
  • 広々とした通路とわかりやすいナビゲーション、部門内で直感的に配置された商品カテゴリは、ポジティブな体験を提供し、消費者が自分の商品をリラックスしたペースで見つけることを可能にします。
  • 各タイプの店舗に最適な方法を学ぶために、すでに行われた研究を活用してください。
  • ショップアロングの研究を実施することで、ブランドは消費者の目線から自社の店舗を見る機会を得て、レイアウトや組織の改善などのアイデアを生み出すことができます。
  • ベストアンサー


商業施設のレイアウトについての文章なのですが、下記3文の和訳がわかりません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか。 Wide aisles with easy navigation through the store and product categories intuitively laid out within departments greatly contribute to a positive experience and allow consumers to find their products at a relaxed pace. Take advantage of research that’s already been done to educate yourself on what’s best for each type of store. Conducting shop-a-long studies gives brands the opportunity to see their store from consumers’ eyes and generate ideas on how to improve layout, organization, and more.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> Wide aisles with easy navigation through the store and product categories intuitively laid out within departments greatly contribute to a positive experience and allow consumers to find their products at a relaxed pace.  歩き回るのに楽なように通路が広くとってあり、商品が分野別に分かりやすく並べられていると、買い物をしようという気分になり、お客は落ち着いて商品を探すことが出来ます。 > Take advantage of research that’s already been done to educate yourself on what’s best for each type of store.  それぞれの店のタイプによって、どのような形にするのがいいかを調べた結果を有効に活用すべきです。 > Conducting shop-a-long studies gives brands the opportunity to see their store from consumers’ eyes and generate ideas on how to improve layout, organization, and more.  いろいろな店を見て回ったことで、あるべき店の形をお客の視線から検討することが出来、店のレイアウトや組織などについて、どのような改善をすればよいのかが見えてきます。



細部までありがとうございます。 とてもわかりやすかったです。

その他の回答 (1)


店舗や商品群への行き来が楽な広い通路をデパート内にわかりやすく配置すれば、(楽だという)積極的な経験に作用して、顧客はリラックスしたペースで製品を見つけられるようになる。どの種類の店舗が最も良いかについては、すでに実施されている研究を参照して学習してください。 店舗に沿った研究を実施することにより、ブランドについて、消費者の視点で店舗を見て、どのように配置や構成やその他を改善するかのアイデアを生む機会が得られる。 脚注 shop-a-long がいまひとつわかりませんでした。店舗沿い、あるいは、店舗中心の、というのが直訳です。



ありがとうございます。 参考にさせていただきました。


  • 和訳お願い致します。

    And while many people have grown accustomed to recycling cans, bottles and newspapers, used clothes are generally thrown away. Britons on average discard about 65 pounds , or 30 kilograms, of clothing and textiles a year. Only an eight of that goes to charities for reuse. “In a wealthy society, clothing and textiles are bought as much for fashion as for function,” the report says, and that means that clothes are replaced “before the end of their natural life.” Julian Allwood, who led a team of environmental researchers in conducting the report, noted in an interview that it is now easier for British consumers to toss unwanted clothes than to take them to a recycling center, and easier to throw clothes into the hamper for a quick machine wash and dry than to sponge off stains. He hopes his report will educate shoppers about the costs to the environment, so that they change their behavior. There are many examples of how changing consumer priorities have forced even the most staid retailers to alter the way they do business.

  • whicheverの使い方

    Consumers tend to purchase store brands of yogurt, but purchase whichever brand of milk is least expensive. この文で、 Consumers tend to purchase store brands of yogurt, but purchase the brand of milk whichever is least expensive. とはならないのでしょうか。意味が変わりますか? 最初の文のwhicheverは代名詞でいいのでしょうか。

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記2文の和訳をしたいのですが、うまくできません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか。 1文目の途中まで自分でやってみた和訳も載せています。 間違いがあれば、それも指摘してほしいです。 宜しくお願いいたします。 In addition to ranking and profiling the cities in terms of overall international retailer presence, the report examines the impact of technology on our changing retail spaces, analyses rents within each market, and how rental levels are influenced by the differing role of the store. 小売ブランドが多く出店する各都市の分析とそれぞれのランキングに加え、このレポートでは各都市の賃料相場や入居するテナントによって賃料がどのように影響を受けるのかを分析し、小売ブランドがその都市へ進出する際の,,,? The report also identifies which are the major exporter countries of international retailer brands and the most expansive retailers, and examines their varying routes to market.

  • 和訳の質問です。

    和訳の質問です。 下記の和訳を教えてください。 (1)It appears that success breeds success, and the world’s top retail locations are cementing their positions as global retail gateways, supporting online, wholesale, franchise and company owned retail distribution for the world’s top brands. (2)Understanding the local opportunities and defining the role of a physical store when establishing affordability of retail space is key and perhaps best illustrated by the spread in prime rents commanded among the world’s top retail destinations. Considering locations that are sought after by mainstream international retail brands as well as locations that are targeted by luxury brands, retail space in New York is the most expensive in the world, with top rents reaching up to US$37,700 per sqm a year. 一文目は、supportingの後がどう繋がるのかわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    Some people tried to keep off witches by painting signs on their houses, and others by nailing up a piece of iron, such as a houseshoe, over the door. Those sitting on the right side of the car watch their side of the road, and those on the left, theirs. よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳

    下記の第1文を次のように和訳しました。誤り、不適切な点等ご指摘ください。 Julian allwood、who led a team of environmental researchers who worked on the report、noted in an interview that it is easier for British consumers to discard un-wanted clothes that to take them to recycling center、and easier to throw clothes into the hamper for a quick wash and dry than to sponge off stains.  He hope his report will educate shoppers about the costs to the environment、so that they change their behavior. その報告書を作った環境研究者達を指導したジュリアン・アロッドは、イギリスの消費者が、気に入らない衣類を捨てるのは、リサイクルセンターに持っていくよりも簡単で、衣類を手早く洗濯、乾燥させるために洗濯物入れかごに投げ込のは、スポンジで汚れをとるよりも簡単なのだと取材に書いている。

  • 和訳してください!!

    Suppose that consumers want more pots and fewer pans than are being turned out.The public will buy up the existing stock of pots, and as a result their prices will rise. Contrariwise, the pan business will be dull: as pan makers try to get rid of their inventories, pan prices will fall.

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記の和訳がわかりません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 A prominent early skeptic of the proposal is Doug Ford, a former city councillor and brother of late former mayor Rob Ford. While in office, the Fords were rigidly opposed to spending on expensive projects and sought to avoid what they viewed as wasteful spending on urban-focused initiatives while priorities that concerned residents of their suburban constituencies were sidelined.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 12 September the Allies opened their offensive with a powerful two-day artillery barrage and an attack by the Serbian Third Army and the French Army of the Orient against the Bulgarian 8th Tundzha Infantry Division and colonel Tasev's reinforced brigade. The situation soon deteriorated for the Bulgarians and on 14 September they were forced to retreat towards Lerin, leaving behind some of their artillery guns and abandoning Gornichevo to the Serbians. On 12 of September the Serbians also began their first attack on the 2,300 meter high Kaimakchalan ridge.

  • 一言の和訳をお願いします!

    Today's consumers expected high security and flexibility to enrich their online experience