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Simultaneous equations - Speed of Swimming | 質問文章要約


  • 178-tall
  • ベストアンサー率43% (762/1732)

>質問 >(1) R = 217.5 , B = 541 and S = 60 ← この数字はどこから出てくるのですか? > … QNo.9190610 / ANo.2 の再演。  18R + 15B = 12770 - 12S  …(2)'  12R + 20B = 14270 - 14S  …(3)' を解くと?  R = 227.50 - 0.167*S  B = 577.00 - 0.600*S なる「無数の解」。 S=60 としたとき、R=217.5, B=541.0 。   



有り難うございました。  :)


  • 教えて下さい。

    訳を教えて下さい。 At the end of the race, she looked over to the crowd. Then she jogged to her friend who was holding the flag high. He handed it to her and she ran with it over her shoulders like a cape. She ran 50m holding that flag.This was a declaration of her pride, and of her love for herself and her people. 訳:レースが終わって彼女は観衆の方を見渡した。その時、彼女は国旗を高く持つ友人のとこへゆっくり走った。彼は…。彼女は国旗を握って50m走った。これは彼女の誇りでもある宣言で…。 特にHe handed it to her and she ran with it over her shoulders like a cape. とThis was a declaration of her pride, and of her love for herself and her people.の訳し方が分からないので教えて下さい。お願いします。

  • Science の問題です

    A starch test is carried out on a leaf of Plant J and a leaf of Plant K. State the colour of the iodine solution at the end of the test for the leaf of each plant. Iodine solution on leaf of Plant J : Yellowish-brown  Iodine solution on leaf of Plant K : Dark blue 色が反対ではないでしょうか? 詳しい方どうぞ教えてください。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    At 12:10 p.m. on Sunday Lusitania was again under way and passing the Daunt Rock Lightship. In the first 24 hours she achieved 561 miles (903 km), with further daily totals of 575, 570, 593 and 493 miles (793 km) before arriving at Sandy Hook at 9:05 a.m. Friday 13 September, taking in total 5 days and 54 minutes, 30 minutes outside the record time held by Kaiser Wilhelm II of the North German Lloyd line. Fog had delayed the ship on two days, and her engines were not yet run in. In New York hundreds of thousands of people gathered on the bank of the Hudson River from Battery Park to pier 56. All New York's police had been called out to control the crowd. From the start of the day, 100 horse drawn cabs had been queuing, ready to take away passengers. During the week's stay the ship was made available for guided tours. At 3 p.m. on Saturday 21 September, the ship departed on the return journey, arriving Queenstown 4 a.m. 27 September and Liverpool 12 hours later. The return journey was 5 days 4 hours and 19 minutes, again delayed by fog. On her second voyage in better weather, Lusitania arrived at Sandy Hook on 11 October 1907 in the Blue Riband record time of 4 days, 19 hours and 53 minutes. She had to wait for the tide to enter harbour where news had preceded her and she was met by a fleet of small craft, whistles blaring. Lusitania averaged 23.99 knots (44.43 km/h) westbound and 23.61 knots (43.73 km/h) eastbound. In December 1907, Mauretania entered service and took the record for the fastest eastbound crossing. Lusitania made her fastest westbound crossing in 1909 after her propellers were changed, averaging 25.85 knots (47.87 km/h). She briefly recovered the record in July of that year, but Mauretania recaptured the Blue Riband the same month, retaining it until 1929, when it was taken by SS Bremen. During her eight-year service, she made a total of 202 crossings on the Cunard Line's Liverpool-New York Route, carrying a total of 155,795 passengers westbound and another 106,180 eastbound. Lusitania and other ships participated in the Hudson-Fulton Celebration in New York City from the end of September to early October 1909. The celebration was also a display of the different modes of transportation then in existence, Lusitania representing the newest advancement in steamship technology. A newer mode of travel was the aeroplane. Wilbur Wright had brought a Flyer to Governors Island and made demonstration flights before millions of New Yorkers who had never seen an aircraft. Some of Wright's trips were directly over Lusitania; several photographs of Lusitania from that week still exist.

  • 和訳 emphasis added actual

    私の日本語はあっているでしょうか。添削をお願いいたします。 In total Plaintiff was held in solitary confinement without even a cushion to sit on, and the lights left on 24 hours a day, for a total of 21 days for the purpose of doing “interrogations”. However no such interrogations ever took place [emphasis added]. 合計で、原告は「取調べ」を行う目的で21日間、電気は24時間つけたまま、座布団すらない独居房に勾留された。しかし、そのような取調べは一度も行われなかった[重要]。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    On 5 September 1914, U-21 commanded by Lieutenant Otto Hersing made history when he torpedoed the Royal Navy light cruiser HMS Pathfinder. The cruiser's magazine exploded, and the ship sank in four minutes, taking 259 of her crew with her. It was the first combat victory of the modern submarine. The German U-boats were to get even luckier on 22 September. Early in the morning of that day, a lookout on the bridge of U-9, commanded by Lieutenant Otto Weddigen, spotted a vessel on the horizon. Weddigen ordered the U-boat to submerge immediately, and the submarine went forward to investigate.

  • 和訳お願いします

    (1)Countries across Asia and beyond are reporting small amounts of radiation from the disabled nuclear reactors in Japan. But officials say these levels are not a threat to public health.   http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/health/Doctors-Lack-Many-Ways-to-Treat-Radiation-Exposure-118884029.html 「Countries across Asia and beyond 」この部分がわかりません。”アジアを越えた国々や、はるかかなたで」 こんな感じでいいですか? (2)BARBARA KLEIN: Today, from a distance, Mesa Verde appears as it did centuries ago. It rises more than five hundred forty meters above the floor of the valley. Visitors can drive up to the top of Mesa Verde on a winding mountain road. When you reach the top, you are two thousand four hundred meters above sea level. In the distance are the flat lands and mountains of the Four Corners area. That is where the western states of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona meet. This area has one of the largest numbers of archeological sites in the United States. In the distance are the flat lands and mountains of the Four Corners area. これの主語がわかりません。In the distanceは副詞だと思うのですが、この文は倒置ですか?副詞VSですか? (2)は和訳いりません。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいますか?

    The career In 1870 the average work career ran from the age of 14, when the worker entered the labor force, to the age of 61, when the average worker died after having worked a total of 146,640 hours for a total of $90,000 (1970 dollars). In 1970 the average career ran from about age 20 to about age 65, when the average worker retired after having worked a total of 90,000 hours for a total of $360,000. お願いします。

  • 中学レベルの数学の問題です(英文です)

    中学レベルの数学の問題(英文)です。 読んで計算してもちょっとピンとこなかったので、 説明から回答までご指導頂けると助かります。 A company produces 50 tennis rackets per day for a total daily cost of $3,855, and 60 rackets per day for a total daily cost of $4,245. Assuming that daily cost and production are linearly related, find the equation of the total daily cost of producing x tennis rackets. Then find the total daily cost of producing 85 tennis rackets. 私の考え方では、 (3855+4245)/110という計算式なのですが、 そうすると単価が$73.6363・・・と続いてしまい、 ちょっと不自然な気がしています。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    Thursday last week, a van navigating the narrow streets of a hardware market in China’s Foshan, Guangdong Province, struck and ran over a 2-year-old girl. The driver paused, then drove away. A surveillance camera showed that the toddler lay grievously injured for seven minutes, ignored by at least 18 passersby, while a second vehicle, a truck, ran over the child and drove on. A 57-year-old rag collector finally came to her aid. The next day an apparently suicidal woman jumped into a lake in Hangzhou, southwest of Shanghai, and began flailing helplessly. A woman widely reported to be an American threw off her coat, swam the 20m to the drowning woman and expertly hauled her to shore. And then, seeing she was safe, the rescuer left without giving her name. Neither episode is necessarily representative: Many Chinese do help those in dire straits, and, obviously, Americans do not always come to the rescue. But thousands of microbloggers in China have used the juxtaposition of callousness and heroism to fuel a wrenching debate over whether people in their country lack compassion, and if so, why.

  • この英文を日本語に訳してください

    1She speaks in a high voice. 2His record for the 100 meters was broken. 3The children were making a lot of noise. 4You can see wild monkeys in this area. 5I wish we had more space in our office. 6What can we do to save the environment? 7We crossed the Italian border at night. 8Dial 911 in case of emergency. 9That’s my favorite scene in this movie. 10This room has a fine view of the ocean. 11The distance between Paris and Berlin is 650 miles. 12Do you know the names of all the continents? 13We could see a ship on the horizon. 14Put some olive oil on the spaghetti. 15The door was made of glass. 16This metal is made of pure gold. よろしくお願いします。