• ベストアンサー

put away wet


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

ここに詳しく書いてあります。 http://www.wisegeek.com/what-does-rode-hard-and-put-away-wet-mean.htm 乗馬から来た言葉で、さんざん乗り回された挙句、ちゃんと面倒を見てもらわずにほったらかしにされた馬の状態を現しています。散々こき使われて、その後ちゃんとケアしてもらっていない、大事にされていない状態を表すこともあれば、思いっきり働いて大汗を書いていてまだ落ち着いていない状態を表すこともあるようです。





  • "put the letter away"は「手紙を出す」という訳?

    Your office needs to rent a video camera for one month.You need a small machine that produces a professinal quality image.Write to Photofinish Ltd. and ask them if they rent machines like that and the price.Write a full business letter,with names,address,etc.(Invent any details you need.) When you have finished,put the letter away until the end of this section. の最後の"put the letter away"は「手紙を出す」という訳でいいのでしょうか? 辞書にはそのようは意味は無いのですが。。 いかがでしょうか?

  • run away

    My 18-year-old granddaughter ran away twice last year. She's now living with her boyfriend and refuses to have any contact with her dad. ran awayは「家出した」でしょうか「駆け落ちした」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • brain starts to trigger away

    i guess i have faced some similar problem like hers. like when you get to sleep, it seems like you are suffocating and your brain starts to trigger away... my whole body seems to stuck to the bed and i can only twitch my eyes and nothing else.. no movement no nothing. but this all stopped after i received enough sleep. tell her to turn in early today and to have enough sleep! 上記は金縛りについて書いていると解釈しました。your brain starts to trigger awayの部分はどのような訳になりますでしょうか?

  • awayがわかりません 英訳お願いします。

    daughter and I are going down to see my brother next month and he is 16 hours away in North Carolina. I am so excited. My husband will be going on his own vacation to Pennsylvania to see his family and they are 8 hours from where we are. 娘と私は来月、私の兄弟に会うことに決めた。 彼は16時間ノースカロライナを留守にする? (このあたりがわかりません。) 私はとても楽しみだ。 主人は彼の休暇が始まったらPennsylvania に彼の家族に会いに行く。 彼らは私たちのところから8時間かかるところにいる。 といった内容なんでしょうか? 英訳、よろしくお願いします。

  • put について(put on と put in)

    読売新聞のサイトで五輪サッカーの記事を読んでいたところ、ちょっと気に掛かった表現があったので、質問します。 いずれも put を含むもので、簡単そうで難しい文章だと思いました。 引用1: The U.S. in particular seemed to struggle with the climate, unable to put on much of a running game. But while the Japanese huffed and puffed for possession, it was the Americans who would score moments after halftime. 質問: ここで、"put on much of a running game"という部分が、なんとなく理解しづらいのですが、どういう構造&意味なんでしょうか? 直前の climate を修飾しているのでしょうか? それとも seemed の「補語」なんでしょうか? 引用2: "My boys put in a real hard fight and I am proud of them. We still have a lot of improving to do, but we did some things very well tonight. " 質問: ここでの put in a real hard fight が微妙に理解しづらいのですが、どういう意味でしょう? 以上宜しく、ご教授お願いします。

  • put the top on my can

    put the top on my can "I turned back out to the pasture, closed the barn door, put the top on my can and walked back to the store." ここの文にあるout toの意味と、put the top on my canの意味を教えてください!

  • You get out what you put in, as the

    You get out what you put in, as they say.の意味がわかりません。どう言う意味か教えて頂けますか、下記文の最後に出てきます。宜しくお願い致します。 Do you have to work long hours? Yes. I have to work a long day. I start at 7 in the morning and often do not leave the office before 7 at night. You must be very busy. What do you do? I am in the field of financial management. We look after people's money for them. Even though I do not like my job, I do not think I would like to work 12 hours a day. To be successful you have to work hard. You get out what you put in, as they say.

  • 下記英文について質問があります。(1)

    How much did „your own thing“ benefit from your work as a session musician? セッションミュージシャンとしての仕事は、あなた自身の作品(own thing)に対してどのくらいの結果(benefit)をもたらしましたか? Well, I think it’s always great to collaborate with other artists, because it almost always pushes me to try something I haven’t tried before, or even thought of before. But when it comes to my own music and compositions, I’m not sure if I bring much of my session work into them. Then again, working as a session musician definitely helped me develop a little bit of confidence on some instruments. When you’re put on the spot like that, and you have to come up with something, it can be stressful ... And over time it slowly gets easier and easier, and depending on the instrument and the music, sometimes nowadays I might not even think about it at all. I just start playing. So for better or worse, I’m slowly learning to trust my own musicianship. 途中のwhen you’re put on the spot…辺りからどうも何を言いたいのかがわかりません。訳を教えてください。

  • 洋楽で、Everything But The Girl のCome O

    洋楽で、Everything But The Girl のCome On Home です。 和訳をお願いいたします! Baby come home, I miss the sound of the door Your step on the stair's not there to wake me no more And every day's like Christmas Day without you It's cold and there's nothing to do And it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone I've been behaving myself for too long 'Cause I don't like sleeping Or watching TV on my own So please come on home Baby, what's keeping you all this time You're wasting your days out there in the sunshine And who can I turn to if you believe still That England don't love you and she never will For it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone And I've been behaving myself for too long I don't like drinking or painting the town on my own So please come on home Baby come on home Please For it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone And I've been behaving myself for too long 'Cause I don't like sleeping Or watching TV on my own So please come on home

  • Everything But The Girl のCome On Ho

    Everything But The Girl のCome On Home です。 和訳をお願いいたします! Baby come home, I miss the sound of the door Your step on the stair's not there to wake me no more And every day's like Christmas Day without you It's cold and there's nothing to do And it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone I've been behaving myself for too long 'Cause I don't like sleeping Or watching TV on my own So please come on home Baby, what's keeping you all this time You're wasting your days out there in the sunshine And who can I turn to if you believe still That England don't love you and she never will For it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone And I've been behaving myself for too long I don't like drinking or painting the town on my own So please come on home Baby come on home Please For it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone And I've been behaving myself for too long 'Cause I don't like sleeping Or watching TV on my own So please come on home