- ベストアンサー
Romanian forces capture prisoners and material, Turkish division saves Mackensen's group
- During a counter-offensive, Romanian forces captured thousands of prisoners and significant quantities of material. The intervention of the 26th Turkish Infantry Division saved Mackensen's group from encirclement.
- A setback occurred when a staff car carrying attack plans accidentally drove into a German position and was captured. The plans were vital to the Germans and allowed them to push back the Romanian forces.
- As a result, the capital was left vulnerable and open to the advancing German forces.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
>Romanian forces captured thousands of prisoners and significant quantities of material during this counter-offensive and only the last-minute intervention of the 26th Turkish Infantry Division on 2 December saved Mackensen's group from encirclement. The Romanians suffered a considerable setback when a staff car carrying attack plans accidentally drove into a German position and was captured. These plans were vital to the Germans, as they soon managed to push back the Romanian forces, leaving the way to the capital open. ⇒ルーマニア軍隊は、この反撃の間に何千もの囚人とかなりの量の物財を捕縛したが、第26トルコ歩兵師団は、12月2日の土壇場の介入でマッケンゼン軍のグループを包囲から救った。ルーマニア軍は、攻撃計画書を持った幕僚の車輌が偶然ドイツ軍陣地へ入り込んで捕らえられたとき、かなり後退の被害を被った。彼らドイツ軍は、首都への道を開放したままにして、すぐに何とかルーマニア軍団を押し戻すことができたので、これらの計画はドイツ軍にとって生死に関わるものであった。