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The Fall of Forts 5 and 6: A Bulgarian Triumph in the Russo-Turkish War

  • In the Russo-Turkish War, the Bulgarian forces achieved a significant victory with the fall of forts 5 and 6.
  • The Bulgarians pursued the retreating defenders and advanced two kilometers to the north of the main defensive line.
  • The Kmetov Brigade captured a large number of soldiers, heavy batteries, turret guns, and rifles.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10025/12549)

>After the fall of forts 5 and 6 the Bulgarians pursued the retreating defenders until 16:00, advancing two kilometers to the north of the main defensive line. The Kmetov Brigade captured 250 soldiers, 4 heavy batteries, six 53 mm turret guns and many rifles. ⇒5番、6番砦の崩落の後、ブルガリア軍は16時まで主要防御戦線の北へ2キロ進軍して、退却する守備隊を追跡した。クメトフ旅団は、250人の兵士、4門の重砲、6丁の53mmタレット銃、および多くのライフルを収奪した。 >Its artillery had fired 2,606 shells. Both Romanian and Bulgarian infantry losses were heavy, with the 19th Shumen Regiment suffering 1,652 casualties. To the east of the 3/4 Brigade was the Ikonomov Brigade, tasked with the capture of fort 7. ⇒その(収奪した)大砲は2,606発の砲弾を発射していた。第19シューメン連隊は1,652人の死傷者数を被るなど、ルーマニア軍、ブルガリア軍の歩兵損失は、ともに重大であった。イコノモフ旅団は、7番砦の攻略を請け負って、3/4旅団の東側にあった。



