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Nivelle Offensive and the Importance of Flanders to the British Government

  • Nivelle agreed to a proviso that if the first two parts of the operation failed to lead to a breakthrough, they would be stopped so that the British could move their main forces north for the Flanders offensive, which Haig argued was of great importance to the British government.
  • Haig planned the Flanders offensive, with the preliminary attack on Messines Ridge set for 7 June. The British considered clearing the Belgian coast urgent due to the Germans' resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • An offensive at Ypres would improve the tactical situation, reduce wastage, and continue the wearing-out process of the German army.


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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10103/12655)

>Nivelle agreed to a proviso that if the first two parts of the operation failed to lead to a breakthrough, they would be stopped so that the British could move their main forces north for the Flanders offensive, which Haig argued was of great importance to the British government. Haig wrote on 23 January that it would take six weeks to move British troops and equipment from the Arras front to Flanders and on 14 March he noted that the attack on Messines Ridge could be made in May. On 21 March, he wrote to Nivelle that it would take two months to prepare the attacks from Messines to Steenstraat but that the Messines attack could be ready in 5–6 weeks. ⇒ニヴェーユは、作戦行動の最初の2つの部分が突破できないならば、フランドル攻撃のために英国軍の主要軍隊を北へ動かせるように、そこで一旦止まるという条件に同意した。そしてそれは、英国政府にとって非常に重要である、とヘイグは主張した。ヘイグは1月23日に、アラス前線からフランドルまで英国軍隊と器材を移動させるのに6週間かかると書き、3月21日には、メッシネス(ムスィヌ)・リッジへの攻撃は5月に実行できる点を注記した。3月14日に彼は、メッシネスからステーンストラートまでの攻撃を準備するために2ヵ月かかるが、メッシネス攻撃は5-6週間で準備できるだろう、とニヴェーユに書いた。 >On 16 May, Haig wrote that he had divided the Flanders operation into two phases, one to take Messines Ridge and the main attack several weeks later. British determination to clear the Belgian coast took on more urgency after the Germans resumed unrestricted submarine warfare on 1 February 1917. On 1 May 1917, Haig wrote that the Nivelle Offensive had weakened the German army but that an attempt at a decisive blow would be premature. An offensive at Ypres would continue the wearing-out process, on a front where the Germans could not refuse to fight. ⇒ヘイグは、5月16日にフランドル作戦行動を、まずメッシネス・リッジを攻略し、その数週後に主要攻撃を実行する、という2つの段階に分けたと書いた。ドイツ軍が1917年2月1日に無制限の海底戦争を再開したあと、ベルギー沿岸を一掃するための英国軍の決意が緊急を要することとなった。ヘイグは1917年5月1日、ニヴェーユ攻撃はドイツ軍を弱体化したが、決定的な打撃を与える試みには時期尚早なので、イープル攻撃はドイツ軍にとって戦闘拒否ができない前線で消耗戦を続けることになるだろう、と書いた。 >Even a partial success would improve the tactical situation in the Ypres salient, reducing the exceptional "wastage" which occurred even in quiet periods. In early May, Haig set the timetable for the Flanders offensive, with 7 June the date for the preliminary attack on Messines Ridge. Ypres is overlooked by Kemmel Hill in the south-west and from the east by a line of low hills running south-west to north-east. Wytschaete (Wijtschate) and Hill 60 are to the east of Verbrandenmolen, Hooge, Polygon Wood and Passchendaele (Passendale). ⇒部分的な成功でもイープル突出部の戦術的状況を改善して、休戦状態の期間でも生じる余分な「消耗」を減らすだろう。5月上旬にヘイグはフランドル攻撃の日程表を設定して、6月7日をもってメッシネス・リッジへの予備攻撃の日とした。イープルは、南西側ではケメル・ヒルから、東側では南西から北東に走る一連の低い丘から見渡される。それは、ヴェルブランデンモレン、フージ、ポリゴン・ウッド、およびパッシェンダエレ(パッセンダレ)であり、その東のウィッツチャエテ(ウィーチャテ)、および60番ヒルなどである。




