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The Devastating Bombardment of Pozières: A Nightmare on the Western Front

  • The German bombardment of Pozières during World War I was one of the most intense and devastating attacks experienced on the Western Front.
  • The Australian 1st Division, tasked with defending Pozières, suffered over 5,000 casualties, exceeding previous records of Australian divisions.
  • When the survivors were finally relieved, they appeared traumatized and shell-shocked, with haunted expressions in their eyes.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>At its peak, the German bombardment of Pozières was the equal of anything yet experienced on the Western Front and far surpassed the worst shelling previously endured by an Australian division. The Australian 1st Division suffered 5,285 casualties on its first tour of Pozières. When the survivors were relieved on 27 July, one observer said ⇒戦いのピークで、ドイツ軍のポジェール爆撃は、それまでに西部戦線で経験されたいかなる戦いにも匹敵するもので、かつてオーストラリア師団がくぐり抜けた最悪の砲撃をはるかに凌ぐものだった。第1オーストラリア師団は、ポジェールへの初ツアーで、5,285人の犠牲者を蒙った。生存者が7月27日に救助されたとき、ある観察者が言った。 >They looked like men who had been in Hell... drawn and haggard and so dazed that they appeared to be walking in a dream and their eyes looked glassy and starey. — E. J. Rule ⇒彼らは、ずっと地獄にいた兵士のように見えました … ひどくやつれて、目が落ちくぼんでいたので、彼らは夢の中をさまよっているような様相で、目は食い入るガラス玉のように見えました。 —  E. J.ルール(記)。



