• ベストアンサー



  • Harry721
  • ベストアンサー率36% (690/1870)

別に「of」でも使えると思います。 「with」を使っているのは「所属」のニュアンスを強調したかったのでしょう。 「~に属する~」ということで会社や団体の一員を表現したい場合に使います。 「of」にも「所属」の意味はありますから、この用法もあります。 辞書でofとwithの用例を見ればどちらでもいいことが分かると思います。





  • Assignment of delegations (UCC)

    米国法からです。解釈の仕方について戸惑っています。 On April 1, Neptune Fisheries contracted in writing with West markets to deliver to West 3,000 pounds of lobsters at $4.00 a pound. Delivery of the lobsters was due May 1 with payment due June 1.On April 4, Neptune entered into a contract with Deep Sea Farms which provided: ゛Neptune Fisheries assigns all the right under the contract with West Markets dated April 1 to Deep Sea Farms." The April 4 contract was an assignment of rights and a delegation of duties by Neptune. ここで質問なのですが、この場合のAssignment of dutiesは理解できます。lobsterを売ってお金を受け取る 権利があるからです。一方Assignment of delegationsなんですが、これはlobsterを売らなければならないからでしょうか。

  • 英語長文の読解

    With the stressful lives many of us lead, getting everyone up a half-hour, or even an hour earlier, may seem too high a price to pay. という文があるのですがmay seemの主語がわかりません。 getting everyone up a half-hour, or even an hour earlierという文がカンマの中にあるから挿入句だと思っていたのですが、with+名詞は主語にならないのでこのカンマの中はwithから始まる文の修飾にならないと聞いたので余計わからないです。may seemの主語ともしこの文に挿入句がない場合、カンマが何を示しているのかを教えてください。長文失礼しました。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Intensive hand-to-hand fighting commenced, with both sides taking massive losses. Surrounded, Austro-Hungarian forces were forced to retreat, on the line east of Gorizia, giving Italian forces control of the heavily damaged town.Both sides had taken massive losses, with an estimated of more than 20,000 soldiers killed or missing. Although victorious, Italian losses were much greater than those of the Austro-Hungarians, with around 5,000 of their soldiers killed. This was largely due to the frontal assaults on Austrian positions, which were superior to that of the Italians. Italian generals were eager to crush Austro-Hungarian forces in the area, with the intent of going as far as Ljubljana.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    British casualties amounted to 4,000; 523 killed, 2932 wounded and over 512 missing, including five officers and 241 other ranks known to be prisoners. These were mainly from the 53rd (Welsh) Division and the 161st (Essex) Brigade of the 54th (East Anglian) Division. The Ottoman Army forces suffered a total of 2,447 casualties. Of these, 16 Germans and Austrians were killed or wounded, 41 being reported missing, and 1,370 Ottoman soldiers were killed or wounded with 1,020 missing. According to Cemal Pasha, Ottoman losses amounted to less than 300 men killed, 750 wounded, and 600 missing. The Anzac Mounted Division suffered six killed, 43 or 46 wounded, and two missing, while the Imperial Mounted Division suffered 37 casualties. Both Murray and Dobell portrayed the battle as a success, Murray sending the following message to the War Office on 28 March: "We have advanced our troops a distance of fifteen miles from Rafa to the Wadi Ghuzzee, five miles west of Gaza, to cover the construction of the railway. On the 26th and 27th we were heavily engaged east of Gaza with a force of about 20,000 of the enemy. We inflicted very heavy losses upon him ... All troops behaved splendidly."

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Second Battle of Cobadin was a battle fought from 19 to 25 October 1916 between the Central Powers, chiefly the Bulgarian Third Army and the Entente, represented by the Russo - Romanian Army of the Dobrogea. The battle ended in decisive victory for the Central Powers and the occupation of the strategic port of Constanţa and capture of the railway between that city and Cernavodă.Despite the loss of most of Dobruja to the Central Powers, the Romanian defensive victory at Tulcea in January 1917, combined with the actions of the Romanian cruiser Elisabeta at the mouths of the Danube, ensured Romanian control over the entire Danube Delta throughout the rest of the War.

  • この英字新聞を訳してください><

    この英字新聞を訳してください>< 翻訳サイトの結果を そのまま張るのはおやめください。 (4)The megamergers also cut the number of municipal heads, executive officials and assembly members by about \120 billion in annual local government expenditures. (5)Ten years from now, such spending cuts are projected to reach \1.8 trillion per year, due to reduced numbers of local government employees, combined with the integration and abolition of municipal-run facilities, the ministry said. (6)Nagasaki Prefecture is ranked first in the percentage of local governments that have integrated under the central government initiative. The number of cities, towns and villages has declined from 79 to 21, with villages in the prefecture eliminated entirely. In Hiroshima Prefecture, the number of municipalities has fallen from 86 to 23, and in Niigata Prefecture, from 112 to 30.

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です But after a three-hour long talk with Hamas officials earlier in the day and photos circulating of the ex-US president being embraced by a Hamas official, Mr. Carter seemed to have whole-hearted support by the mostly Arab audience he spoke to. (1) circulating of について これはどういう使われ方なのでしょうか? circulating of…で…として循環(広まって?)いる、というような意味にでもなるのでしょうか?もしそうならofではなくasなどのように思えますしofでこのような意味になるかどうかがいまいちわかりません。。 (2)またこのand photosはどこに繋がるのでしょうか? and~Hamas official, までがなくても意味がわかるのでどこに繋がるのかがよくわかりません。。。 久しぶりの質問ですがお願いします。。。

  • 英語の添削をお願いします!

    こんにちは 自分で出来る限り英訳してみましたが 正しいか間違っているか… 英文の添削をお願いします。 (1)道路事情・天候により遅れる場合があります。   -Bus may not be on time due to the road condition and/or weather.   -Bus may not be on time due to weather and/or road conditions.   -Bus may not be on time due to inclement weather and/or poor road conditions. (2)帰りの○○駅接続は余裕を持った便をお取りください。   -Should you catch a connecting train at ○○ station on your way home, please be sure to allow an ample time by taking an earlier bus.   -Please allow ample time for transfers to other modes of transportation.   -Please allow enough time for transfer to the other modes of transports. (3)臨時列車については各駅にお問合せ下さい。   -Make an inquiry at your railway station about special trains (4)運転日注意○○~○○間の運転日については、駅係員にお尋ねください。   -Days of Operation: Make an inquiry about the scheduled days of special trains at your JR station. どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Despite heavy casualties, some 250,000 men, which were almost one third of the manpower mobilized in August 1916, and losses of combat material, the Romanian Army was still a force taken into consideration by allies and enemies alike and capable to offer resistance to further attacks. Before retreating, Romanian troops burned down the oil wells at Ploiești along with the surrounding wheat fields so as to keep them out of the hands of the Central Powers. Bucharest was eventually liberated after the Central Powers' surrender in 1918.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The Belgian army was to be massed in central Belgium, in front of the National redoubt of Belgium, ready to face any border, while the Fortified Position of Liège and Fortified Position of Namur were left to secure the frontiers. On mobilization, the King became Commander-in-Chief and chose where the army was to concentrate. Amid the disruption of the new rearmament plan, disorganised and poorly trained Belgian soldiers would benefit from a central position to delay contact with an invader but it would also need fortifications for defence, which were on the frontier. A school of thought wanted a return to a frontier deployment, in line with French theories of the offensive. Belgian plans became a compromise, in which the field army concentrated behind the Gete river, with two divisions further forward at Liège and Namur.