How a New Report Suggests a Radical Change in Clothing Consumption

  • A new report suggests radical changes in clothing consumption.
  • The report recommends leasing clothes and buying durable clothing.
  • It also highlights the benefits of synthetic fabrics and air-drying clothes.
  • ベストアンサー


It is hard to imagine how customers who rush after trends, or the stores that serve them, will respond to the report’s suggestions: that people lease clothes and return them at the end of a month or a season, so the garments can be lent again to someone else — like library books — and that they buy more expensive and durable clothing that can be worn for years. Perhups surprisingly , the report highlights the benefits of synthetic fabrics they require less hot water to wash and less ironing. It suggests that consumers air-dry clothes and throw away their tumble dryers, which require huge amounts of energy.

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

以下のとおりお答えします。(Perhupsは、Perhapsの誤植と見なして訳しました。) 流行品やそれを扱うお店に殺到する顧客が、報告書の提案にどのように反応するかを想像するのは難しいことです。(その提案とは)すなわち(*)、人々が衣服をリースし、月末とか季節末にそれを返却すると、その衣類をまた誰か他の人に ―図書館の本のように― 貸し出すことができるので、人々は数年間着用することができるような、より高価でより長持ちする衣類を買うことになる、というわけです。 (*)原文...suggestions: that... の中のコロン(:)を、「すなわち」と訳しました。 おそらく驚くでしょうが、報告書は合成繊維の要求する利点を強調しています。洗う際にお湯をより少なくし、アイロンがけをより減らせることです。報告書は、消費者が衣服を空気乾燥することと、回転式乾燥機を捨てることを推奨しています。それは大きなエネルギー量を必要とするからです。 以上、ご回答まで。




その他の回答 (3)

  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

すみません。一か所まちがえました。 air-dryは自然乾燥です。最後の部分は、乾燥機をつかわず、自然乾燥をすることでエネルギーの節約になるといっていて、文章全体は、エコない服生活についてのみっつの提案のようです。

  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

全文訳すほとのものでもないとおもうので大意だけ 流行をおいかける客や、その客に商品を提供するショップに対して、はやりの衣装を一か月などあるいは季節などに限定して貸し出し、戻ってきたら別の客にかすというサービスについての提案があった。そのようにすれば、浮いたお金で、しっかりした何年もきられる質のよい商品がきられるというわけだ。 またレポーターは、化繊の洋服は、熱湯であらわなくてもいいし、アイロンもかけなくていいので、ドライクリーニングでよく、そうすれば乾燥機をまわす必要がないので、エネルギーの節約になるということだ。 みたいなことがかいてあります。

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

最初の段落についてはQ.8582376の最後の段落と同じものなので割愛いたします。 ひょっとして(読み手にとっては)驚きかもしれないが、そのレポートは合成繊維の利点を強調している。なぜなら合成繊維は洗濯に使うお湯が少なくてすみ、アイロンがけも少なくするからだ。レポートは消費者が衣類を空気乾燥で乾かし、莫大な量のエネルギーを消費するタンブル(回転式)乾燥機を捨てることを提案している。


  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The $1 trillion global textile industry must become eco-conscious, the report concludes. It explores how to develop more “sustainable clothing” — a seeming oxymoron in a world where fashions change every few months. “Hmmm,” said Sally Neild, 44, dressed in casual chic, ー jeans and boots, as she pondered the idea , shopping bags in hand. “People now think a lot about green travel and green food. But I think we are a long way from there in terms of clothes. People are mad about those stores.” It is hard to imagine how customers who rush after trends, or the stores that serve them, will respond to the report’s suggestions: that people lease clothes and return them at the end of a month or a season, so the garments can be lent again to someone else — like library books — and that they buy more expensive and durable clothing that can be worn for years.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    And while many people have grown accustomed to recycling cans, bottles and newspapers, used clothes are generally thrown away. Britons on average discard about 65 pounds , or 30 kilograms, of clothing and textiles a year. Only an eight of that goes to charities for reuse. “In a wealthy society, clothing and textiles are bought as much for fashion as for function,” the report says, and that means that clothes are replaced “before the end of their natural life.” Julian Allwood, who led a team of environmental researchers in conducting the report, noted in an interview that it is now easier for British consumers to toss unwanted clothes than to take them to a recycling center, and easier to throw clothes into the hamper for a quick machine wash and dry than to sponge off stains. He hopes his report will educate shoppers about the costs to the environment, so that they change their behavior. There are many examples of how changing consumer priorities have forced even the most staid retailers to alter the way they do business.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    In their efforts to "buy green",customers tend to focus on packaging and chemicals, issues that do not factor in with clothing. Likewise, they purchase “natural” fibers like cotton, believing they are good for the environment. But that is not always the case: while " organic "cotton is exemplary in the way it avoids pesticides, cotton garments squander energy because they must be washed frequently at high temperatures, and generally require tumble-drying and ironing. Sixty percent of the carbon emissions generated by a simple cotton T-shirt comes from the 25 washes and machine dryings it will require, the Cambridge study found. A synthetic blouse, in contrast, takes more energy to make, since synthetic fabrics must be processed from materials like wood and oil. But upkeep is far more fuel-efficient, since synthetic fiber clean more easily and dry faster. Over a lifetime, a synthenic blouse uses less energy than a cotton T-shirt. One way to change the balance would be to develop technology to treat cotton so that it did not absorb odors so readily. "Reducing" washing temperature has a huge impact,” Allwood said.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    With rainbow piles of sweaters and T-shirts that often cost less than a sandwich stores like Primark are leders in the quick-growing ''fast clothes'' industry, selling low-cost garments that can be used and discarded without a second thought .Costomers, especially teenagers ,love the concept,pioneered also by stores like Old Navy and Target in the United States ,since it allows them to shift styles with speed on a low budjet.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The diffculties and disputes which attended the first revival of science have recurred in the present century in consequence of the growth of geology. It is in truth only the old question over again-precisely the same point of theology which is involved, although the difficulties which present themselves are fresh. The school books of the present day, while they teach the child that the earth moves, yet [they] assure him that it is a little less than six thousand years old and that it was made in six days. On the other hand, geologists of all religious creeds are agreed that the earth has existed for an immense series of years-to be [to be=it should be] counted by millions rather than by thousands:and that indubitably more than six days elapsed from its first creation to the appearance of man upon its surface. By this broad discrepancy between old and doctrine is the modern mind startled, as were the men of the sixteenth century [startled] when [they were] told that the earth moved.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    It is refreshing to return to the often-echoed remark, that it could not have been the object of a Divine revelation to instruct mankind in physical science, man having had faculties bestowed upon him to enable him to acquire this knowledge by himself. This is in fact pretty generally admitted; but in the application of the doctrine, writers play at fast and loose with it according to circumstances. Thus an inspired writer may be permitted to allude to the phenomena of nature according to the vulgar view of such things, without impeachment of his better knowledge; but if he speaks of the same phenomena assertively, we are bound to suppose that things are as he represents them, however much our knowledge of nature may be disposed to recalcitrate. But if we find a difficulty in admitting that such misrepresentations can find a place in revelation, the difficulty lies in our having previously assumed what a Divine revelation ought to be. If God made use of imperfectly informed men to lay the foundations of that higher knowledge for which the human race was destined, is it wonderful that they should have committed themselves to assertions not in accordance with facts, although they may have believed them to be true? On what grounds has the popular notion of Divine revelation been built up? Is it not plain that the plan of Providence for the education of man is a progressive one, and as imperfect men have been used as the agents for teaching mankind, is it not to be expected that their teachings should be partial and, to some extent, erroneous? Admitted, as it is, that physical science is not what the Hebrew writers, for the most part, profess to convey, at any rate, that it is not on account of the communication of such knowledge that we attach any value to their writings, why should we hesitate to recognise their fallibility on this head?

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    In truth,however,if we refer to the plans of conciliation proposed,we find them at variance with each other and mutually destructive.The conciliators are not agreed among themselves,and each holds the views of the other to be untenable and unsafe, The ground is perpetually being shifted as the advance of geological science may require.The plain meaning of the Hebrew record is unscrupulously tampered with,in general the pith of the whole process lies in divesting the text of all meaning whatever.We are told that,Scripture not being designed to teach us natural philosophy,it is in vain to attempt to make out a cosmogony from its statements. If the first chapter of Genesis conveys to us no information concerning the origin of the world, it's statements can't indeed be contradicted by modern discovery.But it is absurd to call this harmony. Statements such as that above quoted are,we conceive, little calculated to be serviceable to the interests of theology ,still less to religion and morality .

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    In one respect the theory of Hugh Miller agrees with that advocated by Dr. Buckland and Archdeacon Pratt. Both these theories divest the Mosaic narrative of real accordance with fact; both assume that appearances only, not facts, are described, and that in riddles, which would never have been suspected to be such, had we not arrived at the truth from other sources. It would be difficult for controversialists to cede more completely the point in dispute, or to admit more explicitly that the Mosaic narrative does not represent correctly the history of the universe up to the time of man. At the same time, the upholders of each theory see insuperable objections in details to that of their allies, and do not pretend to any firm faith in their own. How can it be otherwise when the task proposed is to evade the plain meaning of language, and to introduce obscurity into one of the simplest stories ever told, for the sake of making it accord with the complex system of the universe which modern science has unfolded? The spectacle of able and, we doubt not, conscientious writers engaged in attempting the impossible is painful and humiliating. They evidently do not breathe freely over their work, but shuffle and stumble over their difficulties in a piteous manner; nor are they themselves again until they return to the pure and open fields of science.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Now assuredly we have here a most important issue, and as it is one the discussion of which will constitute a large element of my work, it is perhaps desirable that I should state at the outset the manner in which I propose to deal with it . The question, then, as to whether or not human intelli gence has been evolved from animal intelligence can only be dealt with scientifically by comparing the one with the other, in order to ascertain the points wherein they agree and the points wherein they differ. Now there can be no doubt that when this is done, the difference between the mental faculties of the most intelligent animal and the mental faculties of the lowest savage[savage=wild beast] is seen to be so vast, that the hypothesis of their being so nearly allied as Mr. Darwin's teaching implies, appears at first sight absurd. And, indeed, it is not until we have become convinced that the theory of Evolution can alone afford an explanation of the facts of human anatomy that we are prepared to seek for a similar explanation of the facts of human psychology. But wide as is the difference between the mind of a man and the mind of a brute, we must remember that the question is one, not as to degree, but as to kind ; and therefore that our task, as serious enquirers after truth, is calmly and honestly to examine the character of the difference which is presented, in order to determine whether it is really beyond the bounds of rational credibility that the enormous interval which now separates these two divisions of mind can ever have been bridged over, by numberless inter mediate gradations, during the untold ages of the past.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    We pass to the account of the creation contained in the Hebrew record. And it must be observed that in reality two distinct accounts are given us in the book of Genesis, one being comprised in the first chapter and the first three verses of the second, the other commencing at the fourth verse of the second chapter and continuing till the end. This is so philologically certain that it were useless to ignore it. But even those who may be inclined to contest the fact that we have here the productions of two different writers, will admit that the account beginning at the first verse of the first chapter, and ending at the third verse of the second, is a complete whole in itself. And to this narrative, in order not to complicate the subject unnecessarily, we intend to confine ourselves. It will sufficient for our purpose to enquire, whether this account can be shown to be in accordance with our astronomical and geological knowledge. And for the right understanding of it the whole must be set out, so that the various parts may be taken in connexion with one another.