
  • 英国人は年間65ポンド(約30キログラム)の衣類を捨てる
  • 寄付用の衣類はそのうちのわずか1/8しか利用されていない
  • 環境への負荷を考慮した行動を変えることを願っている
  • ベストアンサー


And while many people have grown accustomed to recycling cans, bottles and newspapers, used clothes are generally thrown away. Britons on average discard about 65 pounds , or 30 kilograms, of clothing and textiles a year. Only an eight of that goes to charities for reuse. “In a wealthy society, clothing and textiles are bought as much for fashion as for function,” the report says, and that means that clothes are replaced “before the end of their natural life.” Julian Allwood, who led a team of environmental researchers in conducting the report, noted in an interview that it is now easier for British consumers to toss unwanted clothes than to take them to a recycling center, and easier to throw clothes into the hamper for a quick machine wash and dry than to sponge off stains. He hopes his report will educate shoppers about the costs to the environment, so that they change their behavior. There are many examples of how changing consumer priorities have forced even the most staid retailers to alter the way they do business.

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

以下のとおりお答えします。 そして、多くの人々が缶、ビンおよび新聞の再利用に慣れてきている一方、使い古された衣服は一般に捨てられます。英国人は、年間に平均して約65ポンド、つまり、30キログラムの衣類ないし織物類を廃棄します。そのうちの8ポンド(約3.6キログラム)分だけが再使用のためのチャリティーへ回るに過ぎません。 「裕福な社会では、衣類や織物類は機能性を求めるのと同じく流行を求めて購入されます」、とその報告書は述べていますが、それは、「その寿命(使用期限)の終了前に」衣服が取り替えられることを意味します。 ジュリアン・オルウッドは、報告(書の作成)を指揮して環境研究者のチームをリードした人で、英国の消費者にとっては、要らなくなった衣服を再利用施設へ持っていくより、捨てるほうが今は簡単なのです、とインタビューで言及しました。 彼は、その報告書が、環境への負荷に関連して、買物客が振る舞いを変えるような教育をすることを望んでいます。 〔しかし)消費者の優先事項が、最も堅実な小売り業者に対してさえ、やむを得ず取引方法を変更させた多くの例があります。 以上、ご回答まで。




その他の回答 (2)

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

そして多くの人が缶やビン、新聞をリサイクルすることに慣れてきた一方、ほとんどの場合衣類は捨てられている。平均的イギリス人は1年間に、約65ポンドないしは30キロの衣類繊維製品を処分している。 そのうちわずか8分の一だけが再利用としてチャリティーに行くのだ。「裕福な社会では、衣類繊維製品は機能性とおなじぐらいおしゃれの為に購入されている。」とレポートは述べており、それは衣類が「その寿命がつきる前に」交換されることを意味している。 レポートに取り組んだ、環境に関する研究者チームを率いたジュリアン・アルウッド氏(※1)はインタビューで、イギリスの消費者にとっては、不要な衣服をリサイクルセンターにもっていくよりも捨てる方が簡単だし、シミをゴシゴシと取るよりもサッと洗って乾かす為に洋服を洗濯カゴに投げ入れる方が簡単なのだと言及していた。 彼は、買物客が自分達の行いを改められるように、自身のレポートが、環境に対するコストについて彼らに教えることになることを望んでる。変化する消費者の優先順位が最も堅実な小売業者ですら商売のやり方の変更を強いることとなった多くの例がある。 ※1:ケンブリッジ大学工学部の博士です。


そして、多くの人々が缶、ビンと新聞をリサイクルするのに慣れているようになる間、古着は通常、捨てられます。英国人は、およそ65ポンドまたは30キログラム(1年衣類と織物の)を平均して放棄します。それの八つだけは、再利用のために慈善団体へ行きます。「裕福な社会で、衣類と織物は、機能に関してのファッションのための多くとして買われます」と、レポートにはあります、そして、それは服が「彼らの自然の人生の終わりの前に」とって代わられることを意味します。 ジュリアン・オールウド(その人はレポートを実行する際に一連の環境研究者をリードしました)は、それが現在彼らをリサイクル・センターへ連れて行くより英国の消費者が不必要な服に投げるのが簡単で、汚れを離れたスポンジにより速い機械洗浄のためにバスケットに服に投げて、乾燥させるのが簡単であると会見談に記しました。彼はレポートが環境に経費について買い物客を教育することを望みます、そのため、彼らはふるまいを変えます。消費者プライオリティーを変えることが最も落ち着いた小売業者にさえ彼らが取引する方法を変えることを強制した方法の多くの例が、あります。



  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Some large clothing retailers are starting to take notice of the environmental questions and are exploring options. “Our research shows that customers are getting very concerned about environmental issues, and we don’t want to get caught between the eyes,” said Mike Barry, head of corporate social responsibility at Marks & Spencer, one of Britain’s largest retailers, which helped pay for the Cambridge study. Consumers spend more than $1 trillion a year on clothing and textiles, an estimated one-third of that in Western Europe, another third in North America, and about a quarter in Asia. In many places, cheap, readily disposable clothes have displaced hand-me-downs as the mainstay of dressing. The result, women’s clothing sales in Britain rose by 21 percent between 2001 and 2005 alone to about £24 billion ,or $47.6 billion, spurred by lower prices, according to the Cambridge report.

  • 和訳

    下記の第1文を次のように和訳しました。誤り、不適切な点等ご指摘ください。 Julian allwood、who led a team of environmental researchers who worked on the report、noted in an interview that it is easier for British consumers to discard un-wanted clothes that to take them to recycling center、and easier to throw clothes into the hamper for a quick wash and dry than to sponge off stains.  He hope his report will educate shoppers about the costs to the environment、so that they change their behavior. その報告書を作った環境研究者達を指導したジュリアン・アロッドは、イギリスの消費者が、気に入らない衣類を捨てるのは、リサイクルセンターに持っていくよりも簡単で、衣類を手早く洗濯、乾燥させるために洗濯物入れかごに投げ込のは、スポンジで汚れをとるよりも簡単なのだと取材に書いている。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The $1 trillion global textile industry must become eco-conscious, the report concludes. It explores how to develop more “sustainable clothing” — a seeming oxymoron in a world where fashions change every few months. “Hmmm,” said Sally Neild, 44, dressed in casual chic, ー jeans and boots, as she pondered the idea , shopping bags in hand. “People now think a lot about green travel and green food. But I think we are a long way from there in terms of clothes. People are mad about those stores.” It is hard to imagine how customers who rush after trends, or the stores that serve them, will respond to the report’s suggestions: that people lease clothes and return them at the end of a month or a season, so the garments can be lent again to someone else — like library books — and that they buy more expensive and durable clothing that can be worn for years.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    It is hard to imagine how customers who rush after trends, or the stores that serve them, will respond to the report’s suggestions: that people lease clothes and return them at the end of a month or a season, so the garments can be lent again to someone else — like library books — and that they buy more expensive and durable clothing that can be worn for years. Perhups surprisingly , the report highlights the benefits of synthetic fabrics they require less hot water to wash and less ironing. It suggests that consumers air-dry clothes and throw away their tumble dryers, which require huge amounts of energy.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Last year Marks & Spencer — Britain’s mainstay for products like underwear and shortbread — decided to go organic in its food business; it now sells only fair-trade coffee and teas, for example. Many executives regarded the shift as a foolish and risky decision, but the store found that sales jumped 12 percent. The store learned a lesson that executives think will apply to clothes. Part of the problem is that neither manufacturers nor customers understand much about how and when clothing purchases degrade the environment.Significant environmental impact occurs from the harvesting of cotton or the manufacturing of synthetic fibers ;the production , packaging and transportation of the clothes;clothes washing; and drying by the consumer , and disposal.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The report suggests that retailers could begin to lease clothes for a season ーlike wedding stores rent tuxedos for a weekendーor buy back old clothes from customers at a discount, for recycling. But experiments have faltered. A decade ago, Hanna Andersson, an eco-conscious U,S-based clothing company, tried offering mail-order customers 20 percent credit toward new purchases if they sent back their used garments. This “hannadowns” program was canceled after two years as impractical. To cut back on carbons use and make fashion truly sustainable, shoppers will have “to own less, to have less stuff,” Allwood said. “And that is a very hard sell.” Marks & Spencer is thinking about whether its customers will be willing to change their buying habits, to pay more for less-fashionable but “sustainable” garments. After all, consumers have shown a willingness to pay more for clothes not made in sweatshops, and some are unwilling to buy diamonds because of forced labor in African mines.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    JOSEPHINE COPELAND and her 20-year-old daughter, Jo Jo, visited Primark at the Peacock Center mall here, in the London suburbs, to buy presents for friends, but ended up loaded with clothes for themselves: boots, a cardigan, a festive blouse, and a long silver coat with faux fur trim, which cost £12 but looks like a million bucks. “If it falls apart, you just toss it away!” said Jo Jo, proudly wearing her purchase. Environmentally, that is more and more of a problem. But clothes — and fast clothes in particular — are a large and worsening source of the carbon emissions that contribute to global warming, because of how they are both produced and cared for, concludes a new report from researchers at Cambridge University titled “Well Dressed?”

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    I have traced them upwards from the raised beaches and old coast lines of the human period, to the brick clays, Clyde beds, and drift and boulder deposits of the Pleistocene era; and again from them, with the help of museums and collections, up through the mammaliferous crag of England to its red and coral crags; and the conclusion at which I have been compelled to arrive is, that for many long ages ere man was ushered into being, not a few of his humbler contemporaries of the fields and woods enjoyed life in their present haunts, and that for thousands of years anterior to even their appearance, many of the existing molluscs lived in our seas. That day during which the present creation came into being, and in which God, when he had made the beast of the earth after his kind, and the cattle after their kind,' at length terminated the work by moulding a creature in His own image, to whom He gave dominion over them all, was not a brief period of a few hours' duration, but extended over, mayhap, millenniums of centuries. No blank chaotic gap of death and darkness separated the creation to which man belongs from that of the old extinct elephant, hippopotamus, and hyæna; for familiar animals, such as the red deer, the roe, the fox, the wild cat, and the badger, lived throughout the period which connected their time with our own; and so I have been compelled to hold that the days of creation were not natural but prophetic days, and stretched far back into the bygone eternity.'

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    In one respect the theory of Hugh Miller agrees with that advocated by Dr. Buckland and Archdeacon Pratt. Both these theories divest the Mosaic narrative of real accordance with fact; both assume that appearances only, not facts, are described, and that in riddles, which would never have been suspected to be such, had we not arrived at the truth from other sources. It would be difficult for controversialists to cede more completely the point in dispute, or to admit more explicitly that the Mosaic narrative does not represent correctly the history of the universe up to the time of man. At the same time, the upholders of each theory see insuperable objections in details to that of their allies, and do not pretend to any firm faith in their own. How can it be otherwise when the task proposed is to evade the plain meaning of language, and to introduce obscurity into one of the simplest stories ever told, for the sake of making it accord with the complex system of the universe which modern science has unfolded? The spectacle of able and, we doubt not, conscientious writers engaged in attempting the impossible is painful and humiliating. They evidently do not breathe freely over their work, but shuffle and stumble over their difficulties in a piteous manner; nor are they themselves again until they return to the pure and open fields of science.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Factoring in these emissions, Indonesia had quickly become the world’s third-leading producer of carbon emissions that scientists believe are responsible for global warming, ranked after the United States and China, according to a study released in December by researchers from Wetlands International and Delft Hydraulics, both in the Netherlands. “It was shocking and totally smashed all the good reasons we initially went into palm oil,” said Alex Kaat, a spokesman for Wetlands, a conservation group. Biofuals, long a cornerstone of the quest for greener energy, may sometimes create more harmful emissions than fossil fuels, scientific studies are finding. As a result, politicians in many countries are rethinking the billions of dollars in subsidies that have indiscriminately supported the spread of all of these supposedly eco-friendly fuels for vehicles and factories. The 2003 European Union Biofuels Directive, which demands that all member states aim to have 5.75 percent of transportation run by biofuel in 2010, is now under review.