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French Artillery Repels German Attacks in Moronvilliers

  • German counter-attacks from Moronvilliers were dispersed by French artillery, directed over the heights from observation posts on Mont Haut.
  • German columns trying to reach the summits through ravines south-west of Moronvilliers were also repulsed by French artillery-fire.
  • The German 5th and 6th divisions recaptured the summit of Mont Haut after being moved into the line between Mont Blond and Le Téton.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>German counter-attacks from Moronvilliers were dispersed by French artillery, directed over the heights from observation posts on Mont Haut and next day German columns, trying to reach the summits through ravines south-west of Moronvilliers, were also repulsed by French artillery-fire. The German 5th and 6th divisions from Alsace, were moved into the line between the south of Mont Blond and Le Téton and from there, recaptured the summit of Mont Haut. ⇒ドイツ軍のモロンヴィエールからの反撃は、フランス軍の砲兵隊によって霧散させられ、モン・オーの監視陣地から高地を越えて退却した。そしてその翌日、ドイツ軍の縦隊がモロンヴィエール南西の峡谷を通って頂上に到達しようとして、またもフランス軍砲兵隊の砲火によって撃退された。アルザスから来たドイツ軍第5、第6師団は、モン・ブロン南とル・テトンとの間の戦線へ移動して、そこからモン・オーの頂上を取り戻した。 >The difficulties of the VIII Corps divisions continued and the 16th Division was attacked by the German Infantry Regiment 145 which had just arrived, after an extensive artillery bombardment, to force the French 95th Regiment from the western fringe of the wood. The German attack was defeated by small-arms fire and another German counter-attack on 20 April, was repulsed but a resumption of the French advance was cancelled. ⇒第VIII軍団所属の諸師団は困難が続いて、第16師団は、ちょうど到着したばかりのドイツ軍歩兵連隊145によって、広範囲な予備砲撃の後攻撃されたが、それは森の西周辺からフランス軍同師団の第95連隊を追放するためであった。ドイツ軍の攻撃は小銃砲の砲火によって破られ、4月20日のもう一つのドイツ軍の反撃も撃退されたが、フランス軍の進軍再開は中止された。 >German infantry massed in the woods between Monronvilliers and Nauroy, opposite the VIII Corps front and after a preliminary bombardment, attacked Mont Cornillet and Mont Blond, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Waves of German troops ascended the northern slopes of the hills, joined the German infantry from the Mont Cornillet tunnel and Flensburg Trench and attacked the positions of the 34th Division. German reinforcements were assembled in echelon from Mont Haut westwards to Nauroy and attacked all day, until a final effort failed at 4:00 p.m. ⇒ドイツ軍歩兵連隊は、第VIII軍団前線に対峙するモロンヴィエールとノロイ間の森の中に集まり、予備爆撃の後、午前9時から午後4時にかけてモン・コルニェとモン・ブロンを攻撃した。ドイツ軍隊の攻撃波は、丘の北斜面をのぼって、モン・コルニェ地下坑道とフレンズブルク塹壕から来たドイツ軍歩兵連隊と合流し、第34師団の陣地を攻撃した。モン・オーから西のノロイまでの部隊組織からドイツ軍増援隊が集められて、終日攻撃が行われたが、ついに最終的な奮闘努力が午後4時で失敗に帰した。




