pay for the fees wich will result from the financial transactions between eBay and FIT ( Fraud Investigations Team ) . 1通目:ボタン[Respond To This Notification] 2通目:URL[https...] eBay's Privacy Policy and Law Enforcement Disclosure: We care deeply about the privacy of the eBay community and will protect the privacy of our members even while working closely with law enforcement to prevent criminal activity. If you are unsure about our privacy practices, please visit eBay's Privacy Central for more information. 以上です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 海外のサイトでものを買ったのですが…

    海外のサイトでの通販に挑戦したのですが、以下のような返事のメールがきました。 私なりに頑張って訳してみたのですが、いまいちよく解らないのです。 これって、カードが使えないから、別の支払方法でってことですよね? みなさんのお力をお貸し下さい。宜しくお願いします。 Sorry, we are unable to process your order because our credit card charging program is unable to recognize and charge credit cards that have been issued or have billing addresses outside of the U.S. and Canada. Until there is a system that is able to verify foreign-issued credit cards or international billing addresses, we will have to take these preventive steps to avoid chargebacks/fraudulent transactions. This protects us all and other metal fans out there that own credit cards. But we are not denying international orders altogether. If you are still interested in our product you may send to us an International Money Order in U.S. funds to complete your order. We have customers from all over the world who send us International Money Orders regularly. ***If you are a repeat customer who has successfully completed orders with us in the past with the same credit card, please e-mail us back with information on your last order (date of order on invoice, invoice #, etc.). We will look you up in our records and process your order. If you wish to pay by International Money Order (U.S. funds only), please mail to the following address: Century Media Mailorder 2323 W. El Segundo Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250 USA

  • クレジットカードに関する変な英文メールだ

    この種の英文メールが携帯にしょっちゅう送付されてきます。 無視しているのですが、高頻度で送付されてくるものですから。 Dear Valued Customer: ID: ******* As requested, we are sending you this report on transactions with your credit card completed between 1/1/2008 and 9/1/2008. Please find the account statement with the detailed list of the transactions attached to this message. You can view the document or print it out by simply saving the attached file to disk and opening it for viewing. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance. At your service, Alfonso Leon Manager of Visa / MasterCard Credit Card Services _______________________________________________ If you believe this message was sent to you by mistake, please forward the identification number stated on the enclosed document to our customer service department.

  • as it helps ensureについて

    以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 Your feedback is extremly important to us as it helps ensure we are meeting our goals of exceptional hospitality. (1) as it helps ensure は、helpsとensureと、 どうして動詞が二つ並んでいるのでしょうか? 文法的のどう考えたらよろしいでしょうか? 訳は「確実に達成するために役立つため」とありましたが、その訳からもこの文法構造がわかりませんでした。 ご指導のほど何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • 英文和訳

    英文の和訳をお願いできますでしょうか. 先だって利用した書店から本日メールが届いたのですが,内容がよく理解できません. 注文した書籍はちゃんと届いたのに,何の用かと訝っています. 以下の内容なのですが,どなたか訳して頂けないでしょうか. ___ Dear glaukos We're just checking in to see if you received your order ( 書名) from Better World Books. If your order hasn't blessed your mailbox yet, heads are gonna roll in the UK warehouse! Seriously though, if you haven't received your order or are less than 108.8% satisfied, please reply to this message. We aim to flabbergast our customers with impeccable service so do let us know if we haven't achieved this in your case. . Humbly Yours, ___ よろしくお願い致します.

  • この英文を和訳お願いします。

    Your order has been processed and shipped! Your package was shipped using USPS First Class or Priority Mail International and you should expect to receive it in 3-7 business days. However, some of our customers are reporting delivery times taking upwards of 3 weeks, depending on each country and its customs policies. If you still haven't received your order 4 weeks after receiving this email, please contact us by visiting the help link above. International customers should be aware of the customs policies within their own countries. Your package may be held up for inspection and/or subject to import duties and taxes. Contact your local customs office for further information.

  • 海外通販の返信メールの翻訳お願いします。

    件名→Order Verfication Dear Sir, We have recently received your order and it has come across to the finance depart for further verification. In our effort to protect our customers against the high rise in Credit Card fraud, we ask for the following documentation to complete the transaction. 1、Front copy of the credit card used for this transaction 2、Copy of a picture ID. 3、Please confirm and verify the billing and ship to addresses You may either, scan and email to this address or fax to 858-521-0957 Attn Finance Dept. Thank you for your immediate attention in this matter.

  • こちらの英文を翻訳できますか?

     恥ずかしながら、ネットショッピングで詐欺にあったようで 入金しても商品が届かないという最悪な事になってしまいました・・・。 何度かメールでやりとりをしてきて、先程、こんなメールが届いたんですが 翻訳サイトを利用してもうまく訳せなくて困りました。 誰かうまく訳せる方がいましたらよろしくお願いします。 Hi, Nice day, my friend. We are sorry for that inconvenience, in fact, we have sent out your parcel , but for some reasons, your parcel was detained by local customs . we are really sorry to brought you that trouble. could you sand your bank account to us,so we could refund to you . Hope for your understanding. Best regards. Sarah

  • ネットショッピングしたらこんな文が届きました‼

    どなたか和訳できる方はいますでしょうか?? 辞書で調べたりしたけれど、気が遠くなりそうです‼ Please note that all orders have a processing time frame of 24 - 48 business hours. This time is used to verify your information to ensure there was no fraudulent activity on your account. Verifying the order is for your protection, and I apologize if it has caused any undue frustration.