• 締切済み



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。ドローンと虫の場合、それ(=白兵戦=農薬によらない撲滅戦)に相当するものが何であれ、 2。全訳  虫叩きをアギドローンの下部につけることで、この農業用のドローンは、害虫との白兵戦、あるいは、ドローンと虫の場合それ(=白兵戦=農薬によらない撲滅戦)に相当するものが何であれ、で虫を退治するのである。



そういうことか。流石、英語に精通されている方のご説明に納得しました。早いご回答に感謝いたします。 これからもよろしくお願いします。


  • 至急!英訳お願いします!

    英訳至急宜しくお願いします!m(_ _)m 言ってることは分かるのですが上手く日本語に出来ません… ※三つの文章には全く繋がりはありません The answers are varied and range from sightseeing and shopping to studying at collge and learning English. Meanwhile,Prince William will get a lot of attention in whatever he does,particularly in the area of personal relationshis, She did not have a pen or paper with her and had to wait until she got home to write dowm her big idea.

  • 下記の英訳が全然うまく出来ません。お願いします。

    最近切削加工に関する英書を購入したのですが、下記の英訳が全然うまく出来ません。 なので英訳お願いします。 To validate or refute the model described for machining micro-fluidic channels and to provide the material required to manufacture nanostructured metals pressings, machining experiments were con-ducted at the microscale. The machine tool was constructed to in-corporate a high-speed air turbine spindle rated to operate at 360,000rpm under no-load conditions. When operating at relatively deep depths of cut, the speed of the spindle decreases to approximately 250,000rpm .The table of the machine tool was configured to move in x-y-z co-ordinates by attaching a cross-slide powered by a dc motor, in all three principal axes. Each motor was controlled by a Motionmaster controller with a resolution as low as 500nm.The cutting tools used were uncoated. The high strain rate micromachining center is shown in Fig 5.5. The cutting tools were inspected at the end of all machining experiments using an environmental scanning electron microscope. The measured spindle speed was 250,000rpm during the machining experiments. The depth of cut was 100um for all machining experiments. The machining feed rate was conducted at 5mm/s(0.3m/min).The microscale cutting tool used was 700um in diameter and was associated with a cutting speed of 117m/min and a machining feed rate of 0.3m/min. The experimental results are shown in Table5.1. Machining experiments consisted of machining several materials including steel using the micromachining center. The machined chips were examined in an environmental scanning electron microscope where the lamellar spacing on each chip was determined. The curl radii were then compared with the calculated value derived using the idealized model, taking into account the degree of bending of the cutting tool.

  • 和文英訳です。

    訳出お願いします 話題は尽きず、多岐におよんだ。どんな話をしても飽きることがなかった。彼は7歳ほど年上のようだが身なりやちょっとした仕草の端々に品格と知性が感じられる。 自分でも訳してみたので添削or感想もいただけると嬉しいです。 We had a lot of topics to talk and talked about various matters. Whatever we talked about, we weren't bored. Looking his clothes and his behavior, he, who was seven years older than I was, came across as polite and intelligent.

  • 保険用語 英訳

    損害保険関係の英文書類の表題に下記文言がありますが、 日本語に訳すとどうなりますか。 うまい翻訳ありますか。 attaching to and forming part of policy 教えてください。

  • 英訳お願いします。

    He was safely indoors with his old friend who was pretending to be younger than his years by rolling on to his back and letting his front paws flop helplessly. He wanted his chest tickled. As Peter began to move his fingers lightly through the fur, the rumbling noise grew louder, so loud that every bone in the old cat's body rattled. And then, William stretched out a paw to Peter's fingers and tried to draw them up higher. Peter let the cat guide his hand. `Do you want me to tickle your chin?' he murmured. But no. The cat wanted to be touched right at the base of his throat. Peter felt something hard there. It moved from side to side when he touched it. Something had got trapped in the fur. Peter propped himself on an elbow in order to investigate. He parted the fur. At first he thought he was looking at a piece of jewellery, a little silver tag. But there was no chain, and as he poked and peered he saw that it was not metal at all. but polished bone, oval and flattened in the centre, and most curiously of all, that it was attached to William Cat's skin. The piece of bone fitted well between his forefinger and thumb. He tightened his grip and gave a tug. William Cat's purr grew even louder. Peter pulled again, downwards, and this time he felt something give.

  • 次の文の英訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    Cardiff, which was declared the Welsh capital in 1955, is really a city of two parts. Once the centre of the city was the docks, but in the twentieth century Cardiff's focal point moved northwards to the castle and the Civic Centre. However, the balance is beginning to change again with a redevelopment project of Cardiff Bay water front.

  • 英訳お願いします

    Regardless of the variety of each individual British worker's experience with and interest in Japan, it is only natural for the British worker's as Westerners to approach work with a Western methodology as opposed to a Japanese methodology. "The difference between the two," one Englishman found, "lies in the fact that (A) must concentrate more on maintaining harmony while the Westerner concentrates more on the job at hand. The Japanese method is an excellent (B) of gathering support and additional input, (C) often does so at the expense of time and, with the Japanese method, a good job must sometimes be sacrificed for the sake of compromise or saving face." To this Englishman, the Japanese method was, therefore, a good way of maintaing office relations but not of accomplishing the job at hand in a timely or effective fashion. For example, many English workers have found that Japanese colleagues must spend more time on paperwork than on the (D) itself. Both Japanese and Western methodologies have their good and bad points. However, in Japan , the way of pursuing profits or assuming responsibilities is frequentry (E) important as the work itself, what one English woman referred to as "the classic Japanese Western struggle of from versus content." (A) Americans, British, Japanese, Westerners (B) account, information, means, part (C) but, so, thus, very (D) history, job, leisure, study (E) as , so , too , very のどれがはいるのか教えて下さい。 できればその根拠もお願いします。 そして最後にらこの全体の訳おねがいします。 多くてすいません。

  • 英訳をみてください

    職務の内容が多岐に及ぶので、自分だけの知識だけでなく、専門家との意見を調整しながら職務を遂行してきました。また、欧米の人との仕事上の付き合いが多く異文化に対してすんなり溶け込むことができます。 I performed my duties discussing and adjusting problems with specialists, because it was difficult for me to solve the problem with my knowledge and experience. I can have a good relationship with different culture and kind of view since I have been doing on business with wasters.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    (12)“Ahem ! ahem ! ” he said, and everybody listened except the the poor Catherine Wheel, who was still shaking her head, and murmuring, “Romance is dead.” (13)“Order ! order !” cried out a Cracker. He was something of a politician, and had always taken a prominent part in the local elections, so he knew the proper Parliamentary expressions to use. (14)“Quite dead.” whispered the Catherine Wheel, and she went off to sleep. (15)As soon as there was perfect silence, the Rocket coughed a third time and began. He spoke with a very slow, distinct voice, as if he were dictating his memoirs, and always looked over the shoulder of the person to whom he was talking . In fact, he had a most distinguished manner. (16)“How fortunate it is for the King's son,” he remarked, “that he is to be married on the very day on which I am to be let off. Really, if it had been arranged beforehand, it could not have turned out better for him; but Princes are always lucky.” (17)“Dear me !” said the little Squib, “I thought it was quite the other way, and that we were to be let off in the Prince's honour.” (18)“It may be so with you,” he answered; “inded, I have no doubt that it is, but with me it is different. I am a very remarkable Rocket, and come of remarkable parents. My mother was the most celebrated Catherine Wheel of her day, and was renowned for her graceful dancing. When she made her great public appearance she spun round nineteen times before she went out, and each time that she did so she threw into the air seven pink stars.

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 I really look forward to our holiday and seeing you. Last week was not the best week for me ... so I can really use a holiday and I can't think of anyone else who I would like to spend my holiday with. I'm really looking forward to see you again. My Korean customer is having some problems and management is breathing down my neck to solve the problems ... but it seems the problems are not in my area. And also this week my cleaning lady quit! I need to find a new cleaning lady. She said I asked her to do too much for only 4 hours of cleaning. I checked with my mother, our secretary ... and they all agree that even 2-3 hours should be more than enough. Maybe she might be a bit lazy. Today I'm going to time how long it takes me ... :( I guess I will clean very hard today and also try to look for a new cleaning lady. And the most tragic news of all ... a team member of me, ●●, who was working in ●●, passed away last Monday. He was already on sick leave for some time ... but the tragic news still came as a shock. But it was not all bad news this week :) That's why we're going to make a super nice holiday. Looking forward to see you ●●. When I think of you, I get a feeling of beauty, softness, kindness ...